D.Va needs a rework

Also still not sure what your point was at all.

Again, I’m just trying to understand why you might have brought this up. That she’s oppressive now? That she was ever as OP as mercy? I’m just wondering fam

Do we need to balance a game around 0.0000000001% of the playerbase?

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Fam, Most picked in every tier means she works in every situation pretty much regardless of skill or comp.

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Give sombra nerfs pls

That is not the cut and dry rule at all. Especially in lower ranks.
This also doesn’t make her oppressive; it makes her a generalist


If you won’t provide stats to back yourself, there’s no point furthering this with you.
My post was initially about how D.va and by extent Moira, was where Mercy once was in terms of pickrate across the board. If you don’t like the data I provided from Kaplan himself, then that’s not on me.
Hope you find what you’re looking for someday x.

But they were never remotely as oppressive (and Moira was never especially good) as mercy. Yes, D.Va had a higher pickrate once. I don’t particularly feel anything towards your stats. I’m not denying them. Like, I’m not trying to be rude and I’m just trying to understand why you’d reply this to a statement saying D.Va doesn’t feel oppressive as I inferred you were implying she’s oppressive. Sorry if that wasn’t your reason. Thanks for the… Tone, I guess. have a good night, then.


Instead of asking to ruin heroes that are fine, instead, ask to fix actually broken or half-baked heroes.

I can only see this topic and in-favor responses as an attempt to make some joke or to include D.Va in all the “x needs y” topics.


At this point if we do get d.va 7.0 we better get a new animated short showing how it happened!!!


Why should we balance around a hand full of players and ruin a hero for the other 99%? Dva is totally fine right now.


D.va being a generalist and having the ability to work in every comp is the exact reason she should NOT be nerfed. D.VA is the tank answer to Tracer in DPS and Zen in Support. Characters that balance evolves around but shouldnt really need to be touched.

Shes just finely tuned (not overtuned) in comparison to tanks like Rein who because of their playstyle and/or bugs they are not always effective.


Y’all leave D.va alone.


…and people were complaining that everyone DPS and noone tanks :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


because dva is an off tank

off tank is short for offensive tank as explained in the 2nd definition below. the DM comment is a nice meme i like it.

causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry.
“the allegations made are deeply offensive to us”
synonyms: insulting, insolent, derogatory, disrespectful, hurtful, wounding, abusive; More
actively aggressive; attacking.
“offensive operations against the insurgents”
synonyms: hostile, attacking, aggressive, invading, incursive, combative, belligerent, on the attack
“an offensive air strike”

i like seeing your comments on here.

it gives me faith seeing a mercy in world of hanzo and genjis.

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Shows D.Va pickrate on the pro scene
Forgets to show her pickrate in the ladder, where Zarya is picked just as much (and also has a better winrate)

Can we stop reworking heroes just for the sake of reworking ? D.Va is already weaker than Zarya in Zarya’s niche, so it’s fine, only Roadhog needs changes.


Short question.

D.Va is “OP” in an e-sport, where everyone train more than 8h a day, right? And thats not because she is the only off-tank hero with a movment skill, right?
Dont forget that Hammond is new and we dont know how he turn out.

But everyone who complain that there are no counters vs D.Va, git gud.
Sure not everyone can play DPS, but with Hanzo and his low skill floor and ceiling you all have a hero to counter D.Va. And the argument that D.Va eat all arrow is just meaningless. What about to just WAIT? Hanzo have his storm arrow for 4 sec, D.Va matrix least only 2 sec.
And if she shoot you with rockets, you have a dash.

But thats the cyle of the forums. After every mercy nerf it is time for “OP” D.Va to be nerfed. Good thing that Roadhog is already trash, so he cant be nerfed.

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D.Va does not need a nerf. The reason her pick rate is so high is because the tank roster is freaking tiny and she is the only one that is flexible enough for a variety of comps. We need way more tank options. Increase the number of tanks with similar abilities and her usage will go down.


Dva is the only off-tank who can reliably shield her teammates, and she’s hella fun to zoom around with. Why is anyone surprised at her high pick rate?

Her pick rate will go down when Blizzard makes another off-tank that’s more than just a meat shield.

D.va’s Nuke is a new basic ability on “F”, ultimate is basically Torb’s old Molten core, but on D.va, gives her 400 armor and doubles her weapons fire-rate.

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