Competitive Open Que is still terrible

5 dps in 1 match, no supports everyone spamming I need healing and thanks, questioning my sanity. Like congrats you get to play dps without having to wait 2 years but everyone seems to forget how toxic and cancerous open que was. Role que for better for worse was the step in the right direction towards having an equal balance of consistency (even though more tanks and supports are needed)


I think that this is the key factor. I mean 1 support and 5 DPS is one thing. It’s a bit annoying as the support, it changes the gameflow a lot, but it’s fine. It’s just that it was never even close to guaranteed that both teams would go that. It was so inconsistent whether you’d randomly get queued into the 5-1 team instead of the other team which had people going 2-2-2. It felt like it was randomly lost at the hero select screen (or more accurately, the load in screen).


That’s why I very much prefer 222 because in that area every NEEDS to work together.
I think it would be much much more preferable if both role que and open que were to co exist together


unlucky I’ve done 7 placements so far and 5 of them were 2 of each role


Well aren’t you lucky XD

you’re doing it wrong
quick play classic arcade with competitive points on top of it is a terrible idea, put it on front page instead of 2-2-2 to compare it correctly
blizzard manipulates your mentality, and you didnt even notice.

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Honestly it serves as a really really good reminder why we have 2-2-2 role queue now. It highlights how bad match quality was before we had it.


Nobody takes Arcade competitive seriously


But my match quality is much, much better in OQ. The games are fast, dynamic, more exotic, and less toxic because people can just roll the dice again or take matters into their own hands.

You are the deciding factor in OQ, join the vast majority of people who would prefer lose as dps than win as tank. Or don’t, and be the flex/fill you are already anywhere if you’re actually getting into a match via RQ.

Don’t pretend like there is no dice-roll in RQ. OQ loostens the team coupling and reliance, and gives you more chances to roll the dice. But that’s just bonus. First and foremost, I want to get matches at all. So match quality is always a gamble, with much larger variation than queue times. I’d rather gamble with quality over quantity when I have only a small window to play and want to fill it with as much action as possible.

And apparently so would a vast majority of players - as evidenced by queue times. Don’t force your minority view on the masses when LFG is staring you in the face - go and use it.


Oh please nobody is manipulating anyone competitive open que is just terrible


Stop playing it then.

Other modes exists.

I dont get why are you throwing a fit about that mode when you, yourself pressed to queue on it & except people play just like you wanted/exact mode what’s on normal ranked.

It should not be that suprizing what people are gonna play there in the 1st place, these kinda threads are just way too funny.


Srsly if ppl expect 222 in open q. Smh
222 should be the last thing you expect in open q

330 probably the best choice, but good luck :rofl:


No one is making you play it. What does it take away from you for it’s existence?

I like it, most games have been far better than RQ for me. I’m glad we have it and looking at Korea and EU stats Jeff posted earlier there’s a good chance it stays and that’s awesome.


Honestly i missed this, i find this way more enjoyable.

Not exactly.
You can now play 2/2/2 whilst being able to switch roles around so people can play another role if they aren’t performing well.

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This and go for those 1-3-2s or 3-3s when you can gain advantage from it.

DPS can’t play hitscan? No problem, we can shuffle around.

It’s great. It’s almost how this was the way the game was always meant to be played.


Well i think this issue could also be fixed in Role Queue.

Of which both parties have to agree to switch around, and the match shuffles them around.


Open Queue seems like a new idea to players that have been playing since 2-2-2…
Role Queue should never have become the main thing, but it was interesting to see how it would go.

(I hope these statistics of play% get released monthly)

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I expect it because that is what I keep getting. The mode is fine. Salty tanks and supports always embellish role related issues. How am I, a dps one trick, constantly getting 222 or at least some variation of 321, and these clowns keep getting 5 dps? Nah. Das not teh truf.

Close. They need to ease up on the hero limits a tad, imo.

Because I get stuck with bad dps players that literally cant do their job in regular role que and they STILL suck on open role q

IT IS aimed mostly for DPS that cannot wait the long DPS queue. what did you expect lol

fixed it for you.