Competitive Open Que is still terrible

Open queue is a terrible toxic hodgepodge.

The only reason I’ll do 10 placements [should have been 5] is so i can get a couple hundred more comp points for golden weapon other than that no point at all for it quick play classic already exists we definitely don’t want the community to decide which role they decide to play years and years of open queue being an absolute failing disaster wasn’t enough. Throw open queue into the dumpster fire where it belongs. You are not entitled or deserve to ruin the role balance of such a great game. No i don’t trust the community to pick the proper roles, they never have and never will. Give then an inch, and they take a mile. Forget all that jive.


The community complains about hero choice when its obvious the majority of the people here cant be trusted at all to pick certain heros that would actually help win the game. Instead they just wanna run whatever the hell they want and lose the match and blame everyone else


People thinking 5 dps is a problem is directly the fault of the game’s terrible balance.

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I’m so spoiled by Role Queue as a support main…
Trying Open Queue is literally like herding cats and just hoping one of your four DPS does something, anything.


Some do.
But those are the guys that “try their hardest to win” and not the “try their hardest to win and screaming profanity at their team”.

Ok scratch that, I just met a guy who can’t even turn around and proceed to say this mode was trash and left.

Like the dude does not know how to turn around to deal with a Tracer pwning his butt and keep saying that “this mode is trash, this game is broken” and then leave.

The team kinda know he was the problem when we were able to cap points and win combat in a 5v6.

Arcade comp has another issue that is not really talked about… As bad as skill variance is in regular comp… let me tell you in arcade comp its TEN TIMES Worse. There is virtually no matchmaking due to the fact that less people play it so SRs are all over the place.

Then don’t play it?

I’ve been getting 2-2-2 nearly every game.

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I like it as an alternative to RQ. The quality of the games can be pretty trash, but at least you can play DPS without waiting forever. Also, I finished placements and was pleasantly surprised to find my ranking to be 600 SR higher than any of my RQ roles :grin:

I’ll be honest here. As a mercy main I’ve noticed no notable difference in OQ then RQ. Match quality is about the same. Even before Role Queue those 5 dps matches people complain about barely ever happened. Heck in Open queue I had better game with 3+ dps then 2-2-2. I might be an outlier though.

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Then don’t play it?
Role Queue is still available. For 8 months, role queue was the ONLY ranked mode.
Give us a break.


then dont play it heesh, its just a reminder of what we used to deal with

If 2-2-2 will stay only player’s left in this game will be tank and healers cause more dps will leave everyday due to 11min quee time or more in every rank. Overwatch will be dead if that’s what you want, although its dead because of 2-2-2. Open classic role comp is fun and enjoyable you can make any comp out of it or go freestyle 2-2-2 3-2-1 or anything your team prefers .Please make open role classic comp main again. Thankyou


Tracer is one annoying F actually.
Without Mccree available and with her new range, the moment I hear her I get triggered lol

This hasn’t been my experience at all.

I personally really enjoy the freedom and flexibility that Open Queue provides and hope that they make it permanent


KR Overwatch was naturally decomposing. Open Queue gave it 2nd chance.

If I remember correctly, the 132 experiment was also because KR Overwatch queue times were too long.

Not in my games. I got ppl yelling over the mic cause there were 3 dps lol. I’m like relax it’s just arcade comp.

In the three years of “flexing” on tanks and supports, from Season One to Role Q being put in, I’ve had exactly two games where a DPS player said: “hey guys, I’m not feeling like I’m doing much right now, does anyone want to DPS and I’ll tank or support?” This canard of a flex player more often manifested itself in something like an Ana suddenly, without any notice, switching to Widow and leaving a Lucio as a sole healer.


why dont they just hard lock classic or open queue at 6dps vs 6 dps? solves queue time and evens out the playing field so that noone has sustain or healing.

OQ and RQ will undergo a transient response as populations shift in/out of whatever they find suits them more.

For many, that will be taking their chances at winning or losing while having fun on dps with a side of flex. For others, it will be taking their chances at winning or losing while flanking on hog for a lootbox, or dps’ing as moira because she’s broken af.

The more time and visual exposure (better UI/UX), the more OQ will catch on. It’s already rivaling RQ as the most popular mode in KR, because they don’t afraid of anything.

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