Could we acknowledge that aim is a skill?

But I want to EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY be able to kill Tracers! :rage:


It’s more moba the way heroes play and syngise than your traditional shooter

a 3 day Brigitte main will not kill a 100 hour Widow unless MAYBE you plop them down in a tiny room suddenly with no way out.
Someone who’s truly ground out their aim (and reaction time) will destroy in almost any situation.

They’ll also not have the same effect. Brigitte does a lot to keep her team alive but cannot counter an exceptional widow. A master widow will have the team DOWN before the brigitte can get close enough to do anything and will only really be able to save 2 people (one by shielding one by overarmoring) at most.

I am not suggesting hard work shouldn’t pay off. It does, and I’ve seen it. But specializing in one aspect of a skill and ONLY that will not help. Overwatch requires development of many skills to different degrees for each character. There is NO character that requires NO aim:
Rein has to aim firestrike
Sym had to aim her shields and balls
Brigitte has to aim whipshot and her ammopacks (yes they track but in a chaotic battle you have to make sure you’re aiming at who needs healing and not overarmoring someone who’s fine )
Winston has to aim his jumps

They all benefit from precision aiming just not as much as say widow.

Sure, Give me fair hitboxes and fair mobility and am all for it. But if you give me a jumping chicken with a broken hitbox and a tiny mosquito blinking at the speed of light while one clipping everyone, Then we sure need more heroes like Brigitte.

Pharah is one of those. When I used to play everyday and put hours in I would take out pharah with my wittle mercy pew pistol.

This topic reminds me of all the people in the 2000s who whined that JRPGs weren’t really a “role” playing game because you weren’t playing your own role, but just watching a story someone else wrote for you.

1- Agreed

2- I… disagree on this. It’s easy to make a lot of early gains with aim. Where intense practice comes in is squeezing out that last little bit of benefit that’s necessary if you want to play in a more intense arena. But that’s also true of most other game skills, and in all honestly, learning to mechanically manipulate a mouse or controller in response to visual cues is far less intensive than learning to synthesize what’s going on in the map, with your team, and with the enemy team to form skills such as positioning and game sense. It’s an easy skill to pick up, if difficult to master, but most of the benefit from it comes fairly early on.

3- Most people already know how to aim. I think this is to imply everyone should learn to aim well, which I disagree with. If people want to prioritize other gameplay skills, then they should be able to. This isn’t CoD or Halo, the developers have intentionally created multiple avenues to success so that whoever wants to play can feel like they have a route to being good at the game. This statement comes dangerously close to the “aim is the only skill that matters” argument, which is silly.

4- Critboxes exist. Good aim intrinsically gives you an advantage over other players, and in particular those who play heroes that do not require as intensive aim because those same heroes don’t have much gain by learning to aim better. Every hero can be beat down with good aim, but every hero has other counters as well. A hero whose only reliable counter is good aim would be inanely powerful.

This is an extremely arrogant thread. TBH kinda sounds like Overwatch isn’t really the game for you, if this is the attitude you have about the game and those who play it.

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You can compensate for poor positioning with heals and good tank positioning

You can tell someone in game they’re positioning bad and get a result in seconds if they move

Game knowledge comes down to time played

However you can’t just get better at aiming in two seconds and for the huge number of heroes that require aim to function it’s just a silly statement to claim other skills are just as important

For instance you’re positioning could be really good, you could know exactly how to counter every hero on the other team and all this means completely 0 when you fight a Mccree who has okayish positioning that barely matters because he blows you away the second you’re in his sight lines

Aim will always have the biggest impact on a huge number of heroes and you’re already at a distadvantage if you can’t aim very well because you can’t play as many heroes as someone that can


this game has really screwed up when this thread even needs to exist in the first place

you’re making the assumption that this thread needed to exist. It didn’t. This is someone who relies on aim trumping everything else in the game complaining that it’s not.

The argument presented isn’t what the title implies, it’s that aim should trump all.


When was the last time you had to hit minions, or buy items, or hot buildings?

No, don’t counter nonsense with nonsense, fix the original nonsense.
Besides, at least you can counter those heroes by practicing aiming, but Brigitte takes away your controls, and beats you with stats…

I’m not going To debate someone who can’t see the similarities in hero abilities.

Heroes such as Bastion, used to require MUCH More aim than they do now… And the reward for it, gave them a Higher skill ceiling overall.
(They also removed headshots, so… Why aim for heads anymore? Lol)

Fix your game, Blizzard.

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I really don’t know why that wasn’t reverted long ago, as it should have been…

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Can someone tell me why having a character that does not require aim takes skill WHILE ALSO refraining from making points that a manual aiming character also needs to do.

(yes this includes positioning, everyone does this)

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There are no characters that require NO aim to play well.

How about when Moira tosses an orb in a random direction, it bounces wildly around the room, the player who threw it completely forgot about it but by coincidence it bounces by an enemy that was weakened and kills them.

I call that no aim.

That is not playing her well nor being very effective. It got an elimination and people who don’t aim get lucky shots too. Crap happens and is not a good example for balance changes.

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Compared to a manual aimer and a Moira orb bouncing which one gets lucky the most?