And then in the same sense it would feel worse to drop. Lose like 4 games in a row and you fall a rank. Would work both ways. I think 500 sr per rank works just fine. But it wouldn’t matter to me if it was changed at all.
Oh like Rocket League
Yeah, maybe
Bold of you to assume games are currently that balanced… No matter what rank I am I get games with people both well above and below my SR range.
Ex: high plat? Enjoy the golds, diamonds and occasionally masters. I wouldn’t even mind longer waits to avoid that.
nah, i dislike the numbering system from apex.
OW’s ranked is better.
Queue times would tank a lot. I’d rather not, we still get games like “gold among diamonds”.
We need wood tier, I see much wood tier play.
They consider active users like people who logged in once during the month. Lul.
And there you go. As if DPS queues weren’t long enough already.
If they did they wouldn’t be forcing crossplay on PC. What they have is a ton of smurfs.
You don’t need a tier system, they just reduce the acceptable sr range.
I don’t think it would change anything at all, other than people’s mindset regarding their rank
I got a better idea. Competitive overwatch should ACTUALLY SEPARATE RANKED BRACKETS. Wow amazing idea.
The problem I have with the system is that 2000-3000 holds the overwhelming majority of players, holding something like 50-60% of players
3000-5000 holds at most 20% of players
While 1-2000 holds probably around 30% of players
I personally think they need to flush players down, average players feel ‘stuck’ because they get either Gold or Plat when they start and as they improve they only end up in Plat, because getting through Plat means pushing back the majority of players and when you’re only an average player, that’s not going to happen, people don’t feel like they’ve climbed at all as they have improved, if they started in Silver, then getting to Plat would feel like more of an achievement
1-1500 SR only holds 8-10% of players, it should hold at least 20% of players, meanwhile Gold holds around 30% of players, it should not hold that many, start flushing them down and actually fill the Bronze rank, such a large SR range should not hold so few players when it’s the bottom (it’s fine for 3500+ because the skill difference does grow exponentially, there’s more of a difference between a low Master and GM than there is between a Bronze and high Silver player)
Source taken from this thread
i feel like this would increase the queue times too much,
How do you flush them down?
Hopefully nothing like Valve did with CS:GO and basically re-distribute the ranks but not tell anyone until it already had happened
What they could do is first announce it beforehand and starting with a new season people will be placed lower
So if you were 1500, at the start of the new season you’d be 800 for example, 2000 you’d drop to 1400, 2500 and you’d drop to 2000, 2750 → 2500, 3000 → 2800
I’ve not scaled it properly or suggested that’s how the numbers should be, purely just an example
I know this would upset a lot of players but I just feel like there’s too many people in the middle ranks or in Plat/Gold in particular. You play in Diamond and above you start to find that the skill between games is far more consistent, yet with Plat and below, one game you have a Widow popping heads left and right on your team, next game you have a Reinhardt with shift bound to M1
I like the idea, OP, but I don’t think tighter matching is an option, sadly. It doesn’t matter if there’s a million active players if 999,999 of them don’t play a tank. Still, it’d be cool, even if it’s only a cosmetic change.
I actually like this idea. Seemingly this doesn’t do anything for the ranked games because they could already achieve a tighter matchmaking by crunching on what MMR/SR differences are allowed between the best and the worst player in a match. However that’s the thing: Players are matched by their MMR and not SR. This way we could have SR to be an actually useful stat in terms of limiting the roof on how explosive one’s MMR can be and how impactful it can be for their games. If they were a certain rank and was only allowed to play up to certain rank, if their MMR bypasses that rank somehow, they still wouldn’t suddenly be put up against much higher tiered opponents
As a negative this would highly induce playing on alt accounts because it would limit their SR ranges and gains which would slow down their climb out of the gold ranks. It took me for example 12 games to reach about 3200SR on this account, but with this it might’ve taken many games more if I was limited to lower tiered players and couldn’t win a match against masters
Not enough players. Even with 1 million, they’re divided across servers and time zones, and most aren’t playing comp, let alone tanks in comp.
Splitting up the tiers to decompress the midranks makes sense though.
If I’m Gold, I shouldn’t have Diamonds in my game, not unless I’m close enough to that rank and its Ranked/Competitive. I’ve played games at low 2200SR, and had Diamond players too many times.
Each rank should only play with that respective tier, and then start seeing players from the next rank within about 200 points of ranking up or down. There shouldn’t be 500 plus points between players.
At this point though all the players are gone anyways, and with Activision behind the wheel fair ranking will never happen. We’re basically playing a slot machine they rigged with SBMM and MMR. Quickplay is worse, but better than Arcade though imo. Only good thing about Comp is I don’t have to see Hamster AND Hog 80 percent of games.