Confession: I stopped playing because of Reaper

It would still be an issue, just less so.

Reaper needs a new ability. Something like a smoke grenade that distorts opponents’ fields of vision.

I don’t know man, him and McCree are racing for it, but I think McCree wins.

But seriously, I agree with you. Reaper needs help

This makes me think of his ult clouding up everything – like in the short. Big thinks right now. :thinking:

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I see. That makes sense. I guess they wanted to beef up the tanks against sustain damage, which I suppose makes sense right in the heat of a team fight, but I’m not sure why burst damage isn’t punished any where near as much.

Perhaps it is because I am but a Gold scrub, but I’ve never really felt like his ult was weak. No where near the best, don’t get me wrong. He has to put himself right in the middle of the enemy to get any use out of it, but I never really felt like it was bad. I have a montage worth of successful Death Blossom clips on my computer. Pair DB with EMP and it is a thing of beauty. I can certainly see Reaper struggling at higher ELOs because of his limitations, but he’s such a relatively easy hero to use that it makes sense for his impact to diminish the higher you go. That said, Taimou still got a triple vs Uprising in the highest level of play with it.

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I recommend you to watch Spirit’s stream on twitch. He has 2 accounts in the TOP 20, in one of those accounts he one-tricks Reaper. I know guys in the TOP 500 are out of this world, but you could see how he plays and maybe you can see things you wanna try and stuff like that in order to improve your game.

Don’t give up just because you were owned in one match.

UPDATE: This video might be of help: https:// www

I do watch Spirit almost religiously, he’s not very good at explaining what he does.

Don’t assume things, I slowly started quitting over 4 months

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Sorry for assuming things, in the video he explains how to deal with each hero.

I’ve always wondered why he was so weak against armor.

I mean, the guy brought two shotguns into the omnic war… and was a founding member of overwatch…

…Come on now, you guys have to agree… right… right?


You’d think Gabriel Reyes was a pro at melting armor. You’d think. This is a guy who shot another guy point blank in the face, but can’t seem to handle a little bit of shielding with two shotguns.


The biggest baddest guy in lore is very bad in the game

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It would with me if we need a tank idc how big Hanzo arrow is you are rein

All I think they need to do for Reaper is an increase in damage and an decrease in shots (Less pellets, higher damage per pellet so his DPS stays the same but is effective against armor). Either that, or nerf armor a bit. From what I’ve heard, armor (and how accessible it is now) makes most of the DPS cast somewhat unreliable.