Competitive should have Tiers

The problem I have with the system is that 2000-3000 holds the overwhelming majority of players, holding something like 50-60% of players
3000-5000 holds at most 20% of players
While 1-2000 holds probably around 30% of players
I personally think they need to flush players down, average players feel ‘stuck’ because they get either Gold or Plat when they start and as they improve they only end up in Plat, because getting through Plat means pushing back the majority of players and when you’re only an average player, that’s not going to happen, people don’t feel like they’ve climbed at all as they have improved, if they started in Silver, then getting to Plat would feel like more of an achievement
1-1500 SR only holds 8-10% of players, it should hold at least 20% of players, meanwhile Gold holds around 30% of players, it should not hold that many, start flushing them down and actually fill the Bronze rank, such a large SR range should not hold so few players when it’s the bottom (it’s fine for 3500+ because the skill difference does grow exponentially, there’s more of a difference between a low Master and GM than there is between a Bronze and high Silver player)

Source taken from this thread

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