Maybe we need to rework how armor behaves

… And Tanks and Bastion

It does not significantly reduce all damage.

If the instance (shot) of damage is more than 10 damage then armor reduce the damage by 5, so a shot that would do 11 damage would be reduced to 6.

If the instance of damage is less than 10 then the damage will be reduced by 50%. So a shot that does 9 would do 4.5. This impacts low instance damage heroes like Tracer and Winston, but guys like Hanzo, Widowmaker and Junkrat only get 5 damage taken off from every shot, so when they are doing damage in the hundreds armor barely does anything out side of being extra base health.

This is why armor counters low instance damage, while armor is countered by high instance damage.

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Shouldn’t Tracer and Winston be high instance damage heroes and Widow, Hanzo, and Junkrat be low instance damage heroes.

If the originator of the problem is brig why are we trying to solve it by doing none targeted sweeping changes to armor overall. Why are we not targeting how Rally works?

Why not instead mitigate the effect she has on the match by changing how much armor is applied to hero’s. Such as applying armor based on max healthpool instead of a static 100 armor.

Max Healthpool 150 = Rally provides 100 armor for a increased healthpool of 250
Max Healthpool 200 = Rally provides 75 armor for a increased healthpool of 275
Max Healthpool 250 = Rally provides 50 armor for an increased healthpool of 300
Max Healthpool of 251+ = Rally provides 25 armor.

Why not change its overall power to help lower healthpool hero’s (like she was originally suppose too) while reducing the effect it has on already high healthpool hero’s?

In that case Tracer and Winston would shred armor and Widowmaker, Hanzo and Junkrat would be countered by it. Right now the opposite is true.

It’s just like I said, if you do less than 10 damage per shot you will have each shot halved. If you do more than 10 then it will be reduced by only 5.

Widowmaker is a good example of this. She does 120 points of damage per fully charged shot to the body. Against armor this epild be reduced by 5 so she would do 115 to armored targets. If she got a headshot full charged it would normally do 240, against armor it does 235.

Tracer does a max of 6 damage per bullet for body shots, so against armor she would do 3 damage per body shot.


Tracer does 12 damage per headshot, this is more than ten, so instead of being halved her damage would be reduced to 7 damage (12-5).

No, I meant the names. Tracer and Winston deal multiple instances of damage while the other heroes you mentioned have very few.

Yes, this has been discussed in the thread. I get it… still doesn’t change the fact that armor counters certain DPS far too hard currently.

It needs to be reworked somehow or the problem will only get worse for these heroes every time Blizzard introduces another hero that can give it to their team, don’t you think?

My bad, for clarification I should have said “heroes who do high damage per instance and heroes that do low damage per instance”.

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Can you please explain which ones exactly?

Currently there are only two that do that, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Torbjorn and Brigitte are supposed to be a counter to guys like Tracer, Winston and D.Va etc. The only reason Torbjorn doesnt get as much acknowledgement is because his turret dies too quickly compared to how long it takes to set up.

Right, but as soon as Brigette was introduced – an all around good hero that can apply armor far more consistently and at a much greater/consistent rate – heroes like Tracer have plummeted in pick and win rate.

My question was not that if it’s game breaking now, but isn’t a design problem for the future at how hard it hits these heroes? What if in five heroes they leave it as is and introduce another armor based defense/healer? Where’s Tracer now?

Also, it feels more like a “hard” counter which is bad. You are applying a shield that negates SO MUCH of her damage. It’s not like there is room for out playing it like you can in most soft counters.

So you’re solution is to Tracer into a tank buster?

No, I liked the idea alot of other people had in this thread of making it percentage based or something like that. It reduces damage more evenly whether you are firing a low fire rate rocket, or a rapid pistol, or a shotgun with many bullets spreading.

So turn and Roadhog into tank busters?

Does it make any sense at all to you that a portion of health primarily on tanks should negatively affect Reaper more than any other hero in Overwatch?

Ok, well I see the confusion now. Being able to get through armor has nothing to do with being a “tank buster” to be honest. Sure, certain heroes like D.Va get natural armor… but a ton don’t, and the real problem is being able to put armor on squishies making them effective tanks versus other heroes.

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Always thought it was a bit of a joke how the “OG Tank Buster” was so heavily affected by armour. One of the major contradictions made my Overwatch. Just like how they hugely encourage swapping mid-fight to counter your enemies at the small cost of your entire ult.

Although, I like how armour works in other cases. They could just change Reaper to shoot fewer pellets but more damage per pellet? Idk

You have to put Tracer into context with other heroes who are hard countered by other heroes.

Reaper is hard countered by range. Bastion and Torbjorn are hard countered by high burst damage range. Mei is countered by burst damage. Pharah is countered by hitscan. Junkrat is countered by hitscan. Ana and Zenyatta are hard countered by speed. Genji is countered by auto tracking characters and CC.

So there are already hard counters in the game, but what was supposed to be one of Tracer’s hardest counters (Torbjorn) was himself too easily countered by other heroes.

Brigitte is hard countered by high burst damage (Reaper, Doomfist, Pharah, Junkrat, Widowmaker, Hanzo). So she isn’t far from where she is supposed to be in term of that. My own grudge with Brigitte is she is currently too easy to use compared to how effective she is even with low effectiveness, though I think her armor granting abilities are fine.

The thing is that if these certain heroes you refuse to mention become very effective on small squishy heroes with armor, what to stop them from being tank busters.

In addition, of the 3 heroes who the devs claim to be good against tanks but do poor against armor, Reaper, Symmetra, and Bastion, two of these are hurt by you idea.

The character doesn’t do much damage ^^ it’s more about zone restrictions and just healing, itself i think i set the damage at 50 for splash 80 on direct hit but its a slow projectile :slight_smile:

If you feel like giving it a read.