Could we acknowledge that aim is a skill?

Actually, since she’s dominating the Overwatch League, she’s probably very close to the top right now.

The problem with dominating OWL, is that the games get stale real quick and stale games cost viewers which cost ad rev. Blizzard doesn’t need a stale mirror-match meta messing with their round-2 buy-in since the latest news puts the buy in price at around $60-million dollars per team.

If Widowmaker is on both teams, every game, that’s a huge problem.

Aim is only 30% of Overwatch. 70% is about game sense and positioning. That’s why there are GM mercy mains.

So it’s another case of OWL ruining the game? Go figure.

  1. Aiming is, indeed, a skill. That is why they have shooting and archery as Olympic sports.

  2. Again, yes. Just like dribbling a basketball, shooting a basketball (which also requires aim) and just about any sport or game, practice makes perfect.

  3. In this game, yes, people should learn (heavens know that i am) but to the best best of their ability and not at the detriment of other skills. Again, with a basketball example, learning to shoot the ball is important but learning how to dribble, how to rebound, how to pass are equally important in making one a holistic player.

  4. Actually, just about any hero can be countered if one can aim properly i.e. point the crosshair at the opponent. I mean, a player using Moira isn’t gonna eliminate any one if the player is pointing away from the opponent in an opposite direction.

Actually, what is your point in creating this thread, OP? It appears to be kind of superfluous. No one is disputing that aiming is a skill and a critical skill, just that it is not the only skill required to play this game nor is it necessarily the most important one.

This is a team-based game and just like any other zero sum team game or sport in real life, it requires team work to win unless you are just stat chasing. So while no one really disputes that aiming is a critical skill in this game, like no one disputes that even a soccer defender should learn how to kick a penalty shot, it is the pretentious wannabe l33t players with mad aiming skillz (and jack rabbit bunny hopping spacebar spamming thumbs) who are thumbing their noses at other skill sets required to play as a team, which has elicited the response about aiming.

If this was a game played in person, as in “in the flesh” like soccer or basketball, many wanna l33t-ers would have been punched in the face already. Think about that, guys and get off the high horse and get on the payload.


I noted that I play SMITE, it was more of a joke or say that Overwatch isn’t a MOBA. I’m well aware of how MOBAS work/play.

I picked up Overwatch because the characters and game design are compelling to a degree that it has very enthusiastic fans, which is also one of the more diverse fanbases in gaming. I didn’t download Overwatch on a free weekend because I was looking for a shooter game, I decided I wanted to try Overwatch because I kept hearing how good it was from gamer friends and from the press I’ve managed to absorb when I wasn’t particularly interested.

This game was consciously inclusive that includes having a lesbian character as its icon, consciously including famale character types that are atypical to games like Ana and Zarya as well as its design which has characters that call upon different sets of skills in different measures.

I don’t play shooters. I play games that involve shooting like Fallout and Mass Effect. I usually turn out to be pretty good at the shooting aspects but I’d be pretty bored if they were just about shooting (I have literally dozed off trying to play CoD). If Overwatch didn’t have different elements at work other than shooting, I would have uninstalled it after the free weekend was over.


There. I fixd it for you.

What is a FPS shooter? FPS stands for First Person Shooter

Why are you calling it a
First Person Shooter Shooter

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Aim is a skill and it is important. It’s just not the only way you can become good in this game. If your goal is to be good through raw aiming talent, sure have at it, play dps and become a god you wish to be. But if you don’t care for aim and want to be good through other means it’s very possible.

Look at t500 players, some tank players/supports don’t even have godly aim, it’s not bad but it’s not what the dps players have. The best example I can think of is Ark, who is considered to be the best mercy player and everyone respects him for that, but does he have amazing aim? I wouldn’t say so, he can play dps on ladder at his rank but I personally don’t think he can be a dps player in OWL at all.


Yeah… The last time OWL made the game awesome was when pros claimed that Sombra has no counter play, and she got nerfed despite not even being any good, or you could even remove the damage interrupt thing, and she’d still be weak.

I actually learnt to position well in this game, despite what you people think of me, and the payload is really rarely the place you want your snipers to be.

You are taking it too literally, SlayerAdam.
It is a figure of speech. :man_facepalming:


This so much. The goalposts have moved from ‘This new character with minimal aim is a no-skill, ez-mode character and I am outraged by their existence.’ to ‘You support mains think aim isn’t a skill.’

Seriously. This toxic ‘Players I disapprove of shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy this game’ attitude needs to stop.

There’s a reason most players will target the Rein or Mercy first, they are very good of getting in the way of eliminating the opposing team’s McCree. They work together that way and need each other, even though only one of those characters heavily relies on aim.


sigh nitpicking my slight error. I was extremely sleep deprived at the time. I dunno what you want out of me from that. My bad, I guess?

COD wouldn’t work. Since they have noob-tubes that 1-hit kill when you miss completely, and turrets, and attack dogs, a plane that shoots exploding mini-gun bullets from safety, choppers patrolling the maps, and sometime some guy just nukes everybody.

  1. Aim is a skill. It’s not the ONLY skill, it’s probably not the most important skill on many heroes, certainly not on a few. If my games are any indication it’s also not even kind of the most difficult skill to acquire

  2. SOME practice. And it’s going to vary person to person. But with the exception of the likes of McCree and Widow (Ana too kind of), it doesn’t really take THAT much to become competent.

  3. I mean yeah, you should have a basic aim ability but no you don’t need crazy flick accuracy unless you want to be a Widow main. Everyone should probably try to learn some tracking aim and predictive aim but that’s it for 90% of the heroes

  4. No. This. is. not. C. S. GO! Overwatch is about teamwork, strategy, ability usage and management, positioning, counter picking and did I mention teamwork?? Tracer was ridiculous in almost all tiers because while aim generally rises by skill tier, she was still exceedingly difficult to hit, even for the best. Having a hero that is only counter by aim gets OP at worst and boring at best.

zarya? why?

20 characters

I acknowledge aim is a skill.

I also acknowledge that positional awareness is a skill. As is communication. As is ult coordination. As is knowing counters, being proactive and reactive. As is knowing when to engage and disengage.

You can have great aim and be stuck in gold because you have terrible game sense. You can have great aim and be stuck in silver because you tilt at the slightest mistake. Just like you can have average aim, but great comms and game sense and be in t500.

(for my part, I have so-so aim and I don’t ever talk or comm and hence gold, and I don’t really care)

Her secondary fire certainly shoots out grenade like projectiles, meanwhile I don’t count her main fire to be a “shoot” type of weapon. It isn’t a projectile, isn’t eaten by defensive matrix, and can’t travel further than it goes at all, so I wouldn’t consider it a "shoot’ type fire. That makes her half.

Sorry sniper lady, you’re just not fun to play with or against.