Concord: 8/23/24 - 9/6/24

Agreed. Especially since Steam isn’t even the only or most popular platform for many games.


The difference: Concord was woke


I have looked for this in the past and there was no conclusive metric to decide, but lets go ahead and list them.

  1. Steam
  2. Epic
  3. Origin
  4. Uplay
  5. GOG
  6. Battlenet

Of these, which would assume is the most popular?

Another tid bit of information, games which have their own communal launcher for their properties will also host on Steam, but that never happens the other way around.

When was the last time you saw a Valve game hosted on Bnet for example?

No one with eyes called concord an overwatch killer


I was mostly thinking of console. Our game especially has a huge console player base. There are more players on just PSN than any of these platforms.



New Term: Extremist liberal activists that “have lived long enough to see themselves become the villain” by being so anti bigot they hate the perceived bigot so much they end up becoming bigots themselves and reflect their bigotry through media and then call everyone else bigots when they’re accused of being the bigots they are.


If you are specifically speaking about Overwatch, or other console games, then I can see it.

In 2024, if you own a PC and play video games, I would posit you have a Steam account. That being said, I don’t think there is any other centralized entity that has more users then Steam the world over in the video game sphere.


Except anything even remotely left leaning gets put into that same basket, which makes those people who call everything woke look… well stupid.


“A robot uses ‘they/them’ pronouns? Shameful”

both sides are pretty cringe (cringe is a cringe word smh)

Is this really the argument though?

If people are unwilling to spend money on a property that uses preferred pronouns, is there an entity that should force people to do so?


Should games with these ideals be subsidized so they cannot fail?

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I don’t think games should be subsidized but I don’t follow game development much at all. Doesn’t France (probably plenty of countries) subsidize game development? I can understand being bothered by watching your tax dollar spent on things you don’t agree with.

I think the free market is great and think people should vote with their wallet as much as possible. It’s not the anti-woke crowd’s fault Concord failed miserably. I want to say they’re obsessed with watching it fail, but I don’t really follow much of this discourse either.


I do believe so, yes. Though I have no way to answer that definitively.

I agree wholeheartedly.

It didn’t help them, that I can tell you for a fact.

This goes to show presentation and marketing are important especially when there is a barrier of entry.

Gameplay is king but people don’t know until they play it themselves, and with so many games out there that all could use a chance, why give it to one that doesn’t actually care what you like over one that does?

Not saying having better character designs would have saved it, but their character design is a net negative through and through. If the game had characters with mass appeal, it would have died with a bit more dignity.

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I asked ChatGPT (thorough and scientific, I know) about national subsidization and it said

stuff Yes, many countries in 2024 actively subsidize game development to foster the growth of their gaming industries, support innovation, and compete globally. These subsidies can take various forms, including tax incentives, grants, loans, and other financial support. Here are some examples:

1. Canada

  • Tax Credits: Canada is a leading example, particularly in provinces like Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia. These regions offer significant tax credits for game development. For instance, Quebec provides a refundable tax credit that can cover up to 37.5% of labor costs for game developers.
  • Grants and Funds: Canada also offers grants and funding programs, such as the Canada Media Fund, which supports the development of innovative digital media content, including video games.

2. United Kingdom

  • Video Games Tax Relief (VGTR): The UK offers a tax relief program where eligible game developers can claim back up to 25% of their production costs. This program is designed to support the production of culturally British games and has been a significant factor in the growth of the UK’s gaming industry.

3. France

  • CNC Funding and Tax Relief: The French government, through the National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image (CNC), offers tax relief and grants for game development. The “Jeux Vidéo” tax credit allows developers to recoup 30% of eligible production expenses.
  • Support for Innovation: France also has various programs to support innovation and creativity in the gaming sector, making it a hub for indie game development.

4. South Korea

  • Government Grants and Support: South Korea, a major player in the global gaming market, provides various forms of support to game developers, including grants and funding from organizations like the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA). These programs are designed to help both established and indie developers.

5. Australia

  • Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO): Introduced in 2022, Australia’s DGTO offers a 30% tax offset for eligible video game development expenses. This program is part of Australia’s broader strategy to become a global leader in digital and interactive entertainment.

6. Finland

  • Government Funding and Support: Finland’s gaming industry has benefited from government support through organizations like Business Finland, which provides funding, advice, and networking opportunities. The success of companies like Supercell and Rovio has been bolstered by this supportive ecosystem.

7. China

  • Subsidies and Grants: China offers various subsidies and grants to domestic game developers, particularly those focusing on mobile games, eSports, and games with educational content. The Chinese government has also established game development parks and clusters to encourage innovation.

These subsidies are often part of broader economic and cultural strategies to promote technological innovation, create jobs, and export digital content. The gaming industry is increasingly seen as a significant contributor to the creative economy, and these countries are leveraging subsidies to enhance their competitiveness in the global market.

I think governments investing in national products is a good thing, generally I guess.

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Straight to the trashcan without passing through f2p is hilariously sad. I was actually waiting for it to go f2p to give the gameplay a try.

governments should never use tax revenue to subsidize business

i heard about that… so in a way the money lost was taxpayers. crazy lol

we still paid for the game?

Were taxpayer dollars spent on this game?

americans could have.

canadians pay for sbi

take what you will

Governments do it all the time. How else are you supposed to have your own business, instead of having your domestic market controlled entirely by foreign companies?

Especially when said foreign company listens to their own government and can stop business in your country at any moment, because they were “asked” to stop.