[CONSOLE] is anyone getting in?

I’m EU on Switch. Managed to play at about lunchtime here and haven’t been able to log back in since. It’s now almost 11:30pm. I was hoping that maybe with it being later I’d be able to get in, but I’m still getting error BC-153 over and over again.

Xbox, NA eastern region. Wasn’t able to get on yesterday after about 6 hours. Have tried again today for a few hours and still can’t get in.

Have a friend on PC who is able to get in with the Asia trick…

Really killing the hype I had for this game.

Xbox series s,
Britain (so eu)

I’m finding out it was because I merged my pc and Xbox account but I am yet to get in. Lc-208 and bc-158 (or something) error codes constantly.

I got in last night for 5 hours on ps5, can’t now. But we all need to understand we are all randomly getting in and out of line (sometimes voluntarily and sometimes server issues) stop trying to make statistical evaluations on random lines.



I have heard several of you state something along the lines of “this is because I merged”

I am absolutely not questioning whether this is true or not, but I am asking: where are you hearing that merging results in inability to connect? I am looking for official verification of this and cant find any such information

a link would be optimal

I am in Arkansas, on a Switch & surprisingly got in one match halfway through the last round, around 3:45pm today… Only played for maybe 3 minutes & it fully kicked me after getting past the menus about 5 minutes in. I’m an everyday OW player for leisure & I just wanna plaaaaaaaay :smiling_face_with_tear:

good first post, Breazy, welcome to the forums

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Xbox Series X. I should probably also add it still lags a little while in, probably due to the servers (my internet is fine).

On Xbox Series X, was in for 10hrs starting at 8pm yesterday now problems getting in right now with absurdly long queue times.


North America region

I was in.
Timed out in-between rounds dealing with irl stuff. Doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get in again at least for a while.

PS4, connected for a good 3-4 hours, NA.

I’m on ps4 and I haven’t been able to get on once, North America

btw I would love to give you all likes for reporting in, but they ration those on these forums

but I assure you, i truly do irl like each post made here :slight_smile:


I would pay $60 dollars not to have this queue. Thanks Blizzard… 1999 players ahead of you, 1 hour with no movement.


PS4, NA - I have tried to get in on and off since launch. I was able to get in today, for the first time, around 1pm CST and connected perfectly. I was able to play for two hours. No lag aside from occasional spikes in game. I was in the main menu when I was suddenly disconnected.

Currently trying again now. Started at a que of 1999 and I’m now at 599. We’ll see how it goes :face_exhaling:

It’s more experience than anything, for example for me, I merged, my wife didn’t. My wife got straight in no issues, I’m still getting LC-208 log in errors and haven’t got in.

With about 15 hoirs total spent actively attempting to get in i only was able to play 2 single match which both had dcs in them… ps5 and america mountain servers or whatever texas is smh this is crazy.

It dpesnt make a difference because when your the 1 next in que it will have an error and reset you to back of the line.

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