Congratz on making Tracer a nightmare again

I mean, if you ask me; this buff wasn’t the one she needed. Either buff her in other aspects or nerf powercreep, not add more to it. I just love how most I’ve seen say “I don’t mind tracer, i prefer her over doomfist because she actually has counters” but the second the buff goes live, they start to complain.

it has been one day…

also agreed.


Same thing happened with the last McCree buff… within hours people were complaining, a week later nothing.

Just shoot her 4Head
Just don’t die 4Head

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Yes, the answer to all balance questions - “just shoot them in the head”… :roll_eyes:

Why is everyone overreacting

Just play at range

go Brig & McRightclick. Stun, kill, rinse, repeat

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The moment you turn around you’re one melee away from being dead.

It was lowered 20% before hitting live

Yes, I mentioned that earlier it was nerfed before going Live. I was thinking they might do the same with Tracer, but no. If it proves to be a problem they will nerf the Tracer buff pretty quickly I think. I don’t want the character non-existent, nor do I want every game to hear “Cheers Love” over and over… while she shreds everything exploiting cheap movement abilities with self-healing.

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If only Tracer was as good as all these people overreacting are saying she is, lol.


I do.
Sounds great honestly!


No but he got a pretty nasty fire rate buff. Less time in between shots means more chances to hit her from further away without being super accurate.

It’s like you people believe you can only kill Tracer if you have a 100% chance killing her with a stun. There’s no other character people talk about in this way. You guys really need to git gud.

Not to be biased here, but I think most people complaining are just upset because they’re seeing Tracer again.

“She’s too OP’d now! Revert the buff!” = “I’m actually seeing her in games now! Plz Nerf so people don’t use her again!”

Just my personal observation, though. I’ve not played enough to know how much this really impacts things, and clearly I’m not a high ranked player so my experience may be moot anyway. But from what I’ve seen so far … eh, not an issue.

I did destroy two Tracers as Reaper earlier, though.

You’re acting like a fanatic lol.

I haven’t played her in easily six months.

I picked tracer up in a game and went in a 20+ kill streak on fire a good majority of the game.

Omg someone got a killstreak after a long break, nerf Tracer NOW

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inb4 her stats remain garbage until GM

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:rofl: And even then they probably won’t be much better.

I climbed to Plat by abusing Mercy’s mass-rez SR gain. I was one game away from Plat on Brig (only played like 14 games that season). But I’d bet good money I’ll stay in Silver with Tracer, despite all the claims of how broken she is now.

With how much people are complaining, you’d think Thanos had come to OW, honestly.

Everyone’s got chunk damage now cause Blizzard wants you behind a shield or else.

I know right that new tracer with the glowing green skin , very scary !