Constantly losing games

So toxic over being bad at a video game.

  • Though its actually quite funny to watch these egotistical kids cry this hard.

Provide screen caps of all profiles to prove that the enemy team is comprised of high elo players.

Fixed your paragraph for you


I’ve been where you are, and I have the fortune of not currently being in this mental state, yet I don’t have much doubt I’ll fall into this cynicism again. The absolute best advice I can give to you or anything that has this thought process is: Don’t worry about it. You can’t control what other people are going to do, and honestly the enemy team rolling you is nothing but a blessing objectively speaking. Of course, while you’re getting rolled it’s complete BS, but if you can maintain a positive thought process and focus on performing the best you individually can, you will improve at the game, and guess what happens when you genuinely improve at the game? You rank up.

When I get rolled it sucks, but I take the opportunity to focus on what little I can do and put my all into that. Resist the urge to talk to your teammates, they won’t help you, only you can help yourself


i went 2-8 yesterday on a drinking account, day before 3-7 im 5-15 this weekend overall. these things happen, i bet next time i play that account i reverse it out, 15-5 net zero longterm but that doesnt matter.

why doesnt it matter you might ask?

because im not paid to play this game, i play this game to 360 no-scope n00bs heads while yelling BOOM HEADSHOT. i dont even play widow…


You did all that editing for me Lmao, you’re adorable, love you man.

Really bad players would win about 20% of their games or less. Algorithm ensures them around 50%. That’s a big jump. Thanks for helping my argument.

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If your argument is that you want to stomp noobs and make people that have disabilities, better things to do, and cheaper hardware to just go f themselves, then yep, matching randomly and using win rate ratio as a proxy for skill will work.

I said that back in 2018. This isn’t a secret.

That’s not the direction any game is ever going to go ever again, because it relies on a steady stream of quitters to prop up the win rates of the miserable excuses of human beings that feel this way.

But, surely that not your argument, is it?


First of all the matchmaking system is slightly screwed and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. For example today I was playing with my friend who is ~2200 sr , I was on my smurf account which is 2800 sr (main is 4100) so u would think that me killing 3 each fight and having over 2x what silver Dmg was would mean we would win, wrong. You would think that we would be winning most/all of our games but no we won 7/11 so it shows how bad your team mates can be.

However you said u played support and are 900 sr level 83 so I assume u are new to the game and pc? Playing support is a soft carry especially when u are playing with complete noobs so you will have to play extremely well in order to make a big difference. U play mercy which means all ur doing is healing/dmg boosting noobs so it is not going to do much. If you really want to actually get good at the game I would suggest playing good and fairly skillful heroes such as soldier/mccree/reaper and go into aim training arenas against other players and practice then go into a game. However if you are just want to climb ranks on support I would suggest playing zen/bap/Ana. zen can deal a lot of dmg and provide a very good ultimate. Bap and ana heal lots and can win 1v1 duels and provide lots of util such as a good ana nade on the enemy team changes the fight in your favour. If you are dead certain on playingmercy then try to find a dps duo to play with who you think is good.

But dude u are level 83 so you have a lot of time to improve as u are very new . Just practice to get better not to gain sr then sr will come with time. Also try not to blame team mates too much and see what you could have done better to win. If you are good enough you will get out of that rank and yes it may be slowly but u will eventually get out of that rank .

I love the fact I am not the only one who has a “drinking account”… we are the many I think.

stupid answer from a stupid human like always … youre all the same monkeys…

The kind of response I’d expect from a toxic man child. Keep polluting the community with your filth.

If you keep playing (100 games) your winrate should be pretty close to 50%. Most of your matches will still be stomps, but it’s a pretty good movie when funny stuff happens. Lots of action, drama, and horror too.

The average rigged MM believer who is at the bottom of the rank:

All Cope, but no Hope =]


Says the :clown_face:

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Hey there, don’t worry! Soon the matchmaker will see that you’ve lost a bunch and it will stack the teams in a way that is really unfair, you’ll start winning matches uncontrollably and will finally think you’re getting better! The other team won’t stand a chance! Of course, after winning a bunch you’ll then be placed on a loss streak where you become the other teams you were just beating down, but you know you have to give some to get some.

So enjoy the wild ride of rigged and broken matchmaking!


That’s exactly what is happening.

The steady stream of quitters, maybe, but low skilled players aren’t propping up the win rates of high skilled players. A smurf still has a 50% win rate, it’s just that they’re throwing/smurfing rather than playing games at their actual skill level.

Person problem, not a MM problem. If you can get people to stop being jerks, please let me in on your secret.


We don’t need to stop them from being jerks. We need Blizzard to remove them from the game.

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Good point. If the players are where they belong and the match is 50/50, logic dictates that the 6 players who win will have inflated SR, and the team who loses has 6 players with deflated SR. That discrepancy follows them into the next match, making the team averages inaccurate for all of those players’ next match. It does even out close to 50% eventually, but you will have to ride the pendulum like everyone else.

  • Sincerely, your lying :clown_face:

I mean…I agree with your sentiment, I really do.

But it’s like you think that people neatly separate into two categories, bad and good, and that it’s easy to just remove the bad.

I don’t actually think that you think that, but surely then you can recognize that just banning everyone that looks suspicious isn’t a solution.

Like, how do you even identify a smurf? I mean it! If you define them like I do, someone on a smurf/throw cycle, then it really just looks like someone who is inconsistent, maybe getting drunk/stoned, recently coached, etc. It’s not that easy of a problem to solve.

There are other definitions, i.e. “alt accounts” (a fair definition, it’s just that some people use the word differently). As long as you’re trying on each account and not deliberately sabotaging the system, it’s not clear at all how that kind of “smurf” harms the game one bit.
I see a lot of complaints about “new players” ruining games, but seriously, gtfo with that. New players may be frustrating now but they will only help later on. The only “bad” in that is the person that is so mentally tied to a single game that they can’t cope in a healthy way with the randomness of life.

So, if you’re going to remove everyone that SPUD deems as “bad”, how many people are you really going to be left with?

Seriously, think about it. If it’s “so many in all the games”, if it’s really that, and you remove them…who’s going to be left?
Maybe you should consider that if everyone else is playing the game with a different mindset than you, why is everyone else wrong and you’re right?