Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

It’s the stats from xbox,ps and pc togheter l

Cool!cery cool to see were i am nice

Do you have a source or evidence that isn’t anecdotal? I’m genuinely curious.

I recently did silver->master and saw a whole lot of bad players who got less and less bad as I climbed. I didn’t find a single person who beat me in a 1vs1 duel until mid diamond, which means there aren’t nearly as many smurfs as the forums would have you believe.

A plat, who has thrown down to silver, probably wouldn’t be able to beat you in a 1v1. However, they would crush silvers. Just because you didn’t find any diamond+ skill players in silver doesn’t mean there aren’t smurfs in those ranks. They are just so much lower in skill than you that you don’t recognize them for what they are. The poor genuine silvers, who have to face them, are a different matter altogether.

Damn, who bumped this year old post. Haha.

I didn’t say there aren’t any smurfs in silver. I said they aren’t as many as the forums would lead you to believe.

I still stand by my statement. You may not have recognized a plat smurf in silver. Thus, your assessment about their numbers may be incorrect.

Also, if the smurf was in the process of throwing to stay in silver, then you wouldn’t be able to detect them either. I believe you are sincere, but that doesn’t mean you’re correct.

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It’s really hard to stay low. Most smurfs are just a couple hundred below their main. With PBSR I was getting 50-70 per win until plat. The one I lost there I got -12. You think people throw 4-5 games just to stomp 1? I can goof off and play whatever and hang out a couple hundred below my main but as soon as I start trying I’ll fly back up to where my main is. The system is super consistent.

Thing is, game isn’t matching based on SR, it’s doing it based on MMR and if you play good even if you throw games in order to stay low ranked your MMR will sky rocket the moment you actually play good and not decay based on throw games as rapidly so you almost always have smurfs of your own in games you come across them, the main issue is LFG since there’s a fewer selection of players/teams and that you eventually get matched up if you playing with a solid team against those amazing 2-4, 3-3, 2-2-2, 5-1 teams in which you often find someone really good which the system try to compensate for having a better MMR by matching him against a full stack and that is on top of all the try-hard premade groups that play a lot togheter which might not be the best mechanically but very solid with executing certain comps/tactics. In normal queue though, if you get a beast on the other team it’s like I said very likely you have one of your own so it comes down to which of these players that are having a better day than the other really.

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we have seen your request, and want to let you know we are working on making big changes in the area youve discussed

check back in 4 years for more info!!!

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Sadly, it’s really not. some of these people you can’t force them to win

Speaking of stats, can we actually get a scoreboard already? It’s vastly overdue.

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You wanna tell me how throwing 5 games for every 1 win isn’t hard or at the very least time consuming?

You can get used accounts online for $10. Much easier than throwing for an hour just for 1 win that’s over in 5 mins cuz you’re stomping.

You do realize buying used accounts is a ban able offense. I would tread lightly or you may get ip ban.

I said it’s possibke. Just making discussion. We are talking about people willing to throw games to derank. Buying a used account is probably something they’d do too.

Ok, this run on sentence made absolutely no sense. Your MMR is going to go down on games you throw. Why? Because your performance will be crap. When you perform badly, your MMR won’t increase even if you win.

That’s because you were playing like a Master.

No, they throw 4-5 games in order to ruin the fun for their teammates. Then, they stomp 4-5 to ruin the fun for the other team. PBSR works both ways. If you play poorly on a loss, then you will lose more than average. And nowhere did anyone say the smurf had to play like they’re 500-1000 SR over the other people in order to stomp them.

I was in a PSN group who did this regularly. There were 3-4 of them, and they agreed beforehand whether they were going to throw or not. Their throwing was basically picking key heroes, that a lot of people play well, and dying way more than average. Example, one would pick Mercy and then never heal or boost. They’d just charge in pistol drawn. This made them drop quickly. Then, they played more seriously (but nowhere near their best) for a session to regain what they lost. They were diamonds trolling in gold because they couldn’t climb any higher on their main accounts.

Those aren’t smurfs. Those are alts. I have an alt where I played support or dps instead of tank. I would try my best to win, but my skills with those heroes wasn’t as good. So, I was 100-200 SR under my main until my I got better with those heroes.

I’m talking about people who purposely throw to obtain and maintain a lower SR while ruining the game for everyone else. Just like your Silver to Master run. You must have had to throw your placements to get placed in silver, right? Then, you stomped your way up to Masters. In the process you ruined the game for your teammates during placements and the opposing players while your climbed.
Is that why you’re so nonchalant about the smurf problem?

You’re missing the point. Obviously your MMR will decrease if losing/throwing games however it doesn’t necessarily decay in the same rate as your SR. If you have insane stats like accuracy and so on that reflects a player of much higher skill level it would be hard to lower that by throwing games since the system is more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to why that player have had a streak of bad games rather than some bronze/silver/gold player somehow manage to play like a diamond/master by “luck” in some other games.

You could literally AFK and do zero damage and you aren’t going to lose more than 25. Even then you’re going to have to throw 2-3 for the 1 stomp win you get.

And no I wanted to learn other roles that I’m apparently really bad at and placed silver, got frustrated after a while, and changed my mind and went back to my mains for the climb to masters.

Necro Posting WeirdChamp