Concord: 8/23/24 - 9/6/24

if firewalk studios received funding from the govt then yes. i do not know if they did however, i was more speaking about subsidies in general

It gets a bit sketchy, wasnt there some sketchy stuff with the original publisher for kingdoms of amalur and the state of rhode island?

by making it easy for business to conduct business?

googling this portion of the comment got me

You want your own business, what you describe just makes it easier for foreign companies to come.

Starting business is not an easy task, when your country simply doesn’t have their own specialists in that area.

So the state government of rhode island loaned money to 38 studios to incentivize them to make the game there, which 38 studios was unable to pay back screwing over the people of rhode island.

So 1 point for the argument government bodies should not get directly involved with private entities.

it really is, its just paperwork.

now, whether or not your business succeeds…well thats different

you contract a specialist from outside the region/country so that you can use their expertise to benefit you

It’s not. You also need workers in that area.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are government of some African country and want to start producing something like aircraft. Your country doesn’t have workers with sufficient knowledge and skills to take on that task, so anyone trying to compete with foreign companies, who already have everything figured out, stands no chance.

No, you contract teachers instead. Because you need your own specialists as well, and you will only need more of them, as your production evolves.

Either way, all of that requires money and government support - otherwise your attempt is doomed to fail, as foreign company already can sell you aircraft for cheap. They already have factories, specialists, etc. and you don’t have any of that yet.

none of that requires government help

your example of airplanes is foolhardy - the barrier of entry is too high, and you are not a first mover in that area so you benefit from nothing


see point one.

subsidies are theft from citizens.

Curiously one of the top games on steam right now is an early access hero shooter with absolutely no marketing and with no purchase options.

Just having the presumption of quality that valve have, combined with an appealing genre, and just making it really, really good is enough for Deadlock to kick off.

Point is, you would have your own aircraft, that doesn’t rely on foreign company, that can at any moment just wave you “good bye” if they don’t like something, leaving you without any planes.

All of it does. Foreign specialists, that you will initially need to train your own, aren’t cheap, neither are tools/machines you would need, as your country doesn’t produce them.

Task that big is basically impossible for private owner, unless one already is billionaire.

Trash in the trash, nothing was lost.

thats not the foreign company waving goodbye - those are foreign governments using economic warfare (sanctions) to turn the population against the ruling. those foreign companies may have to abide by those sanctions so as to not get fined…but thats completely different

i never said operating a business was cheap. i said it was easy to start one, since its literal paperwork

foreign specialists cost money, why though are you training them? that makes zero sense.

you can rent/lease/finance equipment

but taking tax dollars from the citizenry to subsidize a product is wrong and is theft.

It’s not, since tax dollars are used for many things, that help government to not rely on foreign companies. Such as public healthcare, or public transit - both tend to be non-profitable, but are important social services.

Result ends up same - you no longer have access to product of that company, so unless you have your own company, that can offer alternative, you got a problem.

How do you think Chinese got so big on EV market? Their government offered monetary benefits and generally better conditions for local companies, that would work in that area.

I’m about as uneducated as one can be on the topic, but I see subsidies as a pretty good use of tax dollars. Agriculture, air travel, energy. Florida has seemed on the brink of collapse since forever, and if the homeowners insurance industry fails, the state will completely fall apart. Inb4 “floridians stupid for living there”. So the insurance industry is subsidized so the real estate market doesn’t collapse.

Florida seems like a big bank. Now just too big to fail.

But what if it subsidizes asparagus, gasoline or FedEx 2nd day air?

Generally subsidies are used, if you do not have local production of something, but want to create it, as creating any industry “from scratch” is huge amount of work on multiple levels - from education to create workers for new industry, to manufacturers making tools for it, to finding market to sell product on.

Like anything that exists in human creation, its always good until it isn’t.

Leave it to humanity to make sure to mess up good things.

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No one said that money is guarantee of success. Subsidies make things a bit easier, but amount of work required remains huge.

Just because one person thinks it’s good doesn’t make it good lol

‘Good’ is a subjective quality for a game and it’s a very nuanced thing to talk about. At the end of the day though things that are good get popular, things that are not don’t. Good games are determined by mass opinion, so if nobody is saying it’s good then it’s not good.

healthcare is not subsidized in my country - i can walk into a hospital with a broken body and walk out and not pay anything. healthcare is paid for by the citizens for the citizens through tax, it is not subsidized

you are basically just listing things government should spend money on…which i agree with if they are taking my income away from me.

subsidizing a company? no thanks. get a better business model