Dva was the last fun tank to play. Rein is boring and borderlining on useless now, Zarya is gutted and feels terrible, Orisa is halfway decent but horribly dull, Roadhog isn’t much of a tank really…
She was certainly good, no doubt. But now why even bother playing a tank? Blizzard has made it pretty clear they don’t want tanks securing kills or doing much of anything aside from being barriers now.
I used to only play tank. But it’s legitimately zero fun now, and this is from someone with Rein as a most played hero. Now I just instalock DPS so I can at least enjoy the game.
Typical forums shoehorning their hatred for DPS heroes in every post they can.
Last I checked, no players thought “hey let’s give D.Va missiles”. You can’t blame the community for this.
I can’t speak for Tracer as I have less experience on her, but Genji won’t be meta anymore with the addition of Brigitte. Strong and viable in the right situations yes, but not meta.
So… I’m going to agree with everyone here saying that pickrate =/= must pick. That said… for DVa it kind of does.
Why? Because of Dive. Dive, not DVa herself, is a must pick in higher tiers of play because it’s just the meta that works, and DVa is an integral part of Dive who also works well in other comps (which is why we see a discrepancy in her pickrate vs other Dive players such as Zen, Winston, and Tracer). Therefore, if you pick anything other than Dive, you’re at a disadvantage, and if you don’t pick DVa, you’re crippling your Dive comp. So yes, she’s a must pick, just not in the same sense as Mercy who was a must-pick because she was just so outright broken that any coordinated comp with a Mercy could pretty much beat any comp without one.
The goal of many of the changes we’ve seen these past couple of months (Brigitte release, Mei and Reaper buffs, DVa and Zen nerfs) have quite obviously been targeted at nerfing Dive as a whole, both by empowering its counters and by toning down its constituent characters. If Dive is no longer must pick, we’d expect DVa’s pickrate and overall performance to fall some, but given that even within Dive she’s picked at a higher rate than other characters, it indicates she’s performing comparatively well, so to quickly cripple Dive, you nerf her.
How do we know that it was D.Va that needed a nerf vs lackluster tank choice? She’s one of two tanks that can dive into the enemy team. Rein can kind of do this, but his dive is rather risky, as it requires more of a good Rein with a good team. D.Va is the queen of dive, her whole kit supports this action. So does Winston’s.
And people wonder why those heroes have high pick rates. I mean if you are going to make an argument to justify something, bring some meat to the table OP.
Honestly, the micro missile nerf is kind of a joke anyway, most of her power comes from her guns and ability to absorb a lot of damage with all that high armor shes got. Played right, it’s hard to keep her out of the back line. So this is a non issue for D.Va players, her burst up close was already good enough. We played without micro missiles at one point, so big whoop.
Honestly I figure people would be more salty about the Mei and Reaper changes.
I’ll give you 2 out of three. Reaper can heal while he attacks and has an escape, S76 has a heal and extreme burst damage, McCree has…left click and requires extreme aim skill and environmental awareness.
or better yet how about you make the dps around both dive and not dive more equal so both strategies are on a more equal playing field. The reason that the other tanks don’t see play is the pieces that make them good (i.e. the dps that better synegise with them) are not in a good spot compared to Genji and Tracer. Make the dps balance more even and I promise you the tanks will follow suit.
genji is being outclassed by widowmaker currently, and tracer is a subpar DPS pick for 95% of the playerbase.
if you want to contend that dive is powerful because it offers high ground control, it’s contradictory to say that the DPS are the reason why it’s so strong since the only autolock dive DPS, tracer, has no vertical mobility
this meta is entirely at the feet of winston and d.va.
Even with Brig he would be, because no matter how many counters you add to him he will be always op (for example, they buff mei to counter him but it just counters immobile heroes more, I mean Brig counters Genji but counters other heroes more than she counters gengu).
And I’m %100 sure Brig will be nerfed to the ground.
The thing is Widow being good doesn’t exactly dissuade dive either. Sure Tracer may not be good at getting up high quick but a Tracer in Widow’s face is not exactly favorable for the Widow and is probably more effective than a Solider at distance or a Torb unless he can get in real close which he has a hard time doing especially in comparison to Tracer. Plus a Tracer against Widow matchup is quiet annoying for the widow when the widow is in transit either because the objective moved or respawn.
Plus if Widow is really better than Genji as you say than I don’t think that is a healthy thing for the game either. The both kind of offer reasons for diving but still they should be on a more level ground. And more than the Genji and Widow need to around the same level. Bastion and the other dps need to be as viable as both of them.
I am not saying it is an easy task to balance the dps or claim to have the solutions to it but it is a huge huge problem that determines other classes success.
is it really? I don’t think I would call Bastion and Genji or Bastion and Widow in an equal spots would you? Or how about Mei compared to Tracer or Phara? Or Reaper in comparsion to any one of these options? Or Torb? I don’t see it being really that equal myself and that is before literally any tank enters the picture.
Simply put there is a divide in the dps house and that is a huge factor in what makes the tanks unappealing/Appealing.
a majority of the time it’s one group of players ( DPS Mains) incessantly crying for nerfs to everyone who isn’t DPS who counters their preferred DPS hero. We post this way so blizzard becomes aware of the bias with player balance requests so they don’t turn tanks/supports into garbage so DPS can kill everyone with no counter.