Covering Mei's Butt

… really? u r way too hyperbolic to have a reasonable conversation with.

who’s askin for this? i think u need to take a step back and see how unreasonable ur being. also overwatch is rated Teen

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Have you seen Officer D.Va?

I love all your points you have made so far. I cannot stand the people that hate on any kind of sexiness. I don’t want to play a bunch of tube shaped characters with no definition or diversity so that nobody gets offended.

I’m a simple man.

I see “Mei’s Butt” in the title, I click.


Can’t students also be adults? A school uniform doesn’t necessarily mean underaged.

If your saying that lust is a bad thing then you have to take that up with whatever god you believe in. It’s hard wired into men’s biology to love women’s bodies. So how can we be blamed or demonized for it?

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Horny gamers are oppressed apparently, more news at 11


I thought this would be an National Geographic Documentary on Mei’s Thick booty.

She’s in high school in that skin. No idea how old she is but the pigtails doesn’t exactly scream adult. This is her young skin. They also really wanted to do a high schooler skin and it was picking a mech that difficult for them.

But anyway this thread is about Mei. So I’m gonna leave it at answering that question.

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You can’t extort characters. They aren’t real. They have no sentience.

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Yeah high schoolers can be 18 and 19 is all I’m saying. I don’t know what their intentions are for her age but I’m only saying being in high school doesn’t automatically make someone underaged.

It doesn’t matter if her flavor text says she’s an adult, which they never clarify. So given it’s a tribute to her concept art and given most high schoolers are underage, it’s not a stretch to think is supposed to be as well. She’s certainly not 19 because at 19 she’s in the military.

The pigtails, the uniform, etc are all supposed to convey the look of someone like 16. She might not be. But that’s how she looks.

Okay last post from me on her, for real this time. Lol

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It’s not healthy to be sexually attracted to women? Interesting. I think it’s fine, what’s the problem with people asking for sexier skins or whatever? Characters are not sentient, and people can be offended all they want, but that doesn’t mean their offense gets to be legislated or whatever.

Obviously it’s an entirely different thing when real women are being affected by harassment and all the things that surround that, but we’re not talking about real women here, now are we?

As much as people don’t want to admit it, physical attraction is a thing and beauty is not as subjective as some people make it out to be. There’s logical, evolutionary reasons for why most guys find particular looks and body types attractive and why they find others unattractive. Indicators of health via physical attributes were a big factor while we were evolving.

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