Cover isn't counterplay to Widow

Round and round!!!

Yeah you have no response which is obvious.

Oh well at least you tried.

few seconds is all a half decent widow needs to get a pick, and if your team isn’t actively fighting then the team has no reason to ignore the flanker currently in their backline.

I can tell you right now that Sombra isn’t a very good choice for flanking on many maps because she’ll have use her translocator to reach many of widow’s popular spots and that’s assuming that a venom doesn’t give her away 1st, and in 1v1 of sombra vs widow it’s about even except that widow can just grapple to her team or to another high ground and sombra will be stuck without a translocator.

as for tracer there’s many spots where she flat out can’t reach
and Echo? really? so you expect exho to slowly walk her way through the flank route, dash through the air, land all her stickies on the widow’s slender hitbox and then tap her, the widow would have to ban Brain dead to let that happen, Widows aren’t standing perfectly still, most of the time they might not even be scoped in, and that’s assuming that the flank route in question is safe enough to just walk through, no, that’s not happening anywhere below gold

Do you literally want Widow not to be able to do anything? I mean you’re getting close to just saying “everything I do should counter her and mean she cannot play the game”.

It’s not even at all. If it’s even you cannot play Sombra. But yes there are some maps where Sombra probably isn’t the best pick.

I’m sorry, are you saying you cannot land Echo’s stickies on a hero standing still…? Widow’s hitbox is not small at all. If you struggle to do that then I rlly don’t know what else to suggest.

If she’s scoped, she is not moving or moving very little. And since you seem to think she’s one shotting someone constantly that means she’s almost always using her scope.

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These arguements all seem dumb.

A widow with full charge does 300 dps. This is BODYSHOTS. While can cripple a tank.

I play a lot of dive and if I go too far in the backline I leave my own team open. If the widow is playing with her team she is even harder to get a clean kill.

She’ll get pocketed while she fires off her SMG, which fyi…can match the dps of a zen firing his orbs without discord orb debuff(that’s a lot of dps still). A bad widoe will take a spot where she’ll get bursted down. A good one will have a back up plan and force her assailants into her own team.

Then you still how how many sniper centric maps on rotation here? She has good and bad points. All of which headshots can still be utilized to cripple an opposing team with ease.

up close against her worst matchup, yes, because she’s that powerful, if her highs are high which they are, then her lows have to be really low

Conveniently ignoring the part where i mentioned that a half decent widow won’t be standing still or even scoped in, many widows wont stand still for that specific reason

What is with this debate? The issue is Widoe can delete heros with ease as in majority of the roster just flat out die or a single headshot can cripple a tank making them think twice before negaging.

Just no. Snipers have always been controversial and giving them any leeway or acting like its not an issue is just enforcing the problem of non engagememt respawns that feel aweful and add nothing to the experience through a one sided scope shot.

Right, and I never said she doesn’t need a nerf but it’s just wrong to pretend flankers are useless against her.

So how is she one shotting everyone if she isn’t scoped in? She’s still not moving around enough to actually miss the majority of your stickies.

So keep that same attitude with Hanzo, who is much safer to play and can rely on skill as well as spam. Nerf them both.

uhm by only scoping in once she sees a target, and you won’t be able to time your ambush with jer scoping in, and all of this is assuming that echo is even a good choice against widow which widow being a hitscan and easily shooting her out of the sky, she isn’t and all of this is assuming that it’ll be a map where can pull of this flank in the 1st place

I say nerf Mccree, S76, Hanzo, Widow.

And or tone down the headshot value. These heros ignore their effective ranges with ease and get massive value for so little skill.

I’ll start off by saying, everybody has their thing they hate going up against so the last thing I am here to do is invalidate how you feel. Widow’s a pain, especially in the low ranks where the MMR is paper thin, but personally I enjoy hunting down snipers. It’s open season everytime they’re in my lobby. Humbling Widows I take great pleasure in

That said, there are heroes that I like to use and a pretty unconventionally aggressive playstyle that make Widows’ lives a living hell. In fact I enjoy hunting them down. My mains are:

  1. Mei She is the most underrated hero on the roster and imo the best utility hero. She could be multiple roles at once. I gauge where she’s shooting and making use of any cover I can, I duel her. I typically always land a headshot. Being calm, lining your shot, and taking her out. Also, I block her line of sight with my wall, I am always on the look out for Widow to deny her of a shot each time.

  2. Sigma I throw my shield in Widow’s way each time so she won’t be able to land a shot and have to reposition, also alerting my team of her location so they could take care of her if I am in a fight with the enemies facing me. Now life isn’t fair and if you’re playing with randoms then you will be doubling your efforts as tank. Just use your absorbing ability for the enemies attacking you at ground level when you can. It’s a pain, but I am persistent enough to where Widow will switch. Bonus points if her shooting position is near a wall of some sort then you could bounce off the walls then knock her out. Not the perfect option

  3. AnaAnother hero I will antagonize Widow as. The fall off damage is really lovely with Ana, not as amazing as Widow’s one shot but I have seen many Widows panic and scramble to line up a good enough shot while I proceed to kill them off or they’ll flee. It’s the psychological aspect of seeing your health off quickly that makes most player flee from Ana, Widow is no different.

  4. Reinhardt Same rules as the Mei, take great care in seeing where the shots are coming from. This is a personal pleasure of mine, but I love approaching the sniper from the roof on their blindside. They never see it coming and it’s hilarious. Normally I’ll get someone to follow me if they are in a spot where their mine could alert them to my presence and I can’t step around it easily. I know someone is furiously banging on their keyboard right now, but try it. There’s nothing like that.

DVA I normally use this hero to chase her down. Tank’s my favorite role and the thing about tank is that you must be a leader so I’ll ask my team to be on the look out then clean up. Not very good as her yet, but I harass the Widow as much as I can

More like a map knowledge issue, but yeah, if they are struggling that way…well.

Yeah, basically the problem is that flankers dont really oneshot to balance snipers, however tanks are allowed to oneshot everybody. Its just some of the stupid design of 5v5.

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you’re comparing apples to oranges here. sure reaper cant win a sniper duel, but thats because he was never supposed to. reaper has always relied much more on positioning, timing, and target selection. which are all skills that you can improve upon. and the same can be said for rein. rein was never supposed to deal with pharrah, so saying that he cant outplay her is silly, because he was never supposed to. zenyatta can however kill both pharrah and widow if he is good enough. skill always makes all the difference in the end

Cover literally is a pievce of counterplay to Widow. Playing behind cover forces her to move up where she becomes more and more divable. The only way Widow i still dominating you after the fact means she’s just a really good Widow. That doesn’t make her OP or unconterable.

That’s actually quite funny. If you shoot her on invis WITHOUT hacking while she is scoped she just dies before she can even properly react. Widowmakers are easy food for sombras

Sombra main here , can confirm

Show me the cover for the push bots or the capture points for hybrid maps.

Oh how about the escort routes?

Now show me all the possible sniping sight lines across the cart, push bot, and capture points. Your onlt limitations are the actual outside boarder.

Well no, if you’re sitting behind cover, the enemy team gets free rein over the objective since the objective itself doesn’t have cover (unless you wanna count the payload which isn’t very good cover especially against who has the high ground) and so because of that the widow and her team gets the objective and now enemy team HAS to make the move, and when they do move, the widow will get to shoot them, the widow also can just let their team force the enemy out of cover, it’s very hard to fight and survive when you’re in combat and restricting your own movement