Consoles Bug [Exponential Ramp]

Sadly, this only seems to work for some people. I’ve tried this fix many times and it does not work.

So keep this thread alive so it can get fixed for the people that can get around it with this, but also for the ones who can’t do anything about it because this doesn’t work.

Are they gonna fix it?? I think they don’t care about consoles :pensive::pensive:
Please replay blizzard


Honestly this is driving me insane


Same, I get on after work. Check in training. Try to do the all heroes, then manually select expo. It doesn’t work still.

Then I’m a grumpy cat for a while. :unamused: while my friends are posting their new skins + legendary halloween achievements.

Fun :smiley:


RIP muscle memory , They say dual zone is not that bad :disappointed_relieved:
This fourm is kind of useless if a post this big didn’t grab any devs attention IDK what will .


blizzard plz fix, i just want to play your game

Whoever can’t use the workaround, are you guys on xbox?

I’m having the same problem. Its really bad


There is patch on live. Can someone confirm if this fixed or not?

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Just tested in training , Expo is back :sob:

also , they changed Ashe aim sight .

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Just tested it and it seems fixed!! Thank god

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II get to play the game now yeeeeehawwww.

If anyone still experiences issues please do return to this thread.

Yes it works well now . I think you didn’t play with it for a long time you forgot how it felt:joy: .

make sure it’s expo under the specific hero too ,as u might have switched it when it was bugged .

To test it : move the analog stick slightly to the left or right , It should start slow . Then goes a bit faster and faster until you hit max speed.

If it goes from slow to fast instantly then it’s dual zone , as it was before the patch.

Expo ramps up the speed from slow fast faster fastest.
Dual zone only goes from slow to fast.

Majority of Expo players are ximmers, including me :slight_smile:
Blizz made intentional bug to check how much AA abusers they have in the game. Thats why you cannot see any changes in patch notes.

Controller users uses dual zone and linear xD

Nah, I am using expo with controller since they introduced it. Dual Zone is wacky for me and linear is too fast (and as I heared, ximmers using linear).


only since the halloween patch and they already rolled back to expo since its fixed already

I feel like none of that is true

Except for ppl that use tgings like a razer wolverine. Dual zone is terrible for that and I personally dislike linear