Cover isn't counterplay to Widow

You can like a charter and play them while still admitting there is a issue. I played symettra when the game launched, and i will admit that her lock on was busted. Or i love playing zen but going into 5v5 he now is busted because there is only 1 tank. The problem with many widow defenders, is they cant admit that she is broken atm. Her biggest counters were 2 tanks and shields, both of which were nerfed going into 5v5. She plays like she is still in OW1.

Snipers in this game is the exact definition of NOT FUN. When I actually played this game back in Ow1 I was reporting widows and hanzos it seems on a constant basis, mostly for toxic chatter but also for cheating too.

“Cover isn’t a counter play to widow”.

But crying about her on forums is? :rofl:

Once again you’re crying about heroes actually having ways to defend themselves and not be free kills. Like I said, you’re an entitled Genji main who hates any hero who has the nerve to NOT DIE.

Unless they want a miserable game, people do not play Widow all game into a dive comp. She doesn’t have to switch, but she certainly won’t have fun due to the pressure put on her alone.

It doesn’t. Like I said, if you can’t deal with her in any of the other ways I suggested then you have to switch your entire team up.

Not repeating myself.

If she’s one shotting you within flanker range then yes, you should consider that she’s just better than you. That is allowed you know?

I’m sorry tell me exactly where I said that? I’ll wait.

Way to not have an answer for being entitled.

Echo is silent. Fact. She has no footsteps. You can easily flank without needing to shift, get close enough and shift last minute into Widow before she has any time to react.

You’re clearly getting upset.

Yeah you’re pretty upset. FYI, just calling someone dumb is a pretty childish way to say you have no reasonable response to a statement. But then again judging by the way you talk I wouldn’t put your age past 13.

Good ones. That’s who.

Highground and angles are still near to your team. He is not playing way beyond the backline like Widow. He is within jumping distance to his team even if he’s on high ground.

Never once did I say he sits in the backline.

It is funny how delusional you are. Shall we go look at all your Genji spam threads and see how many people agree with you? Lol.

Despite being told thousands of times that Genji is not weak, even by Blizzard you still can’t accept that fact and have the nerve to say I’m the “idiot” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :man_facepalming:

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Man if people just shot Tracer in the head, we wouldn’t have gotten Brig in the state she initially released in (I do think Brig as a concept was a good addition to the game but she was crazy strong on release- mostly due to that armor bug in her ult)

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outclassing the enemy is not the same as the character being unbalanced. sure widow can ‘just’ headshot them and win, but that requires talent. a character being busted would be to say the only thing they had to do was pressing a button, and using widowmaker is alot more than that.

so just because widow can royaly mess you up doesnt make the character broken it just makes the other player better than you

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Who care about streamers? Blizz or any Company for that matter just uses them as free advertising.

They sure hate her, it’s bad for your stream if you are constantly killed, who wants to watch graveyard watch. Then you have the streamers that play Widow,Hanzo or any other hero that can 1 or 2 tab people and have fun.
But still who cares about them? In the end they will only tell you what you want to hear, to not make there audience angry.

Echo: gets one-tapped.

Winston: Requires the only tank to leave his team vulnerable to the entire rest of Widow’s team.

Genji, Sombra, Tracer, all one-tapped.

Zen: One tapped.

Ball: Better than Winston due to mobility, but not a great solution.

Widow v Widow: Boring game.

Torb is actually the best Widow counter because he can snipe and take a hit to the head without dying.

No, the problem is that you are giving hitscan, LONG RANGE HITSCAN, tools to completely avoid shortrange heroes, IN A SHORT RANGE CIRCUMSTANCE, you are not supposed to be able to grapple away from a guy with a shotgun, you messed up, you let him get in your space, that is your fault, you deserve to die there, it is WAYY to forgiving to play widow.

what does this have to do with your sombra comment??? you hack a widow and it takes a few seconds off her killing spree, there is virtually zero difference whether you hack her or not

No, the problem is that you list these as solutions when they are not, a full dive comp is not a solution, it is overkill for one person, imagine going an all beam team for one genji, that is how absurd you sound.

this is the only solution according to you, because playing against widow as a flanker is extremely unreliable in maps like havana.

again, how are you supposed to get within flanker range, when the map geometry is built so well in her favour you cannot get within flanker range :man_facepalming:

so how is me saying that they have an extremely short effective range is incorrect? and its not untrue that genji has one of the lowest DPS in the dps roster it is literally a fact.

if you catch a widow off gaurd and she let you close the distance, then shes ALLOWED TO DIE, you are not entitled to survive when you made a giant mistake but had your support get out of jail card.

No, because for the thousandth time i have explained to your thick skull that there is SIMPLY NO PATHING options for genji in sniper maps to allow him to preserve the dash when engaging a widow, that is a huge problem and one that you cannot begin to understand primarily because you are a bonehead.

she has no footsteps, okay, but you cannot easily flank with echo without using shift, are you crazy? go circuit royal and show me where she can safely go through first point without being shot down even with her shift

No, you have no backbone for your statement so you resort to saying “skill issue” or “just get better” when i literally reached your all time high rank on support with just a few hours

??? and widow is within grapple distance of her team, your point?

you said playing with his team, therefore he is in the backline, not frontline, are you dumb?

the balance team by blizzard thinks giving moira fade on her coal gives her more “utility” and the thousands of people who tell me hes not weak are all a rank that isnt above diamond which is todays new plat, yes, you are the idiot, you refuse to acknowledge fact and give into herd mentality, genji is weak, you are just too blind to see it.

So if you’re just going to assume Widow hits 100% of her shots despite being incredibly hard to hit the majority of flankers, an Echo who shifts right infront of her face and a Sombra coming out of invis behind her, then why can’t we assume Hanzo will one shot every flanker who tries to kill him?

If you’re gonna make up highly unlikely scenarios then I can do the same. Both have one shot potential so both will hit 100% of their shots and so flankers can never kill them.

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We have to assume that someone who is proficient with Widow will hit her shot. If she’s not proficient, she’s throwing and is not the subject of this topic. Hanzo is a projectile hero, and what makes him oppressive is completely different. Hanzo’s problem is accuracy by volume, and if you don’t understand the difference between Hitscan and Projectile by this juncture, there’s nothing more we can exchange that will yield any productivity.


Who say this yet watch no one.

I really like Frogger but he’s kinda stuck in Season 1 through 2, somewhat 3 in hating Sojourn. Yeah she’s playable at higher ELOs but there are better, more consistent, more annoying heroes. Just an example.

Laughs in support.
If I wanna keep a widow alive, I’ll keep her alive. None of those things can reliably kill her as long as a support is nearby.

Widow is broken, no way around it.

I swear this is literally the only single shooting game in the whole existence I ever seen someone complain about getting shot and calling snipers a balance problem as a general basis.

Do you know why widow should be a
a free kill up close, cuz I’m a free kill for her from afar, unless i have baos or zaryas with godly reaction times I’m gonna get domed in the head before I’m out if her sights, and if you think I’m talking godly widows, I’m not talking about your mythical godly widows, I’m talking the ones that i have faced all the time in random QP, on console, they’re aren’t some gods, and they still do the things I’ve talking about, and if you’re thinking it’s just me being bad, nope, as my whole team can’t handle, and when that widow is on my team, the enemy team can’t counter her.

so understand that when I’m talking about why your ideas don’t work it’s because I’ve tried them before and they don’t work, I’ve had teammates who tried them, and it did not work, and I’ve seen the best players in the world try them, and it did. not. work

most games arent hero shooters so you have options, you can just switch guns most of the time. You dont in overwatch, your options are other characters that dont match up at all on certain maps.

it would be fine if other characters can also do something like that, can a reaper just improve there aim or movement to win a sniping duel with someone, no he flat out can’t, unless he’s fighting a literal baby, can rein firestrike a half decent pharah out of the sky, no cuz she can dodge them, can zen or ana out run a winston, no they falt out can’t, can a widow land a headshot on any flanker yes, is it hard, yes, but it’s possible.
it’s the issue roadhog had, yes hog has counters but it didn’t matter since he could hook and kill them like they were any other hero.

same thing with widow, any squishy can’t be comsidered a counter since she CAN one shot them, and the dive tanks aren’t a counter, because she CAN Grapple away when they reach her, and this is the taking into account that widow doesn’t have to one shot to win a cqc she can habe supports, her mine, he smg, and if all else fails just grapple away or run to your team

Or get one shot first because an unpocketed widow can shoot two one taps before Echo’s bombs even go off.

Physically can’t outdamage a mercy pocket.

“Throw the game on a C tier hero”

Map dependent. On some maps like Busan it’s literally physically impossible to reach her.

No shot you’re suggesting a slow projectile hero with one of the largest hitboxes in the game as a counter to widow.

Finding Widow more balanced than hanzo is the most plat thing I’ve ever heard.

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It’s insane how oblivious people that have never played against a gm widow on sniper maps are. Thinking hanzo is more oppressive than widow is insanity.


boom you got headshotted instantly for even flying up

too bad shes being healed by her supports & she grappled away

all 3? can easily outheal the damage (if were talking separately)

with the crit box the size of jupiter? id rather not

mainly only the counterplay towards her

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