Cover isn't counterplay to Widow

Cover protects you from widow, but the problem is you can’t do anything from behind cover and hiding, You can’t touch point if there’s no cover, you can’t shoot back at the enemy team from cover and most importantly you can’t attack the widow while hiding behind cover, if you’re hiding behind cover against a sniper people usually refer to that as you being pinned down by the sniper, and it’s not a good postion to be in. the devs need to provide actually counterplay that results in you know, the widow dying otherwise the widow still wins cuz her team can just sit on point


That’s right. At least Widowmaker is counterplay to Widowmaker.
And that’s where the fun doesn’t begin.


How to deal with a Widow?

Play Echo and flank and one shot her
Play Winston and dive her
Play Genji, Tracer or Sombra and flank
Play Zen and ball her face off
Play Widow and be better than her

How to deal with a Hanzo?

You can’t, because he’s always in the middle of his team protected by his tank and right next to his supports while being able to fight you at any range.

Widow is annoying but there are actually ways to force her to switch. Tell me how many times you have forced a Hanzo to switch?


how does widow deal with those characters

Shoot echo in the head

Grapple away from winston and shoot him

Shoot Genji,Sombra,Tracer in the head

Someone mirroring you, well that’s not a counter that’s just doubling the problem

if you struggle headshotting people, improve your aim, now you’re no longer struggling


Echo can quite easily sneak up on Widow, right click and press E. She is literally dead before she can even comprehend that she has been flanked.

Grapple has a much larger cooldown than Winston’s jump which is up every 4 seconds.

Oh yeah she’s gonna turn around and shoot a Sombra in the head who sneaks up behind her invisible.

Genji has insane mobility making it incredibly hard for her to headshot him, and that’s even without using deflect.

And same for Tracer.

All these heroes literally have a massive advantage over Widow in close range, if you are struggling to utilise them then that is a skill issue.


What you’re not taking into account is the support that is ALWAYS with her. These scenarios you are coming up with are a 1 v 1. That’s not realistic to game. 99% of the games I’m in there’s a Mercy pocketing her or within 4 feet of her to guardian angel back. Sure, if I’m playing Winston and we’re in a 1 v 1 I will win. Same goes for Sombra, Genji, etc. What you’re not taking into account is the support that’s glued to her in these games because they KNOW Widow is broken. It’s same way they were glued to Sojourn because they knew SHE was broken as well.


Cover is a counter though? If you can shoot her team but she can’t shoot you, then even if you’re not in your absolute most preferred spot, your team is still at a damage advantage

Kill her team and you already win because Widow can’t save the point herself

But you could always find ways to pressure the Widow. Barriers are mobile cover that you can shoot through, so use them to either attack the Widow from afar or to close the gap and take her on up close.

I’d much rather fight a Widow than a Sombra or Ana, she’s much more straightforward.


being able to sneak up is based entirely on the player, Yes Genji is hard to hit but again just improve your aim, Sombra can’t kill while invisible and venom counters her cuz it’s motion activated, so she either destroys it notifying widow or she walks into it triggering it. understand that when u say difficult that means that you can overcome it, that’s the issue with widow, all u need to do is improve your aim and you can just headshot your problems away, and if you don’t think that it’s possible, look at high level widow’s and you’ll see them do just that


Um no, unless it’s a Mercy pocketing her but that means 1 support is having to heal the rest of their team. Take advantage of that.

You know what isn’t realistic? Saying Widow is gonna turn around a one shot a Sombra who just came out of invis.

Then you play a full dive comp. Widow cannot play against a and 2 dive dps being damage boosted by a Mercy. Or you just play Widow yourself, damage boost or not a headshot does the same job.

Stop using this argument, it’s pathetic. Genji has a massive advantage when flanking a Widow, if he is seriously getting headshot at that close range then he deserves to lose.

Same with Sombra. Venom does not counter her lmfao.

All you need to do is get better at flanking and not get killed by a hero designed to be weak at close range.


Can’t take advantage of it when she’s already sent 3 of you back to the spawn.

Happens more than you think. Has happened to me a few times. By time hack finishes, she has more than enough time to turn and shoot you. Don’t forget about that Mercy nearby that will basically negate Sombra’s damage until you’re forced to warp out. I’ve played Widow and done it myself a few times with both Sombra and Genji and I’m really not even that great. OW1 I’d get buried on Widow. OW2 I’m actually able to work with her pretty well, esp on Push maps, just because of how ridiculous she is now without a 2nd tank to harass her.

Again, we’re not talking about some Widow who is getting “lucky shots.” We’re talking about Widow players who are halfway competent and know where to stand and what cooldowns to manage. No competent Widow player is gonna just put herself somewhere for Winston to just jump on her and die.


K, then drop her to 150hp, because that isn’t reliable enough.


Bang headshot out of the sky. Wasn’t very smart of you.

Grapple away. LW pull, Kiriko popped up with suzu and outheals your damage. Winston died. Oh well.

Map dependant.

With his huge hitbox, he might get lucky once or twice I suppose. But it’s not smart.

I would rather uninstall than be forced to play that boring unimaginative anorexic hero. Please someone give her a sandwich, I’m begging you.


who said that you can shoot from cover tho, unless your name is Junkrat you can’t fight back without a clear LOS and if you can shoot them, they can shoot you, and a barrier isn’t reliable because the widow can just wait the barrier out, at a time when they were reliable the community was angry and called it barrierwatch and we both know how the devs fixed that


Games last more than 1 fight. If you refuse to learn then why are you trying to blame the game.

No it doesn’t. Learn how to strafe, you literally have a much bigger advantage at close range than she does.

Why even hack? If she’s on her own (which she is a lot, a Mercy pocketing her all game is not as common as people pretend) you don’t even need to hack her. She’s standing still just one clip her.

It doesn’t matter how good a Widow is. A full dive comp will make her unplayable.

It absolutely is. Even a Mercy pocket cant save her from Echo combo.


I’m yes it kind of is, because if she can’t see you. Then she can’t kill you. That’s kind how it is.

and you do have multiple paths via flanks that widow simply can’t shot you from, with a few exceptions.

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Shields and dive are counters to Widow. Also you people act like flanks don’t exist.

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Hanzo really is worse than Widow, I’m surprised I do not see as many complaints.


If I’m dps and the enemy has a widow, automatic sombra pick for me and make her life a living hell until she swaps.

I will occasionally due her as support if I’m either Ana, Zen, or Kiriko, but only for 1 or 2 shots and not overstay my welcome lucky dodging the headshots.

There’s 3 tanks I play vs widow. Winston, D.Va, and Sigma. I know how to use cover, so I don’t mind playing without my shield and leave it to block widow’s LoS which force her to move to a difficult location for her. She still has it easy if she’s very good, but at least the new position give my team the chance to fight her. Extreme sightline map against a good enemy widow, yea, gg.

Works indeed, but the second they have a pocket healer its done.


You can shoot Widow’s team with cover

Don’t let Widow just sit there and wait

Most of all, practice actually countering her