Crossplay update soft region locked everyone

This isn’t a feature. It’s the removal of a feature. And it’s a change that is unwanted and causing an entire cascade of problems for a lot of people.

This is a “feature” in the same way a gunshot wound is a “excess hemoglobin removal” feature. This is Overwatch’s “New Coke”/“Don’t you all have phones?!” moment. The good news is like New Coke, it can be reversed before it does any more damage.


Even if you don’t have the intention of removing the global play feature, how about fixing the matchmaking issue that puts me on a US or EU Server with over 300+ ping after 3 or 4 matches when I am from Asia?

I have to restart the game every 3 or 4 matches just to be able to play in my region which is getting really annoying.

Giving us the option back to select server would be a better change for the game because I don’t see any reduction in “Queuing Times” with the addition of Global Play feature and since the Global Play update I had been put on Singapore, Bahrain and other servers where players seem to hate “Paris” and “Lunar Colony” Map and the players just leave when we get placed on those two maps and I like to play on all the map. I never had this problem when I was playing on Japan, Korea and Taiwan server which was the Asia Server before the Crossplay Update.

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Can we get this thread to 1k replies? :stuck_out_tongue:

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For all the good it will do, probably. But this topic is kinda weird - it’s not really hot like a proposed balance change. But it’s still evergreen in it’s own way. So it’s…a simmering topic? Not sure.

It’ll probably take another 6 months or so to get to that milestone because this topic is about real problems that aren’t going away, so there’s always going to be a need to vocalize them here.

you can have 10k replies and that wont matter .

They seem to have other problems that are more important than their players.

So yesterday I was playing on my SO’s computer and the second time I went to training mode, suddenly I got 300ms latency. Internet was fine, everything was fine, checked ctrl+shift+n…

Somehow, crossplay transported me into JAPANESE SERVER in middle of my training mode. Not new instance of training mode, in middle of it. GTK1 to be precise.

Took me 3 resets to get back to european servers.

Why does this feature have a mind of it’s own?

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This is something different:

if you join practice range to quickly after starting the game it will give you a random region. wait a few seconds ( 10-20s i usually wait ) for it to decide to which region you are in.

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First off it’s not crossplay, it’s the global play feature you are talking about. Secondly sometimes it’s not even that, but the fact your connection to the nearest datacenter is blocked due to technical issues between you and the desired datacenter. Third, if you immediately jump into the training range when you start up the game, you have not given the game client enough time to ping all of the available datacenters to find the fastest possible connection and it will quite often put you in a more distant server. Wait up to 30 seconds after logging in before going into an instant mode like the Traning Range

So what you mean is both amsterdam and paris servers both suddenly had issues, when my internet was completely fine and then randomly on my second bout of training mode in the middle of it (aka not immediately upon startup), global play connected me to the furthest away datacenter it could actually find out of the blue. I only noticed because I suddenly started lagging hard.

Yea nah, nothing wonky going on my end, blizzard’s global play is just screwed or their own servers are being garbo as usual. I shouldn’t need to reset the game 3 times just to get to my proper datacenters after checking that my internet connection is fine, somethig that has never been an issue before global play.

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He has no idea what he is talking about. We the players who had been facing the issue since the crossplay/global play update dropped knows the suffering and that the problem is on blizzard’s end.

Why do you think we have this thread in the first place with everyone complaining about the issue since the crossplay/global play update dropped. They are not even willing to admit that the problem is on their end and that they are claiming it is our internet connection blocking the datacenter which has not been an issue before the crossplay/global play update.

I have 3 different ISPs in my home with 3 different routers and I have the same issue on all 3 ISPs.

I have to restart the game every 3 or 4 matches to be able to play in my region Asia. The stupid crossplay/global play feature ruined everything. I used to be able to play perfectly fine even with my Ping over 230+ms before the update but now the delay is so bad when you shoot at enemies even when your ping is around 170ms.

The game mostly puts me on MES1 (Bahrain) Server now but rarely on GSG1 (Singapore) Server when I am from India when Bahrain and Singapore has the same ping, and never on GTK1 (Japan) Server, ICN1 (South Korea) Server or TPE1 ( Taiwai) Server which were the Asia Server and the regions I was put in to before the crossplay update which has way lower pings than the servers that I am put in to every 3 or 4 matches now in Europe with over 300+ ping.

I really love to play this game so much but you are not even letting me playing the game properly. What is blizzard trying to achieve here? You are not even trying to fix the game even after months of complaining.

I have no problem connecting to all the Singapore, Japan, Taiwan and South Korean Servers when I get connected to Asia Server matchmaking and I can provide all the Server IPs I had recorded if I have to. Its the global play matchmaking issue that seem to think that instead of connecting me to Singapore, Japan, Taiwan and South Korean servers with below 90 to 160ms, Amsterdam, France, US West, US Central, Brazil with over 300+ is better than 90 to 160ms.


I said it before but I’ll say it again, I live close enough to Chicago that I can drive there. So why is the game throwing me into the Amsterdam server? Then next match, a genuine Chicago match. Then back to the UK? In three consecutive matches, my ping was 350ms, 45ms, and 150ms respectively.

And again, this was never an issue before they locked players out of being able to select their region. There were times and circumstances I wanted to, and could accept the ping penalty for, going to Europe servers. But with that control being taken away from me, my hero choices for any given match have a lot to do with whatever region it decided to throw me into. I end up playing Mercy more than anything because that’s the only reliable thing I can do in a lot of these matches.

We need control back. And now.

I’m not even kidding. The game has gotten so unplayable for me that I’m planning on uninstalling here within a week.


Bringing back the region swap is the only solution. Can’t you see people are really angry about it. Why just not listen to the community for ONCE. Being as stubborn as other game companies right now about changes. Free people.


I have noticed that before you log in to your account from the bnet launcher manually, that you can select a region. I’ll test it and report back in a few weeks cause I always forget my passwords and i lost where I wrote them down :grimacing:

Its just that nothing you choose there matters since the change. Before blizzard changed it then you ended up on EU servers if you clicked in EU etc. But now, it does not matter. Either use firewall rules to block all other servers than the ones you want, or use a VPN to force connection to where you want.

I don’t think it works anymore
This is more a problem with EU and Asian players

They added a new Middle Eastern Server and lumped it together with the EU region
So many EU players are being put in the higher ping ME server, and us South Africans are also forced onto the ME server
So even if the regions still worked some will still be dragged into the ME server by force

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What about cross-progression? Is it ever going to be a thing?

Paladins got it in 2019, just saying.

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I really love this game and I keep returning to the game but I always rage quit after it puts me on High Ping server in EU or US because I don’t want to restart the game every 3 or 4 matches to be able to play in my region.

I had never left a single game before the crossplay/global play update, unless it was an emergency but now I quit almost every 3 or 4 matches.

I also don’t see the decrease in queuing times but its the opposite. I had to wait for 23 minutes once in Quickplay and most of the time its takes more than 10 to 18 minutes to find a single Quickplay game.

The hit registration has also become worse after crossplay/global play update. I can no longer play above 150ms Ping without delay when I used to be able to play at 250ms before the crossplay Update.

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Microsoft is our only hope. Haha

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Don’t let this thread die please, I hope Microsoft notice this.