Cover isn't counterplay to Widow

I don’t know what rank we’re talking about here, but Zen is most definitely not what you want to take to counter a Widow. He’s slow moving with practically zero head wobble because he hovers smoothly, and his critbox is massive. Try and rattle a volley off at the Widow, you’re almost certainly getting one-shot and losing that duel.

The only support that can do anything about her really is Kiriko. If you’re having to go off and deal with her as a pseudo Genji though, chances are you’re losing that match.

Last I checked, casuals are not people. They’re subhumans.

Seriously this. I find it absurd how hanzo is oppressive in mid ranks so he should be nerfed, but widow being oppressive at masters-GM is “fine” because a majority of people don’t understand her and how she changes the game dynamic at that level


sniper doesnt have a get out jail card as soon as he starts getting pressured, he HAS to fight back, this goes without saying but spy literally can oneshot a sniper in the back, the way you balance long range vs shortrange is that both them get one shots in their respective ranges or none of them get oneshots, that is THE ONLY way to balance snipers, otherwise you get overwatch where nobody is having fun except the snipers on the sniper map

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skill issue

20 chars

Thoughts? Trying to address the “I got 1 shot with no warning” issue, add a little depth and also remove unintentional “spam the choke” 1 shots.

All of these threads go the same way. The masters and gm posters explain what the problem is and why at a high level the only realistic counterplay on many maps is to mirror Widow. Then some metal ranks come in arguing that actually they know better than the masters/gm players regarding what happens in gm games and how those games should be played.

It’s ridiculous.

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well tbf I’m only play Qp and I placed plat like 3 yrs ago, the problem is ik how big if a problem it is because even in qp matches where I’m placed against people in a similar skil lvl, the widow problem is there, I doubt I’m a masters player.
Which means that my enemy widow isn’t as well and yet the things I’ve talked about, they have done, and before you they aren’t my lvl and it’s just bad matchmaker, it happened in OW1 as well

I mean, cover does make it so Widow can’t get you… that being said, it also means you can’t play the objective and make you easy prey for the other dps as your movement is restricted and your teammates might not be able to get to you. So yes, while cover does prevent the Widow from getting you, the fact that you have to restrict your movement so much is already a big win for the Widow. The only viable cover in this situation is a shield as it allows you safety and to be able to possibly kill the Widow (if you have someone on your team to reliably do damage to her).

Main issue is that we’ve lost another tank to provide an additional shield and removed/nerfed the shields already existing in the roster. Many of the maps were made with these in mind (looking at you Havanna), making using cover something just not feasible if you want to attempt to play the objective and not just do an OW version of hide-n-seek.

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Um no, we were talking about close range flanks and how Widow apparently will one shot every flanker right in front of her 100% of the time. At that range, hitscan and projectile are essentially the same, the only difference between Hanzo and Widow at that point is Hanzo doesn’t have to scope.

No support outheals damage dealt by 2 enemies of more (assuming of course you can prioritize and actually aim… because that’s an entirely different problem if you can’t), so idk why you’re laughing at your incorrect statement.

Never said she isn’t broken.

One shotting someone from afar is significantly harder than merely getting into the enemy backline where Widow is. All because she is OP does not mean she requires no skill. Simply getting to the backline where the enemy Widow is does not mean you’re entitled to that free kill. Just like how Widow isn’t entitled to a one-shot kill from afar unless she actually has skill.

You’ve clearly never played Echo. If you’re dumb enough to fly in front of her then that’s your fault. It is so easy to shift into her, strafe, and one shot combo her. You seriously overexaggerate how many times a Widow has one shot an Echo who is right in her face.

Entitlement once again. Why should 1 hero outdamage 2?

All the delusion makes sense now. We’re done here :rofl:

Boom you get headshotted for instantly flying up to Hanzo? See… I can make up extreme and exaggerated scenarios to make a point as well. Truth is this doesn’t happen nearly as much as you suggest, at least not compared to the amount of times Echo successfully one shot combos a Widow.

He’s the only support who can effectively deal with her, for the 5th time now I only suggested Zen if you are stuck on support and your team is doing nothing. Kiriko can pressure her but if she’s being pocketed she isn’t gonna kill her. Zen can.

He is vulnerable to every DPS in this game, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the capabilities to kill her from afar even if he is at a disadvantage.

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I’m not sure why you even responded.

At flanking range, there is a marginal difference between projectile and hitscan. I am talking about a Genji or an Echo literally being in her face. So flanking a Widow and a Hanzo when you are right in front of them is no different, besides him not having to scope in. That is a fact.

Just say you were stupid and didn’t bother reading what I was actually talking about before you decided to butt in. If all you have to say is “idk why I responded” then you clearly have lost.

If genji doesn’t have deflect and dashes on her and she’s already scoped in he dies 90% of the time his entire hitbox is increased and he goes in a straight line his head is where his chest normally is he dies instantly. You make it seem like widow also doesn’t have a team you don’t have to get through? Her damage fall off should be reduced to 60-85 instead of 70-100 actually bonkers.

Why are you already starting this fake scenario with a massive skill issue. OH WELL UM IF TRACER DOESN’T HAVE ANY DASHES SHE IS EASY TO KILL. Stop it.

If Genji doesn’t have deflect, that is HIS fault. Don’t waste it, or simply wait for it to come back if you so desperately needed to use it before you even got to Widow.

If Genji decides to jump in front of her maybe yeah. But flankers don’t charge at their target head on do they? Well at least you’re not supposed to, I don’t know what some flankers actually do.

You don’t? If she’s right in the enemy backline you can quite easy dive her before your team can get there.

I’m not saying she doesn’t need a nerf.

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You still can’t activate deflect while in dash. Unlike tracer blink doesn’t restrict you as much as dash does. You can still blink and activate abilities. Dash locks your camera and the hero in an animation. Regardless majority of the time genji’s will use deflect on a widow they know will try to take poke shots on them and try to use that duration of deflect to take space. Not to kill her dash is to try to close the space you couldn’t with deflect. The issue is flanking a widow that has ears and object premonition is impossible unless they are super tunnel visioned. Even then venom mine which even if you shoot alerts her you’re there. There’s also the factor of certain maps straight up don’t allow you to flank her without running through open space where she can see you or that REQUIRES you to bypass her team first. and you have to do all of this while hoping she isn’t smart enough to reposition before you can get on her.

Once again your entire argument is based on the HIGHLY unlikely scenario Widow is going to one shot Genji while he is dashing. Do you actually realise how hard it is to shoot a flanker when they are in your face, LET ALONE when they are dashing into you?

If you just assume no one ever misses a shot and has perfect accuracy then every hero is OP. Let’s assume Genji doesn’t miss a single shot, well then he one shot combos Widow no problem. GG why are we even talking about this? But no it’s ONLY the Widow that has 100% accuracy and no one else is allowed to have good aim. Because that doesn’t support your fake scenario does it?

She’s only ever going to one shot you as you dash if you literally dash into her scope. No one does that.

If she hears you it’s not the end of the world. Flankers have no patience. They don’t realise that simply being in the backline is putting pressure on her, you don’t have to attack her straight away. Press crouch, sit and wait for a few seconds for her to focus on someone else and then go in.

Well that’s why different flankers excel on certain maps. It doesn’t really matter if Tracer is seen because she can dash to where she needs to get to. Echo can still flank if you’re smart about it and Sombra can flank pretty much anywhere.

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Round and round!!!

Yeah you have no response which is obvious.

Oh well at least you tried.

few seconds is all a half decent widow needs to get a pick, and if your team isn’t actively fighting then the team has no reason to ignore the flanker currently in their backline.

I can tell you right now that Sombra isn’t a very good choice for flanking on many maps because she’ll have use her translocator to reach many of widow’s popular spots and that’s assuming that a venom doesn’t give her away 1st, and in 1v1 of sombra vs widow it’s about even except that widow can just grapple to her team or to another high ground and sombra will be stuck without a translocator.

as for tracer there’s many spots where she flat out can’t reach
and Echo? really? so you expect exho to slowly walk her way through the flank route, dash through the air, land all her stickies on the widow’s slender hitbox and then tap her, the widow would have to ban Brain dead to let that happen, Widows aren’t standing perfectly still, most of the time they might not even be scoped in, and that’s assuming that the flank route in question is safe enough to just walk through, no, that’s not happening anywhere below gold

Do you literally want Widow not to be able to do anything? I mean you’re getting close to just saying “everything I do should counter her and mean she cannot play the game”.

It’s not even at all. If it’s even you cannot play Sombra. But yes there are some maps where Sombra probably isn’t the best pick.

I’m sorry, are you saying you cannot land Echo’s stickies on a hero standing still…? Widow’s hitbox is not small at all. If you struggle to do that then I rlly don’t know what else to suggest.

If she’s scoped, she is not moving or moving very little. And since you seem to think she’s one shotting someone constantly that means she’s almost always using her scope.

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