And now is time to be troll pick for months.
The changes will do either nothing or will ruin her completely.
And now is time to be troll pick for months.
The changes will do either nothing or will ruin her completely.
Above diamond is only 5% of players. If you think you have to be the top 5% at something to be considered good, that’s a pretty rough definition. That’d be like saying you don’t make much money unless you make $200k a year.
Was she ever a must pick in the first place?
Either way, even with these nerfs her viability is still strong as before.
No, she wasn’t a must pick, in that if the enemy had her, you didn’t need her yourself.
She was picked a lot, but it should be expected from the one and only mobile off-tank, when mobility is so strong in this game.
The top end players, it is impacting them. Just like DM Bot DVa and Sombra. Just wait for them to get sick of Tracer being the decider in matches.
Because Genji isn’t the only good dps. There are many dps that fit in many situations. Genji fits in EVERY situation though. For asking other tanks to change to D.Va, the answer is obvious. Other tanks are all situational. D.Va, least situational of them all.
It was actually a combination of DPS mains hating dealing with DM and Dva mains hating the idea of being tank, going so far as to claim she’s a, and I quote because this term was used everywhere, “DM bot.”
So Blizzard kind of got the message, “we don’t like DM,” complete with not one, but TWO reasons for why it should be reduced/removed and replaced with something else. Thus we got micro-missiles.
Now they’re nerfing the alpha strike potential those missiles provided and people are flipping out.
It’s very convenient when you can choose when high pickrate =/= must pick or overpowered. Heck, people still claim Mercy is a must pick and overpowered just because she still has a high pickrate. Well, it must be true then, so pray that D:va gets a terrible pick-rate now, or she might experience the nerf hammer, like having her booster thrust cut in half and her damage lowered to half.
From my perspective, it seems like they don’t want Dva to be able to dive a lone target as easily, which I guess is fine. I don’t think this will effect her pick rate or even have a tangible effect on her win rate.
With that said, what exactly do they want Dva to do? Roadhog seems like a much better choice for peel unless Dva’s mobility is required. She’s just a very confusing hero.
Mercy is nothing further but a solid healer pick now. Besides the annoyance of slow and very punishable rez ability, she’s way more balanced than she was when her rework was first announced. She’s not as strong as she was when Valk lasted 20 secs but isn’t weak either. D.Va is just an entire misconception for the community and the devs themselves (not talking bout lore tho). They didn’t decide on their own the direction they want to take the game to, so they just add a ton of cc with nonsense cd and make some really unneeded buffs or nerfs, or they completely change ults and the ult meter thingy after over a year that the game was like it was, and it actually wad way more fun before the ult meter changes. Now the game is suffering from its own creators ruining it and make some really dumb decisions bout the game.
95% pick rate in owl is about as must pick as you can get. was never a “must pick”. She’s just a popular choice. A must pick means if you don’t have one you lose. This was not the case with, and you could easily win without one.
Are high pick rates enough to justify a nerf? No.
Nerf or not, there are very few tanks and supports. Someone is going to get picked more than others.
Not all roles have a majority of the roster to choose from.
And continuing to fail to balance the tanks and supports, which requires negative adjustments to a small pool of heroes, played by a small pool of players, isn’t going to help the game’s longevity imo.
I think saying she was a must pick is going a little too far, but I otherwise agree.
Nonsense, the only reason to pick her over other tanks was her mobility combined with her burst. She was never as good of a pure tank as others but was good at diving and bursting. Most players barely considered her a tank, but she was good for playing aggressive and disrupting the other team. Now when she boosts into a situation she has no burst and will die fast, there goes the aggressiveness. Guess I have to work on my Roadhog and shield tanks because of whiners. If you watch OWL the Winstons are consistently the best dive tanks and the real must pick tank.
How about Blizzard does some real balancing on instead of taking away itty bitty bits of damage here and there? These nerfs change nothing.
bUT tHAt’S jUSt beCaUsE sHe’S pOpuLaR 1!!one!11!
95% pick rate certainly looks like pros feel they need dva if they want to win. I don’t know what could be more defining as a most pick than that.
Low pickrate won’t save her. Sombra is proof of that.
she is never a must pick.