Could we acknowledge that aim is a skill?

Any character that is better will be objectively better. It means the same thing. I don’t play a single character. I enjoy tons of different play styles and have a pretty decent understanding of at least 3/4 of the roster.

I enjoy playing Torb/Rein/Junk as my easier chill chars but they have to deal with their own issues that make them a challenge especially if I want to get every once of worth from them.

My favorite supports are Zen and Ana as I find other support boring. Both regarded as very high skill cap toons.

some of my fav f-tier chars are Symm, Sombra, and Bastian. Sombra being way harder to play then widow.

I want them all to be balanced. Including Widow

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I think you’re saying that people with “less than stellar aiming skills” should have the same impact as those who devote literally thousands of hours practicing their aim. If they were on the same level and had the same impact, don’t you think that’s incredibly unfair to those who do aim? What was the point of spending thousands of hours practicing then? Like Torb says, “hard vork (yes, i know it’s spelled wrong) pays off!” yet you’re suggesting that it shouldn’t…

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If you spend “literally thousands of hours” practicing your aim, you really need a few other hobbies.

If they both play Widow then heck yeah that dude that practiced will Wreck. Your thinking in the context of a single character, not their impact on the game as a whole.

Without barriers you would never be able to move the payload without another widow shooting down their widow. You need these different roles and those roles themselves need to be balanced.


You literally ignored what I just wrote.

I play Torb occasionally too. Mercy is my third most played hero. Bastion is 4th. I’d play Sombra too, but she sucks.

And you want them balanced around what?
They don’t have the same skill curve, so you can’t balance around a singular skill level.
Skill vs reward is the best way to do it, unless you redesign all heroes to be similar.

Here is the crux of the problem. “Skill” is subjective or at least the value of each skill set is. I understand that you believe aim is the most important skill.

I don’t believe that. Some agree with you and some don’t. The heros who would dominate under a skill vs reward system would be vastly different across the spectrum of opinions

ask some of the top 500 players how many hours they have.
I know for a fact that Wraxu and Arrge have almost 2k hours on hanzo, Wraxu probably has more than that even. Feel free to tell them to get a life if you want, but i respect their dedication to mastering their hero.

You balance them around their roles and their strengths. A hero with one shot potential should not be hyper mobile as well.

Low HP char’s should have escapes

Supports healing should be balanced with their damage potential

ext ext

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They need to go play games designed to rewards their choice of focus then, or accept that OW isn’t going to give them the same returns.

That’s like me focus on practicing braking points and driving lines then complaining that Mario Kart doesn’t reward me for those skills when I should be playing Assetto Corsa.


If you include in your list the level of aim dependency, we basically agree.

yes you’re right there need to be tanks in the game to create opportunities for dps to do their job. And some tanks and healers perform roles outside the scope of aim, and that’s fine. But at the end of the day those roles and skills are more or less equal on both teams and the only thing tipping the balance is good aim. I think it’s the hardest skill to learn/master, and therefore it should be the most rewarding. Even if you’re playing mercy and you get hacked by sombra, the only thing that can save you is your pistol and good aim. Or if you get caught in some other way - your offensive pressure is your best weapon and best chance to survive, and it usually involves good aim. Even rein takes a good degree of aim with fire strike and charge, and literally every hero has some ability that requires aim. Even Brigitte has to aim her whip shot, and even the current Symmetra has to aim her right clicks. In order to play your hero to full potential you have to have good aim imo.

so are you suggesting that we all stop wasting time on aim-intensive heroes? because if i follow you correctly, OW isn’t a game that rewards aim, there’s no point of practicing aim because good aim isn’t going to reward you, so we should all play exclusively winston/brigitte/moira/mercy/symmetra(current) to save time? what about the other 22 heroes? are they just there for decoration and not for strategy/counters? If you think those heroes should be played as well but they have to put in more effort and get less reward than the other 5, then you’ve just created a paradox that doesn’t make any sense.

If they should have to put in more effort, they should be rewarded more.

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It’s still a FPS, so it still rewards good aim. However, aim is not the only focus, so if you only want to focus on aiming you’re not going to get as much of a return playing OW versus other shooting games like CS or Quake.

People put in efforts practicing things other than aiming, OW chooses to rewards those skills more than traditional shooters. If you don’t like that, then OW isn’t for you.


er no its not just killing minions, mobas take as much skill as fps games to get good at

at the same time, one of those low aim heroes shouldnt counter aim heroes.

other then that im fine with it

brigs the only time ive ever looked at the screen in confusion at the decision making by the dev’s

even moira’s fine imo

And they do that by having lots and lots of game mechanics that are missing from fps games, including overwatch.

Why are you guys still arguing with someone that used a click bait title to get the attention and then try to convince everyone that “aim is the only true skill” ?
He is not going to back out, no matter what anyone says, its a “CounterStriker”, you can see it from a mile away.

Theres nothing to be gained here, literally nothing.


Aim is definitely a skill, regardless of controller or mouse+keyboard. I have found it easier and more accurate to use mouse and keyboard, whereas the analog sticks are more challenging to do quick/fast movements to mid-air someone or quickly look a certain direction. I know that consoles have “elite” controllers now with more buttons added to the backs and stuff but nothing to me replaces keyboard and mouse.

I have to agree with you because I’ve seen some streamers on twitch with godly amazing aim but poor positioning choices that got them killed repeatedly. idk how they missed the memo on positioning and nailed aim but w/e. I’ve played a lot of battlegrounds in WoW to know how to position myself, but aiming is foreign to me, and is very hard to do for me even after hundreds of hours. But still, having good aim is the hardest skill to master imo, and should therefore reap the biggest rewards. As far as I can tell, it does. But there’s a threshold of how good your aim has to be in order to be effective at all, because obviously you have to be good enough to out-damage a moira that’s trying to kill you or a brigitte or mei that’s freezing you, otherwise you’re better off playing those heroes. I’m concerned about that threshold getting higher and higher as more heroes come out.

a very small group of ppl think that, when most of us mention ‘skill based heroes’ were either talking from the perspective of a lower rank (where reinhardt is braindead easy to get by with) or were talking about heroes who arnt braindead easy

like if i said, i want more skill based heroes, im talking about heroes like rein (at a high level) or tracer/genji/mccree type stuff

if u dont require aim, then there needs to be a very very high end mental and strat game. and ur kit cant be “kill all nubs ez pz” type stuff