Covering Mei's Butt

Yes, a healthy appreciation of the female form is “perv”…


But it is not healthy really, it is lust to a degree here lets be real lol

But yeah, I mean, being a perv isn’t too much a bad thing here.

Dude its 2019… unless you are religious minded what is wrong with lust?

In a game devoted to utter murder and inflicting pain on your enemy, how dare we take time to enjoy the human form…


Nothing, it’s just not love and love is what i prefer haha I care for people but as humans it is wired in us to lust, but I try not to do so.

Lust is often the first step towards love… if you prefer love then you really need to stop shooting your enemies because they want to push the payload, instead escort them to the end of the map.

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We are talking about a video game vs an actual human. In the end, it’s subjective. If someone lusts, it’s whatever. If someone loves, it’s whatever.

There are also those who just like the skin because it’s different.

I play healer for a reason fam lol

i always find it weird when people look down on sexual things, but have no issue with violence. u say ur a healer but im sure you’ve killed other players. u dont find it odd that u enjoy killing or help others to get a kill but ur bothered by someone who openly likes Mei’s butt? Culture is a hell of a drug.

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When women go to battle they wear a bra to specifically avoid breats moving (as a woman myself, its painfull)
You are just asking blizz to objectify them more
its 2019, video games aren’t only trying to sell themselves to horny teenage boys anymore…
We are in the global market now bois


Exploiting women and “sexual things” are 2 completly different things. the whole “metoo” movement and such arose due to people who sadly couldn’t tell the difference.
Mei is a god damn serious scientist whose got climate change problems on her mind and wants to solve them. A Mei that is super horny and wants the D so she dresses like shes trying to rekindle the flame with her husband/boyfriend mid battlefield is the character you are speaking of and looking for…
Yeah, lol

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you are the sensitive type that take these things too seriously. are u really bringing up female exploitation and the metoo movement in a discussion about a fictional characters butt? your also another person who gets triggered by this but is cool with the violence we take part in and enjoy, i find that very contradicting. if u think sexualizing characters in a fictional setting is a problem u should also question why we murder so many in a multitude of games and take enjoyment in it. people like u damage the image of the metoo movement when u toss it around so easily.


Proof that you literally cannot win.

If you make it too sexy people will complain because you’re objectifying women

If you made it too modest people will complain that its not attractive enough.

If you do both you piss off both sides at the same time.

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thats kind of a moot point. not all complaints are justifiable. the best u can do is take criticism with a grain of salt and move on. also debating the pros and cons of a skin doesnt have to be a bad thing.

Well i’m not really triggered, i’m just making an argument that the certian kind of character design like female characters in video games whose body parts jig**le (lol, even the forum doesn’t let me type that word) for the sole purpose of making them look sexier was a big problem in video game industry and many companies nowdays (like, even the new mortal combat) are adressing that and moving away from such designs with the goal of reaching a larger audience (that isn’t only teenage boys like it used to be) and yes the movement i brought up did contribute to it, and that IS FACT whatever your or mine opinions on it are.
As for the violence part, i do have a problem with it, although not that big one, prehaps cause i’ve been gaming all my life so i have gotten used to it to the point of not taking it seriously, at the same time i dislike games like cod, and realistic shooter games, where i’m suposed to have fun slaying fictional npc people instead of lets say zombies, monsters, robots… I also understand how deeply such “violence” is rooted in video game mechanics, so it is a very interesting and difficult topic with a lot of grey area imho…

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Pixels aren’t going to pepper spray them for trying to look up their shorts.

Because prudish people can not take hotpants or bikinis

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this is my point, y not apply this logic to the sexualization topic, then u would understand where im coming from. unless ur arguing it has some real world consequences (gonna need to see some data on that), even then u would have to apply that to the violence too. as an opinion i dont mind people disliking sexualized characters but when people talk as if its a problem that needs to be fixed, that rubs me the wrong way.

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Thirst 100

I get the appeal my man, but admiring/appreciating Mei means admiring all the cool and nice things about her. Not just the juicy bits.

Now on the other hand- I kindly thank you for bringing this to my knowledge.

its a good thing this isnt real then.


but i did apply it…I applied it on both topics.
Just cause i personaly don’t take violence in games seriously doesn’t mean i’m all for it, i even wrote a god damn example of when i think its okay and when its not okay.
Just like i think sexualy extorting ow characters is wrong, but that doesn’t mean i’m always against it in other games or media.
I don’t think men who like to jerk of to fictional female characters are evil or sick or something. I just think they shouldn’t be asking for it in triple A video games aimed at a mass population and rated for kids… They have p*rn sites for that.