Competitive Open Que is still terrible

This happened long before role queue was a thing. Just like before nothing is stopping those “dps players” from flexing but they choose not to.

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The fact that this mode has not been confirmed as permanent is what is preventing me. I would chill and play some tank or support now and again if I knew the mode was permanent. But because I do not, hell no I am not going to tank or support. Are you crazy? I need to get all the games I can get in before this goes the way of the dinosaur.

5 dps was common in actual comp too lmao


Everyone has their reasons but I never cared for them. I just want people to stop being toxic to each other in the game and play instead of throwing and complaining about who should be playing what role the entire match and why everyone else should switch but not them.

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If it makes you feel better, I have literally never asked anyone to switch, ever. Say what you will about how selfish I am, you can never call me a hypocrite, however.

I never have a problem with people playing selfish that is how the rules are set up. If you are legitimately trying to win then that’s all that matters.

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Yeah, these DPS players want us to go back to the 4-5 DPS nightmare comps just because of their queue times…


Nah, you can stay in role queue.

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No, we don’t. We’re not asking RQ be cut, we’re just asking to keep the OQ.


2/2/2 was a step in the right direction. Hero bans weren’t, especially with flipping echo to damage in development and us not getting any supports until ow2.

I think support has the most one tricks precisely because not everyone likes playing all supports. Being locked out of your fav or the only counter to an enemy damage character who is carrying is mad annoying.

But yes, off topic but yes, open queue is Terrible


Are you going to fully accept that all balance changes in the game are driven by RQ and never complain that something is broken or OP in OQ?


Mixed experience here. Its 50/50, game could go very good or could go extremely bad, it depends on the people on your team. *What I noticed is people tends to talk more in this mode than the Standard Role Queue.

Honestly I doubt you’ll be able to help yourself blaming OQ for any perceived poor balance in RQ anyway.

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Well, yeah, but how will that feel when they’re not even TRYING to fix OQ because its an arcade mode, whereas RQ gets balance fixes all the time?

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They try to balance for all ranks and for OWL, so I expect they won’t let things get too bad. I mean, they even made specific changes for arcade modes before now. I don’t think it’ll be the focus, but I doubt it’ll be neglected entirely. And I am okay with that.

Well, yeah, Ana self-nano was pretty much the only balance based change i can think of?

Problem is, if they balance RQ, that’s cool, its contained, but it’ll mess with OQ all the time, but that’s ok its arcade and doesnt matter.
If they even TOUCH balance for OQ, it’ll have a potentially unpredictable effect on RQ. If you try to balance both, both get worse.

They’ve been struggling with balance for a long time now with a single game mode, if they try to do 2, its gonna get veeeery messy.

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They mixed up a lot of cooldowns in that mode that has shorter cooldowns as well, and keep tweaking algorithms in Mystery Heroes. Probably some other stuff as well, other than QPC and occasional MH with friends, I don’t really use Arcade ‘special’ modes.

If those unintended consequences happen, I’m sure they’ll get reverted, on the other hand it can shine a light on some issues, or changes will benefit both. Like I say, I’m fine with OQ not being the focus, but I doubt they’d ignore it to the point it became overly detrimental.

Ah yeah, you’re right - total mayhem is a completely different beast though, its self contained. I love MH, but yeah, they need to tweak those 2 orisa, 2 bastion, 2 mercy comps out of existence :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, i see what you’re saying, but i worry about it. Its kinda like making a second game LIKE chess and trying to change the rules so they work perfectly for both :confused:

For sure, it’s hard, but if they’re happy to do it that’s awesome for everyone. I’m sure they have an eye on QPC as well in any case.

Anyway, Jeff posted some stats and said they’re making a decision on it today here:

It seems a popular enough mode in Korea and EU, so here’s hoping they support it.

If they were to keep this mode permanently that would be great as long as it doesn’t become their main focus around balance

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