Could they TRY allowing console aim assist in crossplay?

Frankly I don’t see what the big deal is with this. Even with aim assist, I doubt the typical player using a controller would be on quite the same level of aim precision a typical player on PC will be. So why not just let console players keep their aim assist when crossplaying?

If there’s any really big potential ramifications to this, I’m not seeing it.


Fr its such a dumb thing


As a PC player, I agree. Aiming on console is already hard enough.


PC player and I agree. I don’t know why they removed it from Console players during crossplay. I thought we would want to be on even grounds?


I play both pc and console and honestly the aim assist is okay at best but it helps just enough.


I’m totally against it on principal alone and don’t think any console PvP game, even without cross play, should have aim assist. Even if players would miss way more at least they would know all their hits or hits against them was earned.

How can anyone play a PvP game on console with stats like you see in the new Halo game? Where the 50% percentile on Controller is with in a few point of top 100 on keyboard. Your a random mid-level player putting up stats equal or better than retired esport pros like Surefour. How does that not feel totally empty knowing “It’s not you”?

Maybe my only concern with the MS buy out is they will cram over the top autoaim into OW2 while still not allowing PC players to op out of crossplay.


I think they’re afraid because aim assist is really strong in games like fortnite and other BR games. But I don’t think it would be an issue in OW because aim assist really helps for really far engagements where you’re barely moving your crosshair. In OW things mostly happen in close range with lots of flicks where aim assist won’t help as much.


Because whatever players are using keyboard and mouse on console they are going to get aim assist on top of that.


They won’t, because many PC players are terrified from facing aim assist on games like CoD, where the assist is quite strong. They don’t realize that aim assist on Overwatch is so poor, it’s widely regarded as the worst aim assist on any active fps, whether competitive or cooperative.


With AA isn’t even grounds unless you give the other AA.

Honestly just keep it separate. Thats the only way to keep it even.

Still love you controllers though


As someone who has 2000+ hours on console and ~600 hours on PC, I can say with absolute certainty that aim assist + mouse would be incredibly annoying and would hinder more than help. Anybody who actually plays with console aim assist will probably agree. You’d be fighting the aim assist constantly while trying to aim at one thing but it pulls your reticle to something else. Slowing your mouse movement at something in the foreground when you’re trying to aim quickly at something in the distance.


Even with aim assist it’s not even ground, mouse would still have the advantage. Only slightly less than the huge advantage they have without it.

There’s a reason crossplay is console into pc lobbies and not also pc into console lobbies. Because even with AA, the players using mouse will always have the advantage over the players using controllers. Always. End of story.


I think you might be overestimating the aim skill of the typical KB/M player.

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I don’t want Blizzard artificially increasing the skill of console players who not only chose to play an FPS on a console but also chose to play it with PC players.


As a PC player. If I can’t have AIMBOT. neither can anyone else.

I mean why would anyone want to have something play the game for them? There is plenty of proof that controller players do NOT need aim assist.


They prbly would be doing that anyway if they would… but unless console allows you to use mouse and keyboard you are completely out of anyone’s league.
There is no way to marry these 2 realms without completely enraging the console players.

Well In THEROY you should be getting matched with pc players of your same skill level without aim assist
AKA: if you are diamond on console with aim assist then without aim assist you should be fighting gold/platinum pc players

although for what its worth I do think they should have aim assist


Keep your console cheating out of my PC games.


Yeah but the aim assist on overwatch is terrible. I didn’t realize until I played some PC pool games and my aim improved. So I shut it off and now I win more and get more elims.

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it really isn’t that good. watch a console game and you will see just how untrue your statement is