D.Va is an absolute mess

i guess the devs will never learn from their mistakes :clown_face: i wonder if all games are like this?
or is their game design just one of the most problematic ones in the industry?

its weird but, a lot of times it feels like they push specific stuff they themselves only enjoy,and the rest of the stuff they added just to cater more people, is often handled poorly. or just ignored/straight up gutted if it becomes too relevant.

if they like it on the other hand, it will stay in the game for way too long (moth meta, old brig, current hanzo)

just a thought tho

Unless they gut zaryas damage more than they did in the recent patch I would never pick d’va over her.

She’s so much more rewarding to play.

Role queue is the enemy of versatility.

Jack-of-all-trades heroes were dead the second they decided to put it into effect.

D.Va is one such hero.

She does a lot of “stuff” but she does nothing, and I mean NOTHING, well, let alone doing it better than someone else. On top of that, they saddled her with a bunch of extra weaknesses that originally offset strengths she has not had in years.

But she remained popular only because she is a cute girl in a walking robot.

Can’t think of a single thing they haven’t dumpstered about this character.

Primary: nerfed
Rockets: nerfed
Boop resistance: nerfed
Boop damage: nerfed
DM: meganerfed
Armor: nerfed


Booster duration and cooldown

How about fixing D.va and Dive as a whole by nerfing Mei?

✅ Nerf Mei Frost to be a Projectile

Why does Jeff keep wearing the D.Va shirt? It’s obvious he hates her.


Honestly, I don’t know how to fix dive.
They introduced too much CC that punches through DM out of unjustified fear of DM.
Think about it: how many post launch heroes have ults that can be eaten by DM? Ashe and sort of Baptiste. How many can be fully eaten by DM? 0. They’re terrified of DM.

they need to revert the range change to DM

At the time the only thing most people were complaining about was the visibility, which was later changed. Then in the same patch they decreased the size, which no one asked for. What I am trying to state is that you could have nerfed any aspect of her and then notice a drop in performance, but that does not mean it was an issue and needed a change. You could have decreased her number of pellets, watch her drop, then claim she needed it because obviously it made her worse, which just seems disingenuous when no one cared before.


Former DVA main, 100+ hours.

The problem with DVA is she is balanced around her Defense Matrix.

The problem with that is other tanks can do that job now as well. Sigma pretty much took that spotlight.

She used to be the other Go-to Dive tank, but hammond has taken that from her as well.

She literally does not fit anywhere in any position, because other tanks have taken that from her.
She can’t even Niche` anywhere.

Not as an MT, not an OT or a FT.

You can literally hide behind payload from DVA Bomb, Sigma just lifts you off of it during OT for the win.

So how do we get DVA back into the game? The answer is she needs to be able to do something, nobody else can do.

What if DVA was much harder to be CC’ed? (Like if shes stunned, she recovers from it much faster, same with sleep, freeze, ect, and reduce her knockback, for a TANK she feels far too fragile)

What if DVA had the ability to Switch her Twin cannons into long ranged mode for a few seconds to add ranged pressure in addition to using her Micro Missiles?

You could give her a shield ability, but then that would basically make stealing from Hammond.

I feel like DVA needs to have her ultimate reworked, I never understood why her signature was literally blowing up her mech.

What if Instead of DVA bomb, it became something like Overclock?

This would allow her defense matrix to last for 5-6 seconds, at 360 degrees, this would make her a very powerful “Defense” tank and this can literally protect your entire team through enemy ults.

Instead of creating space, she protects space, like a tank should, and she would be the only tank, with this, something like that, could be game changing for someone like DVA.

Defense matrix literally should make her the PEEL tank, and the best part about it is there is counterplay by picking sombra and hacking her mech.

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how are you supposed to eat mei ults when her basic attacks are the same range as DM?

I know what you’re trying to say, and I never disputed it.

Again, I never said this.

Fully agree. By that same token, a higher up-time with its current range, might not be so bad. i.e. range is a factor, as is everything else.

Okay. Guess I had a misunderstanding earlier. Sorry.

PTR Patchnotes:
“We just noticed that we haven’t nerfed D.Vas ult yet, so we reduced its radius by 10 meters”


Maybe we can reduce flight speed to a 1% increase to move speed for fun.

Really wish I cared but what are we buffing? Even if we did buff dva none of you would dive the snipers XD

D.va doesn’t need a rework she needs to be like in HOTS.

Bunny jump as secondary skill or ult ( jump around enemies slowing them dealing max 100 damage)

D.va pilot has a dash skill so she doesn’t get killed before touching the ground after ejecting.

Speed penalty while shooting removed.

Booster speed increased by 5%
While using booster D.va gets -25% damage less.

Or if you want to keep the Penalty when she shoots then ;

D.va increases her damage until 5% while shooting non-stop.

I like your line of thinking. See: Forget dva buffs, just rework her

We get it you’re the best