D.va nerf is bad

What the hell overwatch? Where are the rein and zarya nerfs? On ladder they are out performing d.va and picked more than her. Are we now only balancing to cater to 200 players in the owl over the millions of players on ladder? Of course we are…

“But d.va is in every meta…” bs the last meta was grav dragon. With rein and zarya. There was no d.va in that.

D.va is a quick paced hero now with a even slower clunky defense matrix she’s even more of a feeder bot. That’s just going to get deleted by everything. 2 seconds is way to long… I’m dissapointed with blizzard


Meh, it’s a good change even without the whole GOATS/meta context. Minor latency (which we all have to play with) makes it effectively impossible for opponents to take advantage of the defense matrix cooldown, and it’s always better for things to have counterplay.

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It’s really not. Only people that couldn’t play around dm. Are people that stupidly through their ult at the d.va


DM doesn’t only block ultimates. It blocks… most things.

So does shields and bubbles


Don’t really see an issue as she is now. You can melt D.va wither her DM now. Especially as soldier.


And shields and bubbles have a clear windows where they’re active/inactive.

I think soldier just needs buffs in general. He’s lacking with all the burst in game.


If they were Reinhardt and Zarya would’ve been gutted by now. The difference is that nobody really complains about Rein and Zarya (well, Zarya at least), and plenty of people have complained about D.va. Thus D.va got nerfed and the other two didn’t.

Oh so they lied again? Werk.
Someone lmk how this feels, I’m away from comp for a while. Inviting lumin.


All i want for him to change is to have his healing start instantly. I have died so many times waiting for the biotic to heal, only to die because it did nothing.

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i think you will see a lot of soldier when this goes live even without buffs :wink:

What nerfs, they don’t need nerfs. Why is it so hard for you guys to except this truth, D.va is the tank for Goats and her DM render tank busters near useless.


They’ll never nerf Rein because the pro’s need their rectangle to stand there for them. Every other tank or hero they’re not that interested in playing can rot for all they, and by extension the devs, care.


Whatever idec anymore :roll_eyes:
This on top of Armor… What’s there to even say.


While I’m here: doubling the cooldown to the entire duration of its uptime sounds awful on paper. What the heck. Can’t wait to see how this goes.


That would be nice change. I honestly think it wouldn’t be the worst if they upped his damage slightly

the pros will use winston after these changes though did you not read the patchnotes?

D.va had it coming, really.

In owl d.va has the high pickrate out of everyone. which is why I say it