Confirmed: Sigma nerf/Sombra buff on PTR

Its a balance decision to get rid of double barrier.

finally communication for a change :smile:

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Both barriers deploy differently. Sigma’s barrier is similar to how Rein and Brig’s barrier is, outside of the obvious part of him moving it about wherever, but his also recharges the same, meaning his barrier is one barrier connected to him. Orisa’s barrier is not connected to her. Her barrier is it’s own individual unit.


I don’t like the change because this isn’t a fair comparison to Rein. If that happens to Sigma then it should happen to Orisa in theory. The reason I feel it works ok on Rein is because he can use his shield quickly to block the hack line of sight. This isn’t easy but at least it’s possible. I don’t see Sigma retracting and replacing his shield fast enough to counter a hack. He just has to hope to damage her. With his weapon being projectile… There is just no time

what about orisa shield?

Hmmm, not where I would’ve put the nerf on sigma, and honestly, going against a sombra as any tank is already really bad, you shouldn’t be reinforcing that, sombra needs to be less balanced around her gimmick ability, buffed meaningfully in the areas she is weak in, and sigma needs less AoE damage and his ultimate needs to not stop overtime contesting. This addresses neither of their issues (In my own personal opinion) leaving sombra niche and weak still, while making playing against her in the tank role EVEN MORE FRUSTRATING. Stahp it. Pls.

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i wont have issue with this IF it also applies to orisa, but otherwise i think the nerf is not justified.

I found it weird that this wasn’t how the interaction worked.

Playing dps into a very hackable team. Was in position to get a hack on Sigma so I did and of course the barrier remained.

Sigma’s deployable is unique but it isn’t a deployable like Turrets. It’s just a barrier, with a resource meter, that he can project forward. He can interact with it at any time making it an extension of his character.

I wouldn’t say this will fix anything but will def make an impact for Sombra a bit (seeing as how he’s around a lot)

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This is an odd choice. I think the intention here is to not only lower sigma but buff sombra, but I feel it does both in a poor manner.

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I disagree. It isn’t connected to him. He can move it but it isn’t actually connected directly like Rein or Brig

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Brig, Rein, and Sigma can all put up a shield and put down the shield at will. Bring it down after [x] time recharges that one barrier that they have.

Orisa has one barrier that goes down and that’s that. The only way to set another barrier is to wait out a CD.


I just gave it more thought. Is Sigma controlling the Barrier with his Gauntlets? If so… then it makes sense it disappears if he is hacked.


He has an arm mounted barrier “charging station” If you will.

Even when it’s away from him, it is still tied to a source that is on his person, perhaps even being powered by this source. which is presumably how he can control it’s deployment.

When an Orisa deploys a barrier you see the small device producing it, a stand alone device on the ground.

Basically this.

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It is not physically attached to him but it is still his. He controls it with his power, suit or whatever. There is no deployable in the game that works like this.

The fact that he controls the deployable after he tosses it out means it’s connect to him.

Think of it like a Drone. If you stop controlling it that bad boy going to crash.


I mean, I understand from a realism perspective, but I don’t really agree with those arguments.

Otherwise there’s a lot of things hacks does and does not work on that it should or shouldn’t. Tac visor, soldier’s legs, infrasight, etc.

press of a button is the measure, all of those require a button press, same as sigma’s barrier

Well Realism in OW is a lot to ask for.

Game wise Sombra’s hack does not effect transformations. IF your hero “Transforms” he stays in that form.

However, most transformation ult (if not all) allow the use of abilities so those are removed reducing the power of the Ult in a lot of cases.

Used to suck for Bastion since he couldn’t heal between shots but that was nerfed so there is no longer a downside to getting hacked in tank form. Yay?

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I’d like to hear the rest of the etc. Perhaps things that aren’t ults? I also won’t argue the Soldier’s legs thing. His ability to sprint shouldn’t be affected.

People have suggested (and a few skins even have him with robot legs) that soldiers got bionic legs or something.

If we want to go down that path lets talk about how McCree forgets how to roll and throw a fire cracker in people’s faces.

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Well yeah, that’s sort of my point. Why would the device being attached to Sigma matter so much if we’re not worried about realism?

I don’t think we should be worried about it. The point of it being attached to him doesn’t make sense though unless you care about realism was my point. Unless I’m misunderstanding your post?

Junk can’t toss traps, mcree can’t flash bang, etc. I don’t really feel like listing every single one of them at the moment to be frank, but there are a number of abilities that shouldn’t be affected by hack if you care about realism but are anyway.