D.Va has been a must pick for months. These nerfs are justified

Dude, D.Va players remember all too well what playing an F-tier character is like. They were among the first to play an F-tier character (if they played her from launch to S3).


I’ve never seen anyone in competitive ASK for a dps to switch to Genji. I don’t think anyone actually thought you were at a disadvantage without him.

I have seen them ask for tanks to switch to D.Vas though.


And was considered troll pick when missiles were added because we were so used to play around our DM.

You must have forgotten then. There’s no way ANYONE would defend D.va being at the top of the meta for so long if they remembered what playing a balanced hero feels like.

yeah along with every other dive character.
Winston, zen, and tracer.
h ttps://www.overbuff.com/heroes

just because she’s at the top doesnt mean she’s over powered.

She’s not balanced you dummy because her kit is terrible. A lot of things need to be changed for her kit to be “balanced”.
Her fusion cannon dps needs to go up. her rockets need to go down, her DM needs to go back up along with a longer cooldown between uses.

but instead her whole entire kit is only held together by her ability produce DPS. If that ability is tampered with, her kit ultimately falls apart into a big pile of “i cant do anything.”

I love how D.Va mains use words to downplay everything. D.Va isn’t just “useful” in a teamfight, she’s a beast. That is why she’s picked all the time. Just like how instantly rezzing people is “useful” or Tracer’s blink is “useful”.


D.Va was meta because of her DM that could support the other tanks quite well, then after people relearned her she became meta again because of her high damage output and more aggressive playstyle. If you want to blame someone for D.Va being so strong for quite a while, blame the whiny DPS mains eho forcrd Blizzard to nerf DM and completely change the way D.Va is played.


Yeah man DPS players told Blizzard to make her into a fat 600 HP Assassin. Like come on.

She will be fine, everyone just have to adjust and adapt to the changes. :relaxed:

They mainly whined about DM being too strong and wanted a nerf, forced Blizzard making her the new fat dps. :thinking::thinking:



Go away.

D.Va isn’t the main contributor in a teamfight. She’s useful, not “a beast”.
Zenyatta is more useful.

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Genji - Getting Nerfed
DVa - Nerfed
Tracer - Still waiting
Winston - Wont need one, once DVa usage falls.

You are delusional if you think these Damage nerfs are a bad thing. Unfathomably biased.

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Tracer won’t recieve any nerfs. She has her individual balance unlike the rest of the heroes whose nerfs and buffs are meta dependent.


She will be nerfed. It will, just like DVa, become too obvious to ignore.

Nerfing the ones you consider op but are actually very skill dependent is wrong. Stop whining about her and git gud at mind plays which are the way to outplay Tracers.

I was okay with the slight nerf on missiles.
The Boosters nerf is too much though. They’re nerfing the most balanced part of her kit for no reason.
Genji is getting nerfed ? Since when ? AFAIK he’s only getting small fixes on Deflect (which are needed).
Winston has been carrying Dive since Day One. His usage won’t go down because D.Va was nerfed. Just swap Zarya at D.Va’s spot and Dive still works.

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Yes very obvious that Tracer is dominating the tiers that 95% of the players play at.

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low tiers don’t use tracer because they’re bad at tracer. that doesn’t make her a bad hero and blizzard shouldnt balance heroes around people who don’t know how to use them.


Is diamond low tier? She’s still behind a few DPS there and barely cracking into the top 10.

comparatively, yes, and I say that as a diamond player

diamond games bear little to no resemblence to GM/t500 games