Consoles Bug [Exponential Ramp]

All highranked people I know used dual zone, and a few guys were on linear. Nobody used expo.

Thank you very much! You’re really helpfully my solved problem, almost been 4 weeks for now. I found this. Hotfix… Blizzard pls fix this.

Tbh i wish they never rolled it back. During the linear to expo fix my accuracy and hit reg was never better.

When this shiiiit is going to be fixed, I dont play the game since October

It was fixed almost 2 weeks ago dude.

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Is there fix this bug yet? This is unplayable.

It has already been fixed.

No, it isn’t fixed yet. Still slow super on dual-zone. I switched to exponential ramp.

“Still slow on dual-zone”

This thread was made regarding the issue of Exponential Ramp, you said you’ve switched to it because it functions fine.

So no, your bug is not related to this thread so i’d recommend you make a new thread.

Looked everywhere and this is the only thread to address this. Apparently this glitch affects the dead zone/adds more exponential curve to small movements resulting in sluggish aim. It also affects Dual Zone too. I ran some tests after trying out Dual Zone on PC with a controller and noticing how different it felt from Xbox. Set Global settings to Linear and individual heros to Dual Zone or Exponential and you will notice the difference. Hopefully they’ll patch this.