Crossplay update soft region locked everyone

Yeah that must be why as soon as I load into Overwatch on my XBOX Series S the 1st message in global chat says Cross-Play enabled and wen I queue it says PC Pool at the top of the screen exactly like wen I queue on PC. Does anyone in here actually know wat they are talking about?

Are you talking about the beta or ow1? They might’ve change it for the beta but ow1 is not supposed to do that.


The forgotten, who cannot play competitive on their preferred region by choice unless they block all these ips then they have to unlock them again if they want to play quickplay with a friend if they’re on another region.

Claimed they cared, never replied again.

“The forums are just 1%” :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears:

Bring back option to choose region already, it was a feature we had but was taken from us to “improve queue times” but it didn’t fix anything which is why you’re changing to 5v5 lmao.
The dud you had on the launcher for a year now is an insult, why have it there if we can’t pick the region we want to play?

Also this is not true at all, my friends are from Jamaica and play NA servers, when I join all of them, it puts us on a European server because out of of all of us I have the lowest ping for my own region (25) they get like 45 ping on NA, so instead of it choosing NA as they all get lower ping there it prioritizes MY ping out of 3-4 others, and now my 4 friends now have 150-180 ping, instead of the 45 they’d have gotten on NA servers.

So this “average ping” claim was just a farce in hope to keep people quiet.

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Have no idea why you’re being so aggressive, but unless you show us pics, I’m gonna assume this is just a cope post.

Cross-play enabled means your console is open to playing with all other consoles, Sony and Nintendo, and PC, but PC only if you group with a PC player. This is known. It has been confirmed MULTIPLE TIMES by the dev team. Never, under any circumstances, do console players enter the PC pool solo. They need to be grouped up with a PC player.

Obviously if you turn off crossplay you’ll never find a game because now it’s only connecting you to other people who play on only Xbox that alse have crossplay turned off. Which is literally gonna be nobody.

There is no aim assist on PC. I repeat. THERE IS NO AIM ASSIST ON PC. There is no aim assist for PC players using controllers, there is no aim assist for console players joining the PC pool. THERE IS NO AIM ASSIST ON PC.

The hardware you’re talking about is called a Xim. It allows console players to use mouse and keyboard, and yes it’s considered cheating ON CONSOLE, and yes it’s a problem, ON CONSOLE, but it has nothing to do with PC lobbies or playing with PC players because THERE IS NO AIM ASSIST IN PC LOBBIES.

That’s WHY I know what I’m talking about while you sound like an angry, confused child. Because I’ve read all the blue posts from devs confirming everything I’m saying. Because I’ve participated in crossplay both from a console player’s side and a PC player’s side.

So if you have evidence that proves me wrong, I’ll be more than happy to see it, otherwise sit down.

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Confirmed. You’re a troll who looks for arguments which is why you have 8000 posts talking about stuff you know nothing about. I doubt you even have the game you just like to flame people.
Show us your console logs and screenshots and tell me you’re playing in NA without telling me you’re playing in NA.
My post is about the extra Ping being added due to Cross-Play and I don’t need to show you screenshots of anything. It’s happening and plenty of people here and elsewhere are posting about it and I’m experienceing it so piss off and get a life, you know exactly why I’m being agressive you antagonistic piece of crap.

Your post was claiming you were being put into pc lobbies and that aim assist exists on pc as well as the ping issue, the ping issue being the only legitimate complaint in your entire nonsensical rant.

And I was very succinct and polite with you in my reply only for you to get aggressive or absolutely no reason.

And now you wanna spout ridiculous statements like this:

Who is the troll here?

You’re exactly the sort of person and player this game needs less of tbh, hopefully your ping issues continue and you uninstall it. Goodbye.

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so my firewall thing stopped working with OW2, it lets me in but fails to find a game :frowning:
how is everybody doing?

I decided to come back and test OW2… So I’m playing OW2 … at US time in EU … therefore : i’m not playing OW2. Servers are empty. Queue times are awefull… And players are the same as those we spoke 2 year ago : silent, toxic, sexist etc.

Screw the “genius” who locked the region.
I wish i could have you in front of me to listen to your smart argument for the worst decision (after f2p) in history of gaming…

So this is the end. I can’t stand this anymore.

Probably helps explain the massive amounts of lag and various other latency related issues we’ve been having lately.

Was an issue then and still an issue now.

The crossplay features bloated the crap out of the client, server, engine, and experience.
It’s a far cry from the slimline esports client they use on LAN, which obviously has all that aim-assist, hitbox scaling, and io throttling stripped out. No garbage in-game systems either, so no rigging and no false reporting.

Still unsure if 10 OW licenses can play “without internet” as a local LAN / gaming house.

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ever since this update, when i queue with my friend, we only get japan servers. prior to the change it would often find a middle ground between us, but now its just pain