Concord: 8/23/24 - 9/6/24

Fortnite is fun as hell and I’ll stand on it

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No man’s sky. But there was hype for that game unlike concord.

Public perception is important but only does so much. The reality is if concord was objectively good it would have been able to overcome perception. It would hook more players to check it out, sold enough to keep going.

The devs and journalists on twitter didn’t help it either, in fact hurt it. Blaming players and bigotry for their ugly game.

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It’s another live service game when we’re all sick and tired of live service games, so that’s a massive hurdle to overcome. Then it was $40, that’s in theory a good thing because it means no f2p garbage, but it does mean the initial hurdle to build momentum is bigger because people who are interested are going to wait a month or two to make sure the game isn’t dead before playing. And also people probably assumed it had all the f2p garbage anyway, I assume did before I looked it up for this post, not makign “NO BATTLEPASS” a central pillar of the game’s marketing was a massive blunder.

Then you’re a hero shooter, people play for the heroes. The second I saw that you can be a big knight dude with this awesome set of armor swinging a hammer around and holding up a giant shield in a shooter, I was sold on Overwatch. Concord has 0 characters who make you feel that way. I looked through the roster, there were only 3 or 4 designs I would even call passable, I think a realistic style for a hero shooter is a huge mistake. Then from a gameplay perspective the only interesting thing I saw was a vaccuum gun that sucks people in, but yeah that’s not enough to sell me on your game. Meanwhile a game like Marvel Rivals you could just describe Penny Parker’s kit to me and I’m sold

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Tbh FPS market is so saturated right now that Concord didnt have any chance, I saw the trailer and thought it was meh, nothing really interesting.

I saw the Marvel Rivals trailer then gameplay trailer and find it interesting at least, probably gonna try it later.

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Nah, it was made based on their audience.

Theres a dope doc about it on netflix.

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Intelligence can appear crazy to average minds.



overwatch is already dead oO

$40. It’s wild they even thought it wouldn’t be DOA.

OW did everything right when it comes to marketing though. The world wanted to see and play it, and yet they abandoned the model. What does that tell you?

OW told us who tracer, winston, reaper, widow were right on the announcement. It gave them character. Here it feels like “look at my OC” designs with extremely dated mechanics in a saturated market of actually better games.

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Here’s a few those hilarious threads praising it.

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Ya, let them waist money. It at the very least gave 100+ people jobs for 8 years in this case. and that talent most likely will transition to other positions in sony.

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Crazy? It’s reality. What he said, not your uncle.

When people wine about ‘woke’ media the crux of the issue is with poor writing and destruction/disregard of existing lore. This is the prime reason for hate for this type of content. It’s not bigotry, it’s not that people hate diversity. It’s bad product, nothing more. People welcome diversity if it is written well and not jarringly forced. People could stop using the term woke and explain it in full “ugh another poorly written slop with average uninspired gameplay and annoying political things shoved in my face”. “Ugh another woke game”. Basically the same thing.

What has 100% factually been happening the past few years…

  • Investors require a certain esg score in a company before they invest their up to hundreds of millions.
  • Hiring for diversity and not talent alone is now the status quo. There is guys with 10+ years of experience losing out to lgbtq/minorities fresh out of college in the hiring process.
  • Not enough esg rating still? Time to start firing experienced talent and replacing with inexperienced newbies.
  • Consulting companies like SBI are hired to increase the ESG score of a company and its products. Increasing esg score is the only goal, not doing so while providing quality product. Eg. A head of SBI was the lead writer for Suicide Squad, and that games story crapped all over the comic characters beloved by fans. They don’t care about the existing lore.
  • One of the figurehead ladies for this forced ESG stuff is on record/camera telling devs they have to bully, with compete lack of empathy in order to get and force their way. Saying to treat gamers aka people like babies.

Even Chinese and Indian men are not included in the esg scoring system. Look around online on various forums and such and you will find plenty of people who have experienced this personally.

So AAA game studios are releasing dud after dud at a rate never seen before. Because they’re replacing experienced devs with newbies for more esg rating. The consulting agencies used to increase that score write and change the scripts/stories for the media they consult for, with no regard to lore or the fans.

This is not conspiracy. This is happening. You can disagree with the hate for it, you can think dei is good in the long run. But it is happening, and it is causing increased amounts of bad product. People don’t like bad product. For most, it has nothing to do with hating diversity like many people like to claim. It’s simply hating bad product. The hate is stronger if the product is a part of an existing beloved franchise.

Here is an example of the issue…


Who on earth called it an “Overwatch killer”? Yall are weirdly obcessed with what “kills” what?

I think its a bad thing that OW has functionally no competition.

The fact that is was paid was a good thing. The ftp model is highly unsustainable. The problem was the game sucked.

Deadlock really isn’t competition though. Its more smite competition than OW.

See, this is shocking to hear. I even like MOBAS, but Deadlock is one of the most deeply unfun games I have ever played. At the very least, it sure hasnt clicked yet.

Woah it survived for 17 months, that’s crazy

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how can a company be that tone deaf.

i mean, i get that corpo schmoes aren’t necessarily the most hip, but that game was UGLY and the five minutes I played were terrible. worst gunplay ever.

and on top of all that they’re like ‘that’ll be $40 pls.’

just wow.

Fun fact ivy league schools would be filled with 90% women if not for affirmative action and its even uglier cousin daddies money.

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The trailer obviously looked good and crisp, on beta the performance issues hit as well as mode issues.

Also i said it looked a lot more polished than then deadlock trailer and its true, you
can go and check.,

i wasnt heaping any praise on it.

i was excited for new hero shooters more competition is better.

:joy: yup and haven’t played in awhile. :joy: it was fun at first.

Don’t disagree here. The institutions are very classist and elitist. Minorities are held back because of the lack of equal opportunity. And so are poor white people, it’s a class issue.

Changes need to be made in the institutions to provide and encourage opportunity to both lower class and diverse people. That is different to forcing it in the workplace where talent and experience is important. Forcing it in the workplace is trying to tackle the issue from the top, instead of changing the foundation. Might it work in the long term? Maybe? That’s a gamble and it leads to more division.

The education institutions and ease of access to them definitely needs changing. That’s a government issue where legislations need implementing and government funding is required if new institutions are needed.

Better to multiply the number of educated diverse people than to restrict hiring practices to the small pool of currently educated diverse people.

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