So I’ve been playing this game for a bit over a year now on X1.
I have only met 2 players in +Diamond who weren’t using MNK.
Literally every other player on Xbox at the high ranks is cheating their way there.
I’ve known quite a few self admitted MNK users who frankly were trash at the game and had terrible game sense, but routinely climbed and won with mechanical superiority.
Yet the devs and company do nothing to prevent Xim users from cheating their way through the game. It’s just another problem within its broken system.
I won’t lie, I had some former friends who were MNK users. I spent enough time watching their gameplay to spot it, and even now, I’d argue there’s 1-2 MNK users every game, even within plat.
But in +Diamond, they’re all doing it.
Between that and the smurfing issue it’s shocking there’s still a competitive community.
I think if they knew a way to detect XIM they would have blocked it a while ago but there just isn’t a way since XIM disguises keyboard and mouse as just a regular controller.
At this point, I think mouse & keyboard should officially be supported on console, and if a console user uses KBM, they should be put only in the PC lobbies. It won’t eliminate all XIM users, but it should deter some. XIM does give an advantage over controller players but it is nowhere near as good as an actual mouse and keyboard.
I’m not gonna go play in a PC lobby if that’s what you’re suggesting. Xbox is an inferior machine with inferior connection and response.
It still doesn’t solve Xim users, who have a massive advantage. And just permitting MNK doesn’t prevent the imbalance of it vs Controller. Which is kind of the point here.
So would I buy MNK? Absolutely.
Will everyone? Nope. So what happens when I have a team of controller players and myself vs MNK users?
Yeah consoles got this weird thing going on at the high end where so many people use xim’s that it’s created a sortof safe haven for them to openly admit to. There’s no shame involved. It’s lame.
Personally I’d like to see them add official kbm support for console and then have 2 QP ques, controllers would be console only, kbm would be PC only.
Thats the OP issue, the controller lobby would be full if Xim users. Better to just open it up, and if you use a controller, deal with the consequences of that choice, imo.
The controller users would be ranked at their respective skill (with other controller users) regardless. The OP is just upset that he cant climb using a controller.
So perfect world, Blizz would allow kbm on console(ms and Sony already support it), they’d leverage the API to detect and ban XIM users, and then everyones happy. XIM users are gone and those who prefer kbm can use kbm.
Orrr, they could just let the controller users stay in bronze and silver with the bad MKB users. Dont you think there would be a few really good controller users that could still make it to diamond? I guarantee there would still be a lot of MKB in bronze and silver.
Also if you think every player in diamond uses xim because you know what to look for. You don’t know what to look for. You’d be lucky if 10% of diamond+ use it as the install base is likely less than 1% of consoles.
What your likely seeing is a level of mechanical skill on controller your not used to. Xim can boost newer players to an fps but it can’t exceed a good controller player because of it’s limitations.
I play on PC and am pretty bad at the game. You are just mad you can’t climb with your preferred choice if input. I reckon you wouldn’t do much better with a Xim. I know I wouldn’t.
There’s this new thing called a “paragraph”, you might want to look into it.
Seriously though, they should just enable M/K input on consoles now and rip the band aid off. This has been an issue since the game launched, and now that there’s crossplay there’s absolutely no excuse to not have support for this on consoles. Just allow people to use M/K natively and put them in the matchmaking “PC Pool”.