Crossplay update soft region locked everyone

This killed the game for me. I live in Vladivostok and the game keep pushing me to Asia servers. I can’t understand anyone there and I’m defenetly not about to lear Korean just to play! The game is dead for me, I never thouhgt I will have to get back to Paladins after Overwatch but here I am…

Also I believe they will do the same to Overatch 2, so, won’t even buy it


Why not just remove voice chat… or chat in general… because thats what this does… it basically screws over anyone not in NA because you get forced to play with people who dont speak a common language

You are under the impression solo queues in North America actually join voice chat in Comp?

Listen, if you want teammates that you can rely on for things like voice comms, you need to group up with them, and not go in solo queue, regardless of the region you play in. Use the Looking for Group tool if needed.

Honestly before this horrendous cross-platform update, I was rocking a solid 25-30 ping, after this update I’m being tossed into games with 100 and higher, even to a point where the games server close due to unexpected error, and if I remember NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS TRASH REGION LOCK, but blizz forced us into it, this was a horrible Idea for the start and because of these changes this game patch after patch after patch the quality has been getting worse, stability issues rise more and more, servers crashing/closing more frequently, high ping games overall inconsistencies, seriously devs give us a maintenance patch, we need quality improvements for this game, atm we don’t need “content” but actual fixes that improve this game, and then maybe then future “content” can be enjoyed with a working game


Why does OW not have a server select option like Apex Legends? I’m getting real tired of OCE and would gladly put up with the ping difference to NA but I’m locked into OCE. Unfortunate.


Yes, more ppl join in NA and actually speak in english + communicate. I literally couldnt stand playing in EU vc anymore and have since been paying 5€ a month for a gaming vpn to play on NA for actual game experience.

Reading your response gives me a strong feeling that you cant tell the imo obvious difference in the experience between NA and EU overwatch.


Moving the attention from WyomingMyst to the OW developers for a quick moment but keeping the same point - it shouldn’t matter if they don’t understand why people prefer certain server groups. I mean, they should understand, since we’re currently at 686 posts of explaining that to them. And we went into lengthy detail. And a lot of people’s reasons overlap. A lot of people have the same experiences (like better voice comms in certain servers, or lower toxicity levels, being able to play with friends, being able to play with people that speak the same language, etc).

The fact of the matter is that the game was better when we could choose our own region, and player experience was better when we had that choice. The dev decision to remove that choice where it had already existed for years is pretty much without precedent in the gaming world and this is a perfect showcase as to why this should never have been done. Taking away a player’s server choice seems like an exceedingly mean-spirited, perhaps even spiteful, thing to do as a way to enact petty vengeance against a vocal playerbase. The act of removing that choice offered no benefits to the game, and immensely frustrated a playerbase that is already sick of the developer BS and has little-to-no patience to deal with more of this nonsense. This was a choice with all downsides and no upsides, made worse by the refusal to reverse it.


Just chiming in to say that ever since the region change this game feels like abandonware.

I pop in every few months, but there’s still tons of bot accounts, and without regions it’s still unplayable if you’re in Asia and don’t speak Korean.

Has there really never been a blue post about regions since it launched? No “we’re happy with X” or “we’re considering Y”, no nothing?


lets hope ow2 brings this back

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Not for nothing, but if Blizz is going to tactically remove features and then tease their returns for sequels, then I’ll just never buy a game of theirs ever again. Because to give them money would be to incentivize them sabotaging any current game and teasing features returning in the sequel.

I mean, what’s next? OW2 launches without the ability to select a hero? The server chooses the map, and you’re auto-given a hero that the devs decide is best to use on that map. Then maybe, just maybe, they’ll tease the return of being able to select your own hero in OW3.

No, I’m not playing that game with them.

Why bring your high ping to NA competitive games though

No offense to you as a person but I don’t want that on my team if it can be avoided

Oof the necromancers got me this time

It’s not a necro if it’s an evergreen topic.

But to your direct point

Because ping is certainly a major factor in a game, but it isn’t the only one. If you are a person that plays Tracer, or hopes to anyway, you’d certainly want lower ping. However, if you’re a Mercy player, you might get more real game value out of being able to talk with your teammates. Or even just making announcements in a language you’re fairly sure they’ll understand. Even voice isn’t exclusive here - if you have the ability to put something into text give your teammates an idea of what you’re doing, even if voice chat isn’t used, that can still be more valuable than the tradeoff for higher ping. That however doesn’t work if they’re speaking French.

Ping isn’t everything. And a person’s circumstance, like a tank calling out he’s about to make a play, can dictate what the highest priority is. Blizz making that determination for someone else is wrongheaded. And considering that a lot of people (myself included) suffer from being thrown into high-ping servers (I’m from NA and I’d be thrown into UK and even Netherlands servers), the assertion that this decision from Blizz helps at all is incorrect. It can’t even reliably put people into servers that are in the same city as themselves.

I don’t think there’s offense to be taken at your comment but I think there’s a bit of short-sightedness going on. If someone who is really good at leading, understanding the battlefield, and making callouts, is on your team despite higher ping, they can provide much more to your team than hitting one or two more sleeps over the course of the game.

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That’s probably for the best. Their management of Overwatch has brought up too many red flags to count. Purchasing a live service product knowing content could be replaced at any time with something worse is a no go for me. Who knows, the servers could be shut down entirely 5 years from now if the series croaks.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the PVE content will require an internet connection to play at all. I don’t see consumers responding well to that.

It very likely will because all PVE content shown so far requires a group of players.

I figured as such. But I thought there might be a chance PVE missions could be done with programmable bots offline this time like most other games with PVE instead of being coop only. Then again I don’t touch looter shooters like destiny so maybe devs don’t make games like that anymore.

hope this is removed for OW2 and put back the old way so we can select region again

Plssss someone listen to us :sunglasses:

Still waiting bcs u ignore us all

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Huge lag spikes on PC every 2nd Overwatch 2 beta game.

I’m convinced it’s wen we’re in a cross-play lobby.

And the frequency is uncanny, it’s literally every 2nd match.

Some games are not even playable, ping spikes super high(180+) wen you engage certain members of the other team.

And the aim assist given to anyone using controller make the replays look like people are cheating.

I paid 60$ for a broken game and it doesn’t even unlock the same account on my console.

The net code is also broken and easy to take advantage of, sitting in the 120-140 Ping range favours you and anything over is just unplayable meaning you are better off playing in a data center in that range so anybody from OCE playing on Sydney gets screwed by anyone playing from NA, EU or Asia.

You can confirm this for yourself in the social tab, anyone on console will have a crossplay symbol that looks like two entertwining sideways triangles. And they’ll need to be paired with a pc player. No console players can enter pc lobbies without a group invite from a pc player. Pc players do not enter console lobbies at all.

And this is just incorrect. Console players or pc players with controllers do not get aim assist in PC lobbies. All aim assist is disabled in the PC lobbies.

Wrong on both counts! I constantly get dumped into PC lobbies playing on XBOX and if I turn off Cross-Play I can’t even get a game and as for aim assist you even get aim assist using a controller on PC go and look in settings. That’s how players cheat without getting caught! It’s not software, it’s hardware that converts your mouse and keyboard into controller inputs.
How do you have nearly 8000 posts and not know that? Do you just go round the threads looking to start arguments wen you don’t even know what you’re talking about?

You physically can’t get into pc matches on console without pairing up with a pc player. It’s been explained by the devs before. You’re probably running into xims.