[CORRESPONDENCE] Post for Toshiro Yamagami

After Echo don’t get your hopes up.

But if you want

Just pray at the shine topic I am about to post.

its probably not him. he was in mexico

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Yui’s dog, Mochi, is getting on in years, but his likeness still spins on the sign of the pottery school.

I think I found a picture of the sign. If so, Mochi face reveal:


This is true… though wasn’t he also wherever Mercy was at one point? He seems to be everywhere.

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Seeing as they said Echo would be the last hero until OW2 I now have a feeling OW2 is taking much longer to develop than originally expected. Probably due to COVID ofc.

I am expecting that they will give us the bad news about OW2’s launch date at Blizzconline, but they are giving us a new hero and a new deathmatch map to compensate for that I guess.


That’s the shop with the school exam hint inside too…

Also post my support shine topic if anyone is interested Shrine of the Fox Girl Support

Sumika- light, long life, flower, sun

Aw of course it’s a shibaken. I like that it’s named after him too.

Yamagami sword workshop was also on the map so I guess they have a lot of business there.

Tora means Tiger (so - Tiger long life)

so basically “the long life of the tiger” if taken word for word

so maybe it translates loosely to “long live the tiger”?

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I’m on board. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten some rallying hype in the form of backstory. Interested to see where it goes!


kitsune - immortal fox spirit / so idk if related or not. but it seems so.

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i cant get on ptr? anyone else having problems? - connection keeps failing

Oh I definitely read it as 虎の住処 like tiger dwelling

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so like den of the tiger

Yes I am.

fox noises

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I’m confused… what?


anyone else not able to get on ptr?

You cant access PTR if there is nothing on it. Always has been like that


Also, your name makes me want to test a theory.