Confession: I stopped playing because of Reaper

Quick backstory in this block
In nearly every game I play, I pick the tough guy with the big gun(s). It’s just what I enjoy doing.
I don’t have the most crazily accurate aim (I think I’m pretty good though). And especially in a super high paced crazy game like OW I didn’t want to use rifles.
Ever since day one, June 6th, 2016, I enjoyed playing Reaper. He had the best reload, a cool looking teleport, and could selfheal. And his ult was just so amazing back then.

But yeah I’ve always been stubborn. I’ve hard-mained Reaper since Season 3. I’ve onetricked since season 9. (Btw this is on my main, I use my alt for forums)

Yeah I can play other heroes too, but none to me are as fun as Reaper.

I always get back into the game during events, or when Reaper gets a buff. But other than that the game is just boring.

Reaper has gotten massively screwed balance-wise.
He’s designed to be a tank shredder that can secondary in back-lining.

  • Reaper only has 1 combat ability
  • Reaper deals literal half dmg to armor
  • Reaper is not respected in his short-range, as he should be
  • Reaper has arguably the worst DPS ult in the game

It is so incredibly easy to make Reaper useless. Any CC will just delete him instantly. And his 50 extra health don’t make up for his stupidly large hitbox.

But worse of all? SHADOWSTEP
It is BY FAR the worst ability in the entire game.
Created in beta (I believe) it has not changed in years. It has fallen so far behind, it’s a joke

The dev’s have gone far out of their way to be sure Reaper’s buffs don’t push him into meta. I understand Reaper could easily become OP. But it’s obvious they spend way more time making sure Reaper gets tiny buffs. But then they go and buff other heroes like Hanzo or Junkrat directly to A-tier.

Reaper is in his worst state right now. He’s a borderline troll pick, and the highest F-tier hero.

I honestly don’t want a buff anymore. I won’t suggest one, too many suggestions have been made.

I want to know what the dev’s think of Reaper, one of the original 4 heroes. And why they haven’t given him more of a helping hand.

We haven’t gotten a dev comment on Reaper in so long, it honestly feels like we’re getting ignored and that they just don’t care.

For a game that used to get praised for it’s amount of communication with its players, it makes me sad to see how far downhill everything about OW has gone.

So yeah, that’s my rant/confession. and as always



i seriously hope they consider buffing reaper after they are done with the torb rework. I think Reaper is even more in need of a buff/rework than Bastion honestly.



The only time I use it is to get out of spawn – IF I feel it’s safe to. Otherwise I’d be domed and dead.

The wraith buff was really nice, however. I tend to play him if there’s 0 stun heroes on the other team. The second they have one, I try to play safe or just switch, which is the likely case, which leaves it a feelsbad because I really love that hero.

I have a weak spot for Reaper, but I honestly have no clue how they can actually fix him. I mean, his damage is alright, and his wraith is too. Shadow Step and his ult? That’s a yikes if he gets slapped out of nowhere, even if you thought you were safe.

Shields? Another feelsbad if he ults.


I dont think ive ever been scared of running into a reaper even as winston. Somethings wrong if thats the case

Excuse me if I’m lazy.

Shadow Step definitely needs a buff. I think it should have some invulnerability frames and be much quieter. I don’t get why they have him screaming “Repositioning!” when he’s teleporting. It’s supposed to be a stealth move. Let it be stealthy.

To your other points -

Reaper only has 1 combat ability

I assume you mean his left click. Well, so does Tracer and I’m sure other heroes I can’t think of at the moment.

Reaper deals literal half dmg to armor

I’ll admit I don’t know what his damage to armor value is vs other heroes, but as far as I know armor straight up provides damage reduction. That said, his values shouldn’t be any less than other heroes and if it is, they should fix it.

Reaper is not respected in his short-range, as he should be

I dunno. I guess this is more of an anecdotal thing, because I’ve always found Reapers at close range to be pretty dangerous, both playing against and as him. If my support is being dived by a Winston, I’ll switch to Reaper and stick with them. It only takes a few tries of them diving and getting gunned down to either switch or back off.

Reaper has arguably the worst DPS ult in the game

Honestly, I think Tracer’s is worse. She has a good chance to whiff it completely and can be killed by it if she can’t get out of range.

So true. No matter who i’m playing, i’m never afraid of Reaper because i know very well how much he’s garbage (he was my first gold weapon back in season 1 and i noticed quickly after that he was not viable at all).

Can you imagine that the guy wielding TWO shotguns doesn’t scare anyone at close range and is laughed at by the whole roster?

Why the devs and so much people overall refuse to acknowledge that Reaper is useless and in need of a major buff?

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I was talking about Wraith

Its half damage if the pellet is below 10 but 5damage off if its over 10. Means when he shoots armor he is literally doing 1/2 damage. Armor affects smgs and shotguns heavily but all tanks have armor and hes meant to be a tank buster. Means hes countered by the ones hes meant to counter

At the least, I feel Reaper could use a minor increase to his range in Death Blossom. The buffs Death Blossom received in the past (reload after ulting and damage against shields when multiple enemies are behind it) don’t really come into play that often.

blizzard couldnt balance this game if their lives depended on it.


Reapers overall range and damage reduced by 35%

Hanzos Damage and projectile hitbox increased by 100%


One time i killed reaper as doomfist. With 0 abilities and 0 self shields. I left clicked him to death in a close room. Granted i hit all my shots perfectly but damn i dont think that should ever happen

I’m confused then, because I’m not really sure what you mean by combat ability. I’ve always considered ‘combat’ as anything that deals damage and Wraith as a disengage.

It’s not. Armor reduces less damage for small but frequent attacks. Any damage number that is lower than 10 gets the damage halved, while any damage number above 10 takes 5 off. In other words, a Widow headshot would deal 295 damage on an armored target. However, Reaper has 7x20 pellets, meaning he gets his damage halved.

The point isn’t comparing who’s worse, it’s whether Death Blossom is bad, and honestly, it’s pretty bad. It uses the same amount of ult charge to deal approximately 15% of Barrage’s damage. That’s pretty sad

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I mean like, things you can use in a fight.

Majority of heroes have 2, Lshift and E

Reaper’s teleport is just suicide to use anywhere near enemies

And Sombra needs help the most.

Give Reaper wallclimb.

Still, at least make him invulnerable for a second longer when using Shadow Step. At least.

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True story.

Although shame on your for onetricking.

I can relate, I’m flex player, but without my one true main, this game ain’t worth playing.

Wouldn’t be an issue if I onetricked a good hero would it?

That’s what’s wrong with this game