Constantly losing games

So let me ask you this, why would they do that?


They believe that will create more balanced matches. If you just go by SR, people who are out of place by being too good or too bad for their rank will create very unevenly matched games. If you ignore SR and only look at everyone’s stat-based skill rating (MMR), and balance games to that, in theory both teams will have close to a 50% chance of winning every game. It makes sense in quick play. It makes absolutely no sense in competitive, since it prevents people from climbing or falling to their true rank


Yeah 50% sounds about how it should be, whats the problem? if both teams are average you should win an average amount of games. If one person is finally getting better at the game those odds shift and that team has a slightly better chance at winning sounds about how every ranked game that exists works. Ive even copied that formula before.

Common sense would tell you if both teams are equal that they would be a 50% winrate, it would also tell you that neither of them should be ranking up

I mean many on here have far more than that… almost everyone in Plat up has at least 2-3… if not more. Not uncommon for people to have around eight accounts.

Ideally one would like to have a separate MMR/SR per character… this is the easiest way get towards that.

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But that’s NOT how it works. I’m not sure how this is confusing to you. If you get better (are out of place for your rank), you get worse teammates or better opponents, working against the natural adjustment you would make to your new true rank. SR is all that is needed and everyone would adjust. But that would make imbalanced games while people adjust. They value balanced matches over fair matches, so they use MMR and not SR.


I always had the mindset to stick to one account call me crazy ,But if you have the money go for it.
Its just hard to see somebody having that many accounts and being always competitive.
thanks the reply good luck!

That is how it works, when you get better you climb. I started the game out gold eventually realized how to play the game and got to GM and can get to it on any new account. Where is the rigging when I make a new account and get there in a short amount of games? Where is the rigging when I play on someones gold account that supposedly rigged by blizzard and get it out of gold at 100% win rate lmao yall are just in delusion hell cant stop ya.

Best part about watching a boosted player get there account back is watching them go back to what they started at lmao

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I once got asked to reclimb the same kids account 3 times in a matter of a month.

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1000-1200 is a nightmare to slog through. There are definitively more smurfs and throwers at that range but once you break it you are able to climb decently until you hit that 1500 wall.

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A school designed a multiple choice test to determine whether 7th grade students were below average, average, or above average for their grade level.

The test consisted of questions that required a high school education to answer accurately.

The 7th graders complained that the test was poorly designed and didn’t make sense.

“Nonsense” said a random man with a master’s degree. “I took the test and passed it, there’s nothing wrong with the test”

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i think the key is to adapt to your team’s play style. If you watch too many videos you’ll play Ana like ml7 or karq and be what i call a static Ana bot. The streamers play at such a high level all their teammates know them so well from playing top 500 for years… in mid rank, if your rein feeds you need to move up closer to choke and land a risky sleep or bottle that can save them before the battle is lost. adapt to the play style of each game, you don’t get punished as hard as the pros would so be aggressive sometimes. thats just an Ana example

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Don’t be hard on yourself. Do you know that every competitive match is algorithmically handicapped?


When he says algorithmically handicapped, what he means is intentionally created to custom fit your performance as a player.

This way the game can correctly assess your skill and accurately match you in your games.


Unfortunately it doesnt though. As someone who has climbed the ranks i can say without a doubt the system is borked….hard. Scrims are the only accurate way of assessing someones skill now


The game takes dozens of games to determine your MMR, so you’re in masters before it can start handicapping you, since you’ll place in diamond and gain 100+ your first several games. Once your MMR is established, the handicapping tries to keep you were you are. Like this is really REALLY basic stuff. I’m surprised you’re still confused.

We’re talking about a competitive ranked environment and an “E-Sport” You sound like you’re talking about merch line for Prada. What a ridiculously greasy thing to say. I wonder what corrupt thought process produced that stinker.

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It most certainly does. Especially if you’re average.

As someone who’s climbed numerous accounts from bronze/silver to Diamond, I can say without a doubt, its always the same.

  • 3 to 5 games of varying difficulty at regular SR gains, and then PBSR kicks in and shoves you up the ladder as quickly as possible until you start leveling off relative to your peers.

Not really. Scrims are an organized event where everyone is working together and playing the game as effectively as possible.

That’s very dissimilar from ladder competitive where you sink/swim based on your consistent performance / time.

If you’re looking to play and enjoy Overwatch, yes… Scrims are the correct way to go. If you’re looking to queue and play the numbers game of a ladder system against other people, then you would play comp.


Umm… I have spreadsheet to keep track of all my accounts, which ones are for which classes/which are “assisted”/which are for when I am drinking/etc. I have to many to keep track otherwise without it.

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Ok cool random amount of words man keep it up!


What if I told you I was diamond for a year. What’s the explanation for that.