Honestly, D.Va is a broken character that Blizzard doesn’t want to touch. I mean look, her “Mobility” is less than rein now…! Like what! She’s suppose to be a mobile character; her health/armor is just not enough. Her DM needs to get an other buff.
Should I keep going on? She needs a buff, a big buff soon. She’s no longer playable anymore and I want her back in the meta.
Who knew that saying “Nerf this!” 3 times a game would actually do something?
Make that 4 times a game. GG.
Her kit feels so weird compared to other characters.
Watching her de-mech, while you spam heal her is pretty frustrating too.
No need to go from one extrem to the other. If she was viable that would be good enough. However right now there is just nothing for her to do. Going on solo flank missions will just get her killed. Contesting highground will also get her killed. And Diving snipers will most likely get her killed too or just really out of position without anything actually done about the sniper except for making him reposition.
So the only thing D.Va can do right now is Ult tracking and trying to deny as many of them as possible which Sigma can do better.
As a diehard dva main I would say that you either tone down many characters or you would need to “modernise” dva’s kit. Dva’s kit is very outdated and too many other characters can brawl better than her. This begs a few questions:
- Why is she tied down by a 50% movement penalty when shooting (the worse penalty for using an ability of all the heroes?)
- Her shotgun spread is large (i.e. precise headshots are not rewarded)
- Her damage falloff starts way too early
- She is supposed to brawl and excel in cqc (close quarter combat) yet her hitbox is large and dead center
- Her micro missiles are slow, has small splash damage radius and what is the point of the ability again? (And no, a specific case of diving squishy hero X when they are alone and have no cooldowns does not count)
Now I have re-work ideas for her (in particular making her a pure flying tank) but no-one listens anyways 

- remove missiles, she doesnt need them.
- add more armor, like, a LOT more then she has right now.
- give matrix more uptime again. its uptime is way too short right now.
- maybe revert the range nerf, so that she can actually do her job again and peel?
- do something about that large crit hitbox. either make it smaller or make her only able to be critted when her armor is gone from her healthpool.
- maybe 1 sec less on booster uptime?
if they did something like this dva might not be a throw pick anymore.
right now she is just a walking ult battery, nearly impossible to heal as a support because she takes soooo much damage.
I used to debate Dva Mains here long ago S3 when Dva was OP. Where did everybody go?
I know Dva is in a bad spot now but Slate & company all disappeared.
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Delete Dva critbox
I said that a long time ago cuz even then such was a bad idea having the citbox dead center.
Revert her DM back to 1s rather than 1.5
Maybe more armor… Idk but Dva is awful easy to demech.
She needs help for sure but shes definitely playable. I personally regularly find success with her in diamond games but will never play her into reaper or mei
She just needs a bit more survivability then shes good imo
The Dva mains are not loyal.
Or maybe a lot of them had enough of the nonsense around here while they were right all along.
- Contesting snipers on highground
- “tanking” damage and abilities with matrix, 40% uptime
Those were dvas jobs and the main reason why youd want a flying tank over a barier.
Sigma now counters snipers on a shorter CD, without risk.
And in 222, her only 2s tanking ability is too short.
- Even as hitscan main, i think she needs at least 3s matrix. Its ok for counters to exist
- The new visibility of matrix is better and nice, but i also think it could use a size revert
- her mobility needs to keep up with sigmas 2s shield. I kinda like sigma now so I wouldnt make him clunkier. And Id also keep widows hook at 10 or 8s, if dva gets a better shorter fly ability and matrix.
It feels a lot better if you have something to do rather than afk for 10+ seconds till CD resets
she needs armor like orisa
Those whom I debated long ago definitely were. I am a Pharah Main so Dva during S3 was rather frustrating but now Dva is a joke.
I guess everyone quit cuz I cannot believe theres no massive uproar here on Forums.
I would only tone down her critbox and call it a day.
If it’s still not enough, then I would rework the character by replacing certain abilities and adjusting her health pool.
She is bottom 8 pick rate this week. I am pretty sure it is worse if you filter it to the last month. But yeah, basically they quit.
Well your name sounds familiar…
Unless Im going crazy after all this time passed by
Anyways I wish yall luck w/ Dva
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The only change I really want to see is the cooldown removed on DM. just let us flash it up and down like we used to. OR if you’re going to have DM on a cooldown, increase the duration & range. Dm feels useless right now and she doesn’t feel like a tank
I think all the tanks should have some passive tanking buff that improves their survivability or CC resistance. Rein already has his knockback resist.
- I would remove Dva’s head hitbox entirely for her. Let that be her special passive.
- Give 1s CD back on DM, with probably 3-4 seconds of time back if she’s goint to keep the size nerf. Keep the 2 seconds or maybe 3 if she gets her original area size back.
- Lower movement penalty on shooting to like 25-30%. There has to be some penalty for no reload. Tighten the spread a bit, slightly reduce falloff but not by a ton. With those two you wouldn’t need increased damage.
- give old boop damage back to her flight and increase flight speed very slightly.
- remove Micro Missiles to compensate nerf for all that. They don’t fit her kit at all.