Could they TRY allowing console aim assist in crossplay?

When I did play on console aim assist would generally mess up my aim more than helping it, especially when a hero would run across the one I was trying to aim at. I don’t play console much anymore but it was the first thing I would turn off in almost every game

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I highly doubt they’ll improve Overwatch aim assist. The dev team struggled previously with programming the game to work with controllers. They had to go get help from another Activision studio to figure out how to set up linear and exponential ramp.

Unless they go get assistance again, or have hired someone who can program for controllers, I don’t see them improving aim assist to a reasonable level. Much less activating it during crossplay.

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Creating aim assist and tuning it are two widely different levels of difficulty.

Correct, it hinders the higher levels of play.

Most people play around Gold though, that area is also where crossplay differences are also minimal, but something like aim assist (for people figuring it out to still work for Mouse & Keyboard) could be very destructive.

And that’s a fair point if ranked crossplay was a thing, but currently crossplay is only available in unranked modes where the matchmaker is incredibly lax with the skill matchups anyway. In a situation where we’re talking about quality of life improvements over gaining a competitive advantage, I still say they should allow crossplayers to maintain their aim assist.

As it stands, crossplay is more frustrating than enjoyable as an experience for controller users, which kind of defeats the whole purpose and goes against the whole principle of crossplay: bringing friends and players together across all platforms.

When your performance is hindered and you become a liability to your team, or when you feel you have to play less mechanically intense heroes that you may not enjoy so that your forced handicap isn’t as noticeable or detrimental, your desire to even use the crossplay feature may falter. Sure you get to play with friends, but if you’re not enjoying the the fundamental gameplay experience due to the reasons mentioned above, is it even worth it?


Right! I’m 100% with the idea of the game overall being crossplay and letting it be a smooth enough transition as well.

I don’t think in the grand scheme of things that it would affect higher levels of play, and I’d heard lower levels of play there is really no recognizable difference.

I believe the only example where I had seen it was a destructive mesh of things was Star Wars Battlefront 2 at its early release (which was just a game filled with too many problems anyways). Players had figured out how to keep aim assist on with a mouse and keyboard.

Shhh half the people here are too stupid to know this.

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No, most people are aware of this, this is an extremely minor side effect of rotational aim assist. It really doesn’t change anything in terms of the discussion.

I’m not sure why people care so much about aim assist anyway. You cannot cross-play with comp PC and people don’t use controllers on PC because they are at a disadvantage either way. Who cares if people have aim assist in quick play? I bet half the people on these thread whining about aim assist are in trash tier SR anyway and it wouldn’t even impact them at all… not like it would make much of an impact anyway. Just another thing for people to blame their lack of skill on.

Its actually WAYYYY too strong.

I am horrible with controller… and it literally guides you to headshots…

Probably because every game where aim assist has been added on PC it has made it’s way to comp, and has been cranked up to the level where even professional M+KB players are barely above your average controller user in terms of accuracy.

On console I had to take off aim assist cause it was keeping me from doing simple ads. It was actually making my games worse at a certain point. Its a double edged sword, it can help, but when its trying to aim at someone one second ago and making me miss the shot it had to get turned off.

I had to fight against aim assist all the time playing Black Ops 2 also. Stupid assist was aiming at people spawning in on the other side of the map moving my cursor all the time at crud I wasn’t trying to hit. You can see the cursor do that in Overwatch, it will slightly move if you have aim assist on, and its turned up to max by default. Its like a dollar store wall hack that that hurts you more than the enemy.

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PC players using controllers do not get access to aim assist. You play in PC lobbies, you play by PC rules.

Dont like it, dont queue in PC lobbies. It really is that simple.

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opt out?

pc players don’t have that luxury option…

Regardless of what camp you’re in. Crossplay is a piss poor experience for anyone’s friend(s) that are on console with a controller. I’m a PC player and have friends that are reticent in playing via crossplay because of how uneven the playing field is for them. This issue refutes the entire purpose and existence of crossplay. It’s already limited to quickplay too, so it will not interfere with the ‘integrity’ of the competitive mode.

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Real and true

The issue of having aim assist enabled on pc pool, is that makes harder to actually see as aim assist or aimbot. On pc any aim assist is considered cheating, while on console is QoL, at same time some folks uses K&M on consoles and could get benefits from aim assist from it.

While hinders a bit console players on the stack, at same time is a price to pay. Take D2R as example, PC players started to put a controller to get better odds to get the loot on the ground. Later they put a option on lobby to enable/disable controller folks on rooms.

While D2R you work with rooms that often stays open for a couple of seconds to some few minutes, OW matches can be fast or take awhile also rely on 5v5 or 6v6, instead of 1-8 folks on D2R’s case.

The main issue is that feature are used as QoL on console to attract players to play without much risk certain characters. The point is having hand holding feature in a pool which is heterogeneous doesn’t make any sense, would be more reasonable to just have a switch and enable console players have the ability to use M&K instead of aim assist on pc pool.

The main thing is the slider should exist on console to enable or disable M&K, like already exist on PC. Aim assist shouldn’t be a thing if can be avoided, which is more a problem of either blizz want to folks on console play with K&M or not, they could enable it of folks play on PC pool and disable it if folks plays on console pool, like the way they already do on aim assist.

Here is why aim assist on pc is a bad idea:

  1. If you gate it by console, console mouse keyboard will be better than PC.
  2. If you gate it by hardware detection, and you can detect hardware correctly, then in many brackets, playing with a controller on PC will be the superior choice, forcing PC players to get controllers.
  3. If you gate it by hardware, and can’t reliably detect the control method, people will find emulators to present to the server a controller, but play with keyboard and mouse, which will force everyone to do the same that want to compete.
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People can easily dismiss this topic because they themselves don’t use controller, or don’t have friends cross-playing with controller. For a better understanding, I would supplicate you to use a controller on PC and tell me if principle would keep you using it.


I agree but they don’t care

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