Damage Creep is NOT a Problem [for the Devs]

PvP or Pve?

I keep feeling like I want to do more PvE fortnite, but they kinda abandoned it.

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I’m mostly pve. Always have been.

But I’ve been farming PvP since the locker room changes

I’m a weirdo with a “this don’t look right” fetish and loooove making the soldier models builders or outlanders.

Plus you can use other models so I’m very excited to make my Aquaman outlander and Harley Quinn builder :joy::joy:

I got to end game with the constructor, and they gave them that awful turret, and I left :wink:

God damn, I hate that turret.

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Idk …I don’t like the turret but

The “make your own hero” thing is my fave

I loooove my frosty builder. Omg.

Just…being a walking tank and turning my base into mei’s frozen nightmare is like…my pride and joy :joy::joy::joy:

Turret is so useless tho. Idk why builders couldn’t get…idk…something building related? Lol

But I also hate some soldier stuff… Like… Reloads are amendable in game…why do I care is it’s a perk? :neutral_face:

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All they need to do to get a DPS oriented meta is revert the Mei nerfs. She warped the meta around her by hard countering the tanks and controlling spaces through wall, primary fire CC, AoE CC ult and self sustain. She was meta with Orisa before Sigma, with Sigma and then with Rein/Dva because Orisa was nerfed to oblivion. The picks revolved around surviving a Mei engagement and the winner of a TF was the better Wall.

Mei was then nerfed and only then off meta she went.

Furthermore tanks control the meta the cause they control space and Iver you win by controlling space, therefore tanks are just more impactful to you winning changes. DPS that do control space end up being balance nightmares, like the aforementioned Mei and her tank like qualities.

The thing is, for a DPS to be meta-warping, they need to be undeniably broken, because their kits don’t generally favour objective control. When DPS are meta warping, it means they’re doing the job of 2 tanks supporting one another plus their own damage dealing tasks.

So if devs want a DPS oriented meta, they could just revert the Mei nerfs and make every tank player more stressed than Sam atop Mount Doom when Frodo puts the One Ring.

If that’s the plan, good luck, it’s not gonna help anybody and makes 1-3-2 or even 4-1-1 an eventuality as queue times not only fail to improve and even deteriorate further because who the fork is gonna volunteer to be crapped on?

Truth is this game is being held hostage. Either make it fun for tank players or rework the game from the ground up. It’s why we got 2-2-2 despite being a massive negative in queue times for DPS, CC nerfs, Sombra nerfs and why they won’t be buffed any time soon. And neither will Reaper nor Mei despite falling off hard from their meta rates. It’s why Orisa got 11 damage back faster than Genji saying “give me nano” and Dva - although having high ladder and OWL pick rates - gets buffed. You go girl, have some mobility and missile buffs, atop of that 1s DM and 4s boosters, you little filthy gamer. She may bring Dive back, if anyone is gonna make dive work today, it’s the South Korean waifu.

All that, or they could just make a game mode that isn’t space based. Seems like the best alternative. Win-win. Rush doesn’t look like it goes there I’m afraid. How that detail escaped the planning phase is beyond me.

Well…I kind of talk about this.

It’s not about just dps. It’s specific dps.

That I seem…“shiny”

No dps wants a junkrat symm meta.

I definitely think this is a fair point.

That as long as the game is objective based, the most reliable form to do this, is tanks

Well, imo, it would be a much different and more successful thing to have it kill based. Not battle royal, but rumble.

More akin to deathmatch.

Doesn’t have to be deathmatch or this game turns into COD/Valorant bullcrap. I think Tower Offense could work quite nicely.

I don’t think any role is showing signs of power creep. I do however think Genji needs nerfs and 1/4 of the roster needs buffs.

Dear god this was a very very lengthy way to say “They are intentionally pushing damage creep to create a dps centric meta”. I mean jesus christ, you owe me for reading through all that.

Beyblade and immortal bastion and let’s not pretend Tracer was not irreplaceable in dive. In fact the triple tank meta, the OG one with Ana is also referred to as the nano visor meta, we still remember that soldier melted tanks and had to be nerfed for it to 17 damage per bullet from 20.

Sure it isn’t. Just have everyone deal 200 dmg per random shot. What could go wrong.

I say it in the first 4 paragraphs.


What…is this for me?

You were getting to it but you kind of went of on a tangent before you arrived at the point. Thought I’d argue some of the things in your post, you’re still right in the end, they want a dps centric meta and by god they will push it even if they have to go nuclear. I mean we saw the hail mary balance patch that gave 4 buffs to genji and 3 nerfs to Brig.

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as a fellow console player, OG ironclad bastion only lasted 2 whole days and absolutely wrecked in high plat/low diamond. I hated the discussion with my dps like 2 hours into the new season, “Oh, are we going bastion?”

“lol bastion? why?” (picks scatter hanzo on hollywood accompanied by a Junk before 2 mines)

Those, those were famous last words. And they haunt me.

Number 2: i s2g if you’ve spoken this great evil into existence I’m having so many words with you. You’ve doomed us all. I cant fight you in a 1v1 because blizz wont grant us cross platform capabilities and I suck at DPS but Mark my Words.

If damage creep is not a problem, then why is every meta defaulting to “try your best to survive the insane amount of damage by any means necessary”

It was frankly a clickbaity title, more/less their point was to suggest that there’s gonna keep being power creep into the category until a meta defined by DPS itself (as in the tank/support line out dont matter), which is a horrifying concept.

I might be cursed as …well tbh I’ve been on a roll with balance foresight but …

I… I mean they said they would do first :frowning::frowning::frowning: I’m just interpreting

That’s not what I’m saying…I’m saying:

Damage creep is something caused by mass sustain and/or damage prevention. Every single major meta was built on it.

GOATs was so good because there was a ton of sustain in the game that allowed tanks to essentially become big DPS

Double Shield was built on damage prevention. Sustain is what keeps it meta atm because supports can keep their tanks alive long enough for them to get their shields back.

The reason damage is being buffed is because that is how you counteract mass sustain.

Kind of a crazy thought when 2/2/2 is now forced on us, so we’ll always have every role and their synergies together.

I suppose I can see where they’re coming from in that regard though. People just don’t seem to realize that tanks and supports are picked in relation to the meta dps just the same. Like goats, was ran 'cause of double sniper. More recently brig, was ran for overheal against mccree/ashe. In dive, Zen, was ran to Trance blade and coordinate discord with dps.

I suppose that can be said for how the devs are handling balance in relation to pro players and high tiers who really don’t care to understand why things are being played the way they are.

They’re not denying the numerical reality of power creep. They’re saying blizz dont care until dps have their sparkly meta defining moment. Unfortunately it’s a cast of 17 heroes with a decent amount of overlap and therefore no ~meta~ aside from like, theoretically double sniper (which was considered a widely joke comp “too many snipers” >picks ana until hanzos rework and quickly devolved into grav dragon (again defined by a tank, Zarya)) Or the OWL’s use of Reaper/Mei, in what most gamars, if you will, considered the continuation of GOATS rather than a DPS defined meta (Mei’s ice wall being a great space making ability!)