I’ve made several topics regarding the various issues plaguing the console community, but they gain little traction or attention on the forum.
The reality is, if you’re a console player who wants to climb, your best bet is to go buy a XIM and begin cheating with MNK. Blizzard hasn’t done a thing to ban these accounts or deter these players. Yet seemingly Everytime I fire up my comp or QP (High plat/Diamond) I run into some MNK Soldier/Ashe/Widow terrorizing my team. In fact there have been a slew of players I have known who are unashamedly self admitted MNK Cheaters.
And the fact they can so boldly proclaim this with no fear is wildly off-putting. They all acredit it to their climb to Diamond or Masters (I have yet to meet MNK users who aren’t at least 2800SR).
So basically Blizzard had encouraged players to cheat their way to the top with no consequences to be had. They can cry and claim ignorance and BS like “It’s too hard to prove” while the rest of us continue to get destroyed.
I will post the exact quotes from former game director Jeff Kaplan for context about this subject, but as far as I am told, this still isn’t something that is reportable as cheating.
Endorsement is not a correct term. They have licensed it meaning Sony guarantees the device will work on compatible games for their system, where as using an unlicensed peripheral risks damage to your system and can void your warranty.
That being said, it doesn’t discount the fact that there are legitimate devices to get a better advantage in console games.
I understand you’re just upset, but you’re also laying it on a little thick. Blizzard sounds very much against it and those who partake in it are taking advantage of the firm’s conflicts.
I don’t play on Console, but I do understand conflicts that arise… especially when dealing between organizations.
If devices are supported on Console, then the user expects the ability to use them. It isn’t some front where a user attacks the product directly ( hacking etc.), but now Blizzard must find a solution to prohibit functionality of a product (or components) not owned or managed by them in a way that is not going to result in some millions of dollars in compensatory damages.
Maybe Blizzard is well within their right to manipulate functionality within their program, depends on what types of contracts exist.
Maybe they are working out a definitive solution that is efficient in finding those who abuse this.
You give one person an inch, and they will take it a mile. It’s an even greater magnitude when it comes to software or competitive games. As easy, accessible, and protected the action is (like a green stop sign), more users are going to engage in it.
But if Blizzard finds some way to enforce and truly prohibit the action, then those individuals who continue to do so will have to take the responsibility.
Call it what you will, but this is really watered-down in the terms of “cheating” if such features are accessible to everyone. Back in the day, I bought a “classic pro” controller for my homie’s Wii instead of using the nunchucks (or whatever they’re called) for CoD. The system sucked anyways.
At some point you stop caring. Topped around 3750 SR and realized console competitive is a joke and you’re better off on pc. Masters starts seeing XIM use and GM has a ridiculously high percentage. Combine that with the fact that a lot of gm players are using Xbox series X/S 120fps combined with aim assist XIM and you realize there’s no point.
Interesting, I get many “Thank you for reporting…” messages when I log in.
Seems like you are just sour that MNK on consoles is not considered a cheat by the console companies (Microsoft/Sony), and that trickles down to OW where Blizzard can literally do nothing.
You can cry here all you want, but you’re crying on the wrong platform.
How tf are you struggling to meet anyone past diamond who plays with a controller? I could be diamond if I only played drunk…
I’ve peaked out at 4.5k onc console with a controller, playing support (not mercy) and I gotta say there is no competitive integrity at that rank. You just have mercy otps pocketing mnk dps mains every, single, game. And the best part is the only reliable way of countering the gm mnk pocket pharah on console is your own gm mnk pocket hitscan. Anything other than that requires a lot of teamwork which you don’t consistently get anywhere near as often as you play against mnk pockets. Console peaks at masters where most of the best controller only players live. Don’t bother trying for gm unless you want to be told to play either bap mercy or Ana every single game.
The first time I ever played with masters players I’m flanking on Tracer and the enemy zen domes me in the head with the quickest 180 I’d ever seen in my life lmao. I knew then that competitive scene isn’t worth it until they solve XIMing.
Honest question, why do you care? I mean, if the MNK players have the advantage then the matchmaker will sort the MNK players vs other MNK players. You can still play the game vs non-MNK players and you can still have fun. They are having fun. You’re having fun. What am I missing here?
Unless. Oh God. Unless you are playing this game not for fun but for… a stupid number that a corporation assigned to you and think that that is somehow valuable? Please don’t tell me it’s that.
Console is just doomed at this point… and the funniest thing is, the cheaters who have ruined it for everyone else on console, are now switching to PC because theres no one left on console to play with.
People always said that Xbox had more Ximmers than Ps, and after cross-play, that’s blatantly obvious.
I’ve played on console I think 3 times since cross-play was added, and it’s a nightmare as a Ps player. 120fps Xbox ximmers have such a distinct advantage that even as a 4300+ console player it feels pointless to even try. It just isn’t fair, so why even put effort in.
Extra funny thing… have ran into some former T500 console ximmers on my smurfs on PC and they’re all hardstuck Plat/Diamond… obviously aim assist was doing them wonders.
Literally, people who ximmed on console to 4600/4700 are now hardstuck 3100 on PC… it’s such a joke.
Switch to PC and pray one day they’ll add aim assist like everyone else, sadly it’s the only choice.
So why haven’t they done it yet? PlayStation and Xbox have supported keyboard and mouse for years now. I’d love to play in the PC pool from my PS5, especially when OW updates to 120fps!