Could they TRY allowing console aim assist in crossplay?

IIRC they removed it a while back.

No idea why. If anything, overwatch’s aim assist is terrible and sometimes makes it harder for me to shoot who I intend to shoot.

But it really is needed for crossplay though

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I don’t disagree with you. However, the perception is still there of aim assist being a “cheat” and not every playing Overwatch will have a powerful PC so not certain those advantages carry across the PC playerbase.

So I don’t think they ever will.


Why do you think this is relevant? Do you think that there will be an immediate merging of the code? Do you think they will merge the dev teams?

I see why you think these things happen but trust me, in large companies full integrations take years and even then, it’s only in areas where it makes complete sense.

Pretty much this. Most of the top console players already use a keyboard and mouse, and you want to give them aim assistance too? yeah, no thanks.

…which is why giving console players aim assist is a problem. Or are you not aware that you can buy a keyboard and mouse for console?

Yeah, I don’t understand why it is on console games at all. I mean, if no one has auto aim, isn’t it still just fair for everyone? At any rate, it definitely should not be on crossplay. I’m not sure why anyone would think it should be.

It’s terrible and makes it harder for you, but you need it. Yeah, that makes total sense. :roll_eyes:

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That ruined COD for PC players.

Aim assist a huge advantage with consoles.

No, they couldn’t.

They should, with crossplay they actively just made console experience worse. Not only can’t you use aim assist when playing with PC players, they removed all the console specific balancing as well. This is coming from a PC player and the fact that they haven’t really said anything about it is a really bad look.
They either need to disable crossplay all together or enable aim assist.

I mean it literally does. The default aim assist settings are terrible and are applied on a blanket for all characters. Ana literally gets her reticle moved on to people you’re not trying to aim at.

All other games have aim assist when using a controller, there’s no reason why it’s removed in overwatch. A keyboard and mouse is always the better choice and superior to controller anyway. That’s why the console leaderboards are dominated by cheaters who xim. They get keyboard and mouse functionality + aim assist (so it’s like a soft aimlock) and they are facing people who can’t do the same so it’s even easier for them.

There is a very simple solution for this issue:
Separate the pools by peripherals instead of platforms.

Put controller players in one pool and give them aim assist and put KBM players in a separate pool without aim assist.

Console players could finally play officially with KBM without bothering anyone and if you want to play together with someone from the other player pool you can simply switch peripherals and do so without having any advantage or disadvantage.


The issue is that it’s very easy to go overboard with the aim-assist if you try to balance PC / Console.

It’s really hard to quantify how “strong” the aim assist should be to compensate for console’s disadvantages.

There is no way to balance it, really. Controllers end up with essentially auto-aim in close range when you turn aim assist on. Additionally, as someone mentioned, many of the top players on console cheat by using a XIM (an adapter that lets them use a mouse and keyboard with aim assist).

There’s a reason why I want cross progression so I can move permanently to pc.

Console aim sucks, with or without aim assist.

Anyone saying otherwise hasn’t played enough between pc mouse and keyboard vs controller.

I would also point out that M&k users in the highest ranks on console aren’t as prevalent or effective as people think. The best players actually use controller. Genji and tracer players specifically use controller for faster flicks.
I watch replays quite a lot to see who is and who isn’t using a controller and more often than not, the people using k&m aren’t as good as the players who are using controller. It’s like their aim is too jittery and fast to aim well.

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OW1 is already cold product with OW2 on the way. Plus as I’ve said over and over, I don’t care what level of aim assist is in a FPS PvP game, it’s fundamentally wrong on a core level to the spirit of the game.

It’s not just about if K&M can still beat aim assist console, most of us past 3k can do that in games.
It’s that fundamentally for the entire life of PC gaming any sort of assist to aim is seen as 100% unacceptable unless it’s an ability or item in the game.

It’s not being the Halo aim assist is so fundamentally broken. If the stats where the same for OW it would be like if 2350SR player where putting up stats equal of top 100. It’s not that they would instantly vault to that level.
Yet it would 100% ruin all lower rank games as low rank K&M would have zero chance.

It’s relevant with MS being a console focused company, buying ACT/BLZ and being “ok” with how fundamentally broken Halo’s aim assist turned out. Even allowing it for the esports.

Being I’m sure aim assist in any game is programed to have a range to it. So it’s not oh just bring over Halo’s code, my concern is “Hey we own Blizzard. We like X-box more than PC. Juice that aim assist up to lets go!”.

Have you played the new Halo? The aim assist is basically a soft aimbot.

I’m confused why were using Halo’s aim assist as an example when OW already had an aim assist that we can look at.
The useful part of OWs aim assist is the sensitivity change around targets. The aim assistance is garbage and would preferably have an off switch.

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Haven’t played the new Halo. Thanks for confirming that it is yet another game with strong aim assist. Unlike Overwatch, which has garbage tier aim assist.

If this game does not have flip-stick it should have one and also have KB&M support.

Has for crossplay is concerned. They should remove it for PC but only for PvP based modes but allow it for PvE with aim assist.

Are you suggesting that a 2350 console player right now is equal to a 4400 pc player?

If not, then that’s a pointless comparison to make…

I dropped around 500sr switching from console, but my average accuracy is around 15% higher on pc. Even with aim assist, controller is harder to track in THIS game.

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Thanks for the reply. I think this is really sound reasoning. I don’t believe decisions as operational as the sensitivity of aim assist are even discussed at a corporate level.

However, I could be wrong.

As a PC player that has played other games with crossplay that allow console players to retain aim-assist in crossplay lobbies: No! No no no no no. Absolutely not.

The correct solution to this type of problem is to do the following:

  • allow kb/m on console natively (i.e. without needing a Xim)
  • split players into different lobbies based on input type: kb/m players with other kb/m players regardless of platform; controller players with controller players regardless of platform
  • controller players grouped with kb/m players get pulled into the kb/m lobbies
  • enable aim assist only for controller players in controller-only lobbies
  • disable or substantially nerf aim assist for controller players who are in kb/m lobbies

The platform on which people play a game isn’t important if the inputs are the same. Standardize the inputs, and group players with like capabilities. Consoles are basically just PCs with specialized OSes these days, and can easily handle any generic usb kb/m. Devs just need to stop assuming that console = first-time controller user and allow players to play on the same footing no matter where they play the game.

They’ll wind up buffing aim assist to compete with M+KB because people will complain about it, and they’ll look at statistics between the inputs.

We don’t need another game where the game aims for you, games like Halo are enough.