Constantly losing games

A lot of it is because of blizzards negligence. They haven’t policed the playerbase so people can and have smurfed to their hearts content and paid to be boosted. The matchmaking is all over the place.


Why do you think that counters my point that handicapping works to push people towards their current rank?

I mean memory loss is an issue that seems to be apparent on the forums. Unlucky

“Game takes dozens of games” I played prob 400 games at diamond why am I not still diamond? Why did I eventually go to masters and then GM? Games rigged right? I should still be in diamond? Why did all my accounts when I got better at the game rise at the same time? People need to take a statistics class and learn the word “average”


Tell us you have no idea what he meant, without telling us you don’t… you go fir… never mind, you already went. Well done? Your comment is the type you read later and try to delete… but we all saw it :).

Well obviously you didn’t wanna respond with an actual answer. Because you obviously can’t think of a “rigged response”. Instead you typed a paragraph of meaningless text that you could have summed up in a sentence.


Welcome to SBMM, the Overwatch community is clueless about it, I have tested it and it’s all rigged.

I lose 38 out of 40 games, I’m Constantly paired with noobs and stacked against wayyy higher skill level that just demolish us, I just simply cannot win. I take out 4 ppl and need healing and our Mercy is trying to battle a Road Hog. This is just to give you an idea of the noobs on my team.

It’s very frustrating, I am okay with losing, but when I’m constantly losing because of the flawed algorithm that’s “forcing me to lose”, is insane.

Activision thinks they’re helping noobs, but in reality they’re hurting them and hurting player retention.

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You do realize that SBMM stands for 'skill based matchmaking", right? A match making system that forces you to lose wouldn’t be skill based. It would also be such an obviously bad idea I wonder how anyone thinks it’s plausible.

What do you want to be matched on? Network speed? How many games you lost recently?

Your “Skill Rating”, which would still be SBMM?

Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, the problem has nothing to do with the matchmaker or ranking system and everything to do with a varied player base comprised of actual humans, who are just the worst? Inconsistent, tilting, drunk on a Friday night, have different attitude than you humans?


Let’s start here. Your goal is to start improving. Your goal is NOT to gain SR. Gaining SR will only put you into harder matches that you are not ready for. You don’t want to put the cart before the horse.

Improvement doesn’t come from winning more matches. Improvement comes from learning more from your losses.


Maybe watch something other than p#@$, It’s enjoyable but won’t really teach you how to get better at overwatch.

I am using the acronym SBMM for skilled based match making yes, how are you so dense?

It is the match maker, you can try and defend and deflect all you want, the skilled based matching is broken to its core. As I said earlier, the community, people like yourself are clueless about it. The match making should be either based on Ping, or random lobbies.

I have tested it for a few years, it’s ruining the game, this is a fact not debatable.

One thing I regret not doing is making tons of videos of me playing and posting it on YouTube to show people proof of how broken and corrupt this system is.

This is all thanks to evil Bobby and foolish Jeff Kaplan who raised the skilled based matching,.

People will hate the matchmaker no matter what they do. There are games that do this, the complaints are high and downsides obvious.

Not that SBMM is perfect, though. Skill is inconsistent. It relies on large numbers of people playing. It makes the game equally hard for all players. This isn’t a blind defense here.

I have yet to see a case that SBMM is ruining the game. Overwatch has always had SBMM.

You can see what ping based matchmaking looks like on OW. When the player base currently online gets too small to find people of similar skill, that weirdness that everyone hates is what a ping based matchmaker would look like.

Maybe YOU want the MM to resemble Tuesday late night activity all the time, but I certainly don’t. Seems that everyone thinks those games are horrible.


How old is your account? Anchor stats could be holding you back. The producers like players to buy new accounts when the game goes on sale.

If it makes the producers more money, how can you consider it not plausible? This is Activision we are talking about here.

Because if you actually read the research, people play more when they WIN, not lose.

In terms of theory, one problem with SBMM is that people can only win 50% of their games, but they’d like to win 70% of them.

If you were going to rig the system to get people to play more, you’d find a way to get everyone to win 70% of their games, which hopefully that’s obvious to you why it’s not possible.

It’s not plausible that they would try to make more money by having a system that makes people want to quit. Not that they wouldn’t try to make more money somehow.


They need to remove SBMM from all their games Period, they need to stop interfering by making matching algorithms by trying to cater to a certain group of people and let it be random.

As I type this I just finished playing and I won 2 out of f’ing 45 games! This is not coincidence, and this is every single time, and I’m tired of trying to carry these noobs on my team.

If BF2042 didn’t fail so hard I woulda left this sh***ty game.

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With SBMM, you’ll eventually get to a point where you win about half your games. Without it, you’d keep losing 43 of 45 indefinitely.

Why do you prefer to lose so much?


Man shut the hell up and stop trollin, don’t have time for that sh**

The people in this community need to know the truth, it’s not their fault they keep losing.


Just because you don’t understand why you’re losing doesn’t make it a problem with the matchmaker.

Might be a problem with the player base right now, though. Matchmaker can’t fix stupid.


Sounds like you just handed wins to 258 people though. Glad you’re doing your part!


It is a problem with the match making lol, are you slow or just stupid? What’s so difficult to understand, the system is paring noobs and stacking them against Diamonds gold and GMs.

To put it simple for you because maybe you’re slow I dunno. It’s like taking a bunch of toddlers and putting them in a ring with Sumo wrestler’s.

SBMM is responsible for this, people don’t pick and choose their lobbies, and im sorry if you don’t want to accept the truth for whatever reason, maybe you’re an Activision paid shill for all I know.

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You’re perfectly capable of grouping up and playing scrims.

That’s not practical, you say? You want to compare yourself against the entire player base you say?

If only there was some system that found a group of people and put them in a match together so they didn’t have to do the tedious, boring work of finding a group and instead you could just play the game? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

And what if we even tried to measure their skill and put them in matches that we think they have an even chance to win?

Would it be perfect? No. Skill is hard to measure. You’d need a very large group to find enough people of the same skill.

But would it be better than struggling to find a lobby then ending up with the same result anyways because 70% of the population is better than you?


Start thinking about what the SBMM is doing for you, Mister “gladly tanking my SR for 43 games”. I guarantee you that your wouldn’t like the alternative at all.

If you think losing so much is bad when the system is designed for it to not happen, think for a second about how it’s going to be when your win rate equals your skill percentile and GMs are mixed with Bronzers and a matter of policy.