D.Va has been a must pick for months. These nerfs are justified

Some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Overwatch has been playing Reinhardt and Hog. Imagine my surprise seeing that D.Va is “the only fun tank”.

D.Va mains will never know the joy of baiting out a movement ability and hooking them off a cliff, or pulling them out of a retreat. She will never know the incredible feeling of Glory and Honor you have landing a 6-man hammer down, or the meaty crunch of a rocket hammer finally nicking that pesky Tracer/Genji that’s been bugging you.

She will only know the confusion of realizing that I’m… gasp… having fun as a tank that isn’t D.Va.

EDIT: let me be clear here. I think D.Va is OP. Just because I don’t play her does not mean that I don’t think she’s powerful. When I pick Rein or Hog or some other hero I occasionally glance at D.Va and wonder if today will be the day I finally fold. That day still hasn’t come.

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Zarya and Roadhog are plenty fun, way more engaging than D.Va and test your mechanics which means it never feels boring. The only “fun” thing about D.Va is that she’s so strong it’s hard not to crush people.

That doesn’t mean it’s good game design.

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Were not talking a out bad players, we are talking about 97% of the player base. She only becomes “passable” (neutral/positive win rate, madness you have to get to diamond to see her break even) in Diamond/Master.

People are acting like the D.Va nerfs are gonna make it so the other Tanks will be played more often… Yea right. There is a reason why so many people play D.Va and not the other Tanks and it’s not because she’s OP. It’s because the other Tanks are either weak or plain un-fun to play in todays balancing. She’ll still be king until something actually real happens to the rest of the Tanks and the new hero/recent buffs to certain heroes are not going to make it any better.

The problem with threads like this is people only bases their arguments about OWL and nothing else.

Most silver/gold/plat plagues this forum believing a gold/plat D.va = Mickie .

If D.va is so picked in OWL is because she can adapts to every stage of the game if she have a huge team coordination, something that in your daily competitive games never happens until GM.

D.va outside of OWL and in our normal competitive games she is balanced and countered easily by just knowing how the game works. Nerfing 30% of her damage was insane and will bring more problems when Briggette arrives in comp in season 10, the end of tanks now will be done for all.

I’m a ex GM D.va (Season 8-9 ) and yesterday I played a couple of games against Road/Zarya/Zen/Reaper line up, literally unplayable I ended up 0-5 until I had to swap., where is the OPness in that case? D.va is good but saying she is the most OP character in the game without weakness and 100% win rate is insane.


She is a tank yes, but the last time she was defensive focused people complained that she was anti fun, or oppressive, or whatever the trigger word back then was, so they shifted her focus and made her damage oriented. Blizzard provided what the community asked for.

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Because a reasons ;

Highground targets (Mcree/Soldier/Ana/Mercy/Doomfist/Widow/Hanzo )
High mobility targets ( Tracer/Genji / Sombra / Doomfist / Moira )
Teleport - Shield generator

congratulations, your only defence is that D.va isn’t the most OP hero of all time.

real solid evidence there.

I’m actually basing this on everything but OWL.
D.Va is picked first at every rank except for Platinum and Diamond, where she is second place to Moira.

Jeff himself proving D.Va is the #1 most picked Hero in comp for Bronze, Silver, Gold, Master and Grandmaster:

h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/trickle-down-meta-isnt-real/21021/5

“Just nerf X character because high picks”

D.va isn’t on the same level that old Mercy who broke the game completely for a long time.

D.va is not a must pick hero, she doesn’t determinate a game by what team have a D.va and not or who have the best one.

She is a unique hero in the tank roster, because most of them have 0 mobility and doesn’t provide real counters to high mobility or high ground targets, in fact D.va alone is garbage without a main tank who can cover her weakness.

If D.va was a broken/OP character who determines every single game, then she should be nerfed but since that doesn’t happen at any level of any tier then nerfing one of the most viable tanks in the game is a huge mistake specially when Brigette is coming to comp with NO CHANGES at all.

Your people have 0 rights to complain about Winston or D.va when this game favors high ground and maps benefits anyone who can stand on high., specially when we have a character sniper who can insta kill 90% of the roster with unlimited range if she stay untouched.

D.Va does have a high pick rate, in Competitive and in the OWL. I am a D.Va main myself and I’m perfectly fine with these changes.

Her missiles weren’t nerfed that much, but I’m gonna miss accidentally ramming into people can killing them ;-;

Anyway, D.Va wasn’t “OP” or a “Must Pick” (cough cough Mercy), so I don’t really see these nerfs as Justified. However they could have been much worse, and trust me you won’t see much of a difference.

Soon, if you have someone playing a tank on your team, your chances of winning are reduced to zero. The DPS lords are bullying tanks out of existence, and Blizzard is happy to cater to them.

If DVA becomes useless, Winston won’t surive, Rein is a human pinata, Orisa is slow and stationary, Hog is a big ult battery, and who is Zarya again?

I’m seriously out, I’m done. This nerf, Reaper and Mei buff, Brigitte shield blast and that mediocre 3000coins Winston sticker upgrade were the last straws.

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The nerf is barely noticeable like Junkrat’s last nerf. The only difference that I had to make was being a bit more accurate when finishing off someone. She’s still very powerful and it won’t change her pickrate at all.

Tracer is still a must pick. Yet she never got a change.

You must be playing Moira wrong. Just saying, she can burst anyone with a well placed ball and focus beam. a 200 HP hero has no chance.

Helix + 2 or 3 shots, McCree, 2 Shots, Reaper, 3 shots.

Thats all it takes.

To be fair, she wasn’t a must pick. She was certainly a strong and consistent one, sure, but if you didn’t have a D.Va and the other team did, you still had a fighting chance. She wasn’t like Mercy where the game is decided out the gate if only one team runs her.


Yeah, ok, and? I am not arguing that at all. Al I am saying as per my original message is that some heroes have it all and some just have a left click. Why not give all to everyone?

ive played quite a bit with and against Brigitte, shes nowhere near op and can get rekt pretty easily, especially when shes taking a slot away from a DVa or Hog.

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So if a hero isn’t a must-pick but still outclassing everyone else in their role (in this case off-tank), then they’re fine balance-wise?

What the hell? Is this what the moth meta turned our expectations and standards into?

Try being good in every team comp. There is literally no bad situation to pick D.Va in, unless the other team is running all beam heroes.

Wrong on so many levels.

  1. Pros don’t play for fun. They play to win. If D.Va is one of the most played heroes in OWL then it’s not because she’s “fun”, it’s because she gives the best chance of winning.
  2. Fun is completely subjective. I can find plenty of people who think D.Va is as fun to play as watching paint dry, and even more who have a blast playing Hog and Zarya.
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