Could they TRY allowing console aim assist in crossplay?

Some people don’t understand how light OW’s aim assist is. The part that “aims for you” is as detrimental as it is helpful in most situations.

I would like the option to only have the low sense when your cross hair is near an enemy.

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Im talking about equal, not equity (?), equal opportunity are letting each person into the lobby with their own ability, good luck, while equity would be giving someone resources the other doesn’t have to ‘equal’ something out.

All i am saying is that 1 person has an advantage strictly of their own merit and the other has a program help them. Which is fine aiming on controller is hard.

So just keep them separate, that is the only way for players to have an equal chance.

It just straight up solves the problem.

Someone clearly haven’t seen games where aim assist is allowed.
Everyone is exploiting it left and right.

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It wouldnt even do much on a KB and M in overwatch.

Is a pretty weak AA and most good players wouldnt even want it on KB in this game


Come on it’s not equal at all because one method of control is superior to the other. Console people going into a PC pool are already at a disadvantage by virtue of how they’re playing the game that’s why AA exists in console shooters while PC it’s not needed because a mouse is better for aiming than a stick in every way.

AA is not an advantage it’s an equalizer.

Giving people cheats to get them up to a level others are reaching without cheats is a stupid idea and you shouldn’t need to be told that.

Stop whining that you aren’t being give a free leg-up and, actually, fight for native mouse support.


Stop with the lying. It’s cheating; the game is automating a function of aiming. That is VASTLY different from the improvements that most people see with mouse (and other methods like gyro-aiming) that are 100% the user.

Because of a lack of equal access. Not because “cOnTrOlLeR iS WoRsE tHaN mOuSe”.

Actually, I remember watching a video where the guy used Aim Assist on PC, and was much better than people without aim assist on PC. Turns out, when the computer helps you aim, you out aim everyone without the literal aim assistance.


Why are you comparing a PC player using aim assist to a console player using aim assist?

A PC player with mouse + keyboard using aim assist is literally just the equivalent of an aimbotting hacker lol…

A console player with a controller using aim assist is nowhere near the same thing

It’s their way of compromise.
They don’t wanna allow pc players to opt out of crossplay for more playerbase, and no aim assist for console players for that.

Just allowing it for quickplay seems good. No chance of console players playing comp so it wouldn’t have much downside

For PVP I’d really rather not. Since there’s really no way to block XIMs.

For PVE, sure.

Let PC opt out if they want and have an opt in crossplay where both PC and console can use aim assist so PC players can bust out the controller if they so choose. Everyone wins :man_shrugging:t2:

Aim assist does not mean aimbot. A cotroller is incredibly limited. If your sens is low, your max turn speed is slow and you can barely look around, so most pvp console palyers use a high sens. But a high sens on controller means, that tracking is near impossible. If you look to the right, you cant instantly turn to the left again, because you need to move the stick back to the middle before that.

On a mouse this is no problem, even on slow sense you can still turn around fast by simply moving the mouse fast. At the same time, a mouse player can instantly turn left, even if he just turned right, because you dont need to reset your mouse position for that.

Thats why controllers who use purely sticks to aim need a small amount of aim assist. And with aim assist I mean help with tracking, just a bit. It breaks of quite fast if you loose track of your target, but its enough time to you to reset your control stick in the meantime. And it also enables you to track very slight movement, which is usually impossible with controllers with actually competetive sens.

Aim assist as it exists on consoles rn is not evben compareable to mouse aim and is just a smal help console players need to atleast somewhat survive on crossplay.


There are no ways to block XIMs, but this isnt a problem if you only enable aim assist for consoles and not controllers as a whole.
Consoles only run on 60 frames, have limited view and overall not the best competetive settings (like too much particles). A XIM also adds additional delay and limits the keyboard inputs, since they need to be translated into controller inputs.

All these downsides are really not worth it for some slight help with tracking, which isnt even that useful for mouse as it is for controller anyway

What do you define as proof? That most of console top500 use XIMs because controller is such a disadvantige?
Besides that, controllers make it impossible for you to track well. And I mean literally impossible, even a perfect robot would be unable to, because you cant flick from right to left and opposite without the delay of resetting the stick to the standart position first. Your max. turn speed is also limited. So even if we ignore the fact that its much harder to aim a stick in generell, a controller still makes proper tracking impossible.
Thats why they need some kind of small aim assist helping with tracking extremely small movement.

I personally like the implementation of motion controll, like its done in splatoon for example, much more, but this is still better than nothing.

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There is a MASSIVE difference between players with XIMs and those without.

It’s for this reason alone they will never have aim assist.

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I dont understand what this has to do with my original reply.
I didnt want to sa XIMs are on same level than controllers, I wanted to say that playing on PC with mouse and keyboard without aimassist is still better than using console and XIM just to get aim assist

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A small help!?! The Halo stats, pretty relevant with MS buying Activision/Blizzard, showed aim assist is so juiced up that the mid-level 50th percentile of players had their aim with in a percent or two of the top 100 player on MKB.

that’s absolutely nuts. IMO it’s also helped drive that game’s player base into the ground. It would be like if 2350SR players in OW (the 50/50 break point) were all suddenly putting up stats nearly equal to 4.3SR-4.4SR players in the top 500.

Yeah ok fine it’s possible to add stupid auto-aim that kind of sort of maybe help a bit, but it can also go totally wrong. It simply should NOT be in PvP games, for anyone. Most of all for any game with crossplay.

it simply goes against the spirit of a PvP game to have AI aim for you, at all, ever. As I said before, my concern is MS with it’s focus on Xbox is going to buy ACT/BLZ and then demand juiced up autoaim sort of cross play.
Even more annoying in light of how we can’t even turn crossplay off now as PC players.


I thought its only logical to compare it to the aim assist already existing in OW, which is not compareable to the Halo one

This is a huge overexaggeration. Even if we ignore that even if you would give a gold a literal aimbot he would still not get to these ranks as easy, the aim assist already existing in OW is nothing that would make you jump 2000 sr

A console players with the aim assist as its introduced in Overwatch has still a big disadvantige against PC players