Constantly losing games

Every time I join a comp game my team always gets absolutely steamrolled each time. At this point I’m just not sure what to do. I’m always watching videos, I make sure to focus on myself and how I play, I take all the advice I get yet nothing seems to help and it’s like we lose so hard it’s embarrassing and idk how to start improving and gaining sr, this sucks fr


Post replays thanks. Also include your own personal opinion of what you could do better (after watching your own replays)… :slight_smile:


Sounds to me a lot like algorithmic handicapping…


It might be because you’re playing well, so the game keeps putting you up against challenging opponents…

And yes, it sucks when this keeps happening but your SR keeps decreasing like it doesn’t even matter.

tbh, I believe this has been one of the reasons since the beginning as to why people start throwing games. But I’ll leave that theory for Blizzard to digest.


I am algorithmic handicapped to GM, everytime I make a new account they keep putting me here and it sucks, I deserve rank 1! I put the playtime in give me rank 1!


Hey dude

Post some replays maybe?

Plenty of people that would be happy to help you out.


no! rank 1 is mine! FIGHT ME FOR IT!!!


Yeah, that’s pretty likely, but I still don’t think I do amazing during comp and I try to improve and fix mistakes daily. Really sucky tho, I feel like one of the things I’m best at is support and my SR in that rank is like 900-something, insane and embarrassing for me tbh

Don’t be embarrassed, competitive/ranked as it currently is in OW1 is a mess. And I hear once you get into bronze, you’re at the mercy of derankers, cheaters…etc. I have an account at 3000 and an account I can barely get out of silver on, (both solo queue only) the games are the same difficulty, it doesn’t make sense.

We can only hope/pray that the rank system is revised for OW2, and probably an SR reset, all we can do until then is just practice or just try to have fun.


you’re at the mercy of them if you treat it like overwatch but that’s (unfortunately) a bad way to climb out

treat bronze/silver for what it is - a deathmatch with very few functional ow concepts - and you can grind out in no time

treat it as anything else, and it leaves even the best looking like a train conductor trying to get rabid monkeys to patiently stay seated long enough to make it to the next stop (not happening)

it’s a bit lame but the fastest way outta sub-2k (par boosting) is prolly to just hard grind a game like apex for a while and keep hot dropping, come back to ow, then try to frag

gonna be even more effective when 5v5 drops i think


Brruuuhhhh… Crystal Clear Explanation…

Death Match combined with King of the Hill (whoever can stay on/progress the point).


Literally the purpose of the game?

you need to understand sarcasm better fren.

Yup. My very first account was HARD stuck silver, nearly every game being an absolute blowout loss. Made another one and sat comfortably in mid platinum for several seasons with mostly good, fun, competitive games. I’m not good enough to hard carry in silver against smurfs. Blizzard will never address the problem because in the end, they make money of it.


@flummilo I just looked at your profile and discovered your problem. You are lvl 83. Your most played character is mercy. And your mercy has almost 6 hrs. That is your problem. You fail because you don’t have a main. You fail for lack of experience.

I’m a 250 hr sombra main. Despite the fact sombra is the weakest dmg character inside overwatch, and you know her counters. I will likely win the majority duels against u because of the huge skill difference. I’m more attuned with sombra, meaning i’m more responsive and aim good, so your survival window will be very short, and the fact your a newb and probably lack mechanical skills for aim means I can last longer. However if I go doomfist, it will likely be a bit more balanced because I’ve only played him for like 5-10 hrs. So you will have trouble ranking up because you lack the hrs on different characters. Whatever advice is given will not make you a better player where you are winning games left and right tomorrow, getting better comes over long time.

If you’re freefalling in sr right now, it might be prudent to stick to quickplay for a bit longer so you don’t lose a lot more SR. The problem with role que is that there is lesser of a need to diversify, if you want to play tank, you can simply play tank again and again. So with less diversity means probably more people with 100+ hrs on a single character. So the game is getting harder for everyone in comp, and will be extremely brutal on new players.

Also if you’re planning on maining mercy, climbing her out of bronze in solo que will probably be quite difficult. Mercy is somewhat unique cause she is the only character whose not a killing machine. If your teammates aren’t good at all (which is common in bronze), then there isn’t anything you can do about it in solo que. Your best bet will probably go track down a pharah main to group up with. In overwatch Pharah is the ultimate newb crusher, simply because her counters are hitscan that can actually aim, which is hardest to find in bronze.

Anyway good luck, your gonna need it.

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The truth is, is that Bronze-Gold is full of trolls and throwers who won’t accept criticism, are actively choosing to lose matches, and are not actually attempting to push up, as they don’t care about their rating.

No matter how well you perform, you will still lose matches, because Overwatch is a team game and you are reliant on them.

The only way to circumvent this is to play with a full dedicated team of people you know that are all solid, and actually trying to push up as well.

Otherwise, pushing up is largely RNG, as it depends on who is placed on your team, with you. Though there is some influence by your own skill as well, of course. But I guarantee that unless you are definitely a weaker link, it’s your teammates.

In my experience, I was always gold damage, usually gold elims, and occasionally even had 4 gold medals, and even POTG, every single game, and still end up going 0-8 in one day. Feels bad.

I remember after going on a losing streak, the one game I won on this one day, was where I was silver damage and underperformed, as per my usual.

I’m convinced that it’s almost always the team’s fault. Though you do have to accept responsibility and your own mistakes and failings when it is you.


You tell good jokes bro


Glad to hear this, across seven accounts I have account-roles spread from Bronze through Plat, there is a threshold around 1200 SR that has a bunch of people I am convinced are just throwing down to it, the games there are harder than anything I see in higher Gold into Plat games…


7 accounts?

7 accounts to practice competitive literary.
Do you take competitive seriously or do you have a loose mind set?

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Algorithmic handicapping works both ways, boo. I have a diamond DPS account. I’m low gold/high silver DPS. It stays diamond because the game puts potatoes on the other team.

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