Alot of blizzard employees come on this chat as well to troll and tell us to “git gud” when they can’t account for variances in skill with their current broken matchmaking system
No one’s saying the system is perfect. But you’re the one claiming that the matchmaker intentionally tries to drop your winrate to 50% via impossible-to-win games, yet you also talk about the matchmaker being unable to account for variances in skill.
At least I acknowledge the variance in skills argument. Some people can mechanically execute at a high level yet have terrible gamesense, some people have great gamesense but cannot execute mechanically, some people do both and more at a very high level, and some people can’t execute and have poor gamesense. All of it happens to varying degrees and that’s what makes up the ranks, so you have to find a way to get you and your team together to deal with the other team.
Basically, your ranking is a culmination of those mechanical skills, gamesense, and soft skills (communication, teamskills, willingness to adapt and even compromise, and other general people skills). A lot of people lack the last thing, and in the long run, that won’t fly in a team-reliant game like Overwatch. If you don’t want soft skills to be a factor, your mechanical skills and gamesense need to be sharper to make up for it. Otherwise, this game isn’t for you.
Kind of like how these two players below “proved” they had “braindead teammates”, right?
OP is right. In no other “sports” you get forced 50/50. Blizzard has to remove this and all other effects effecting who you meet. IF you do any other sports like basketball this would be disaster
Kind of like how these two players below “proved” they had “braindead teammates”, right? wtf are you talking about you can just look at my profile you would tell its 100% smurf i know what iam talking about if i can’t carry game in diamond after alot of winstreak with retarded braindead teammates but ican do it in highmaster /GM with normal teammates .
i know what iam talking about but i think you will never feel this because you are one of them iam pretty sure about this you are getting carried through games by good players then you get put or people like you with good players so they balance the game with braindead teammates
don’t bother explaining to these guys , fan boys will be fanboys. Blizzard won’t do them wrong according to them they are waving evidence of a broken game in their face and developers even admit it themselves yet they don’t believe it LOL
I love how you think this is a blizzard issue when more or less the same matchmaking system is used in every game. Hell i don’t even particularly care for Blizzard or Activition for that matter. However it’s still silly to think this game is rigged.
You’re wrong . The same system is used but skill is more accountable. In CS GO you play CT or T so skill variance is very much the same and it’s measured more accurately. In this game they put 5 healer mains in 1 team and expect you to win based on that. Or how about when they put 3 DPS on 1 team and the true good player out of the 3 is forced to choose a healer or tank and then end up losing the game? Youre a fanboy with no logic so sit down.
See those things are not even accounted for in matchmaking all it does is match you with players of similar MMR. Also calling me a Blizzard fan is adorable considering Overwatch is the only Blizzard game I even play and I don’t even particularly like this game I play it because my boyfriend does.
Which is why it’s broken and yes it does account those things to force people to lose
No, it doesn’t.
I can tell you’ll never climb. If you dropped your attitude and accepted you are the only reason you can’t climb, then you’d actually climb.
This tired line is never backed up with actual examples. The ones who say “I climbed from bronze to masters just to prove it can be done” always fail to tell you that they 4-stacked with their thrower friends, and got carried by the remaining 2 players who flexed their brains out because that 4-stack always went Zarya, Hanzo, Genji, Mercy and refused to heal or shield regardless of the situation because that doesn’t give you the MMR boost you want in order to maximize SR gains. They don’t tell you they threw 40% of their matches to confuse the MMR system so they could rank faster. They don’t tell you it took them three weeks of this pattern to get most of the way back to where they think they belong… and they don’t tell you they ditched that team 300SR from their usual resting place because they needed to solo-queue and get carried the rest of the way.
They also don’t tell you that they only played between 3am and 8am on tuesdays and thursdays in the first two weeks of the season when the trolls were thin enough to rank up in the first place.
It’s a whole lot of bullpucky.
Only I went from Bronze to Masters starting as an actual Bronze player by working my but off over multiple seasons and played mostly duo or solo queue with the occasional 3 stack and was playing with different friends across different timespans as well so it’s not even like i had any consistency in terms of teammates.
Rather than spending so much effort thinking about how you can game the system just improve at the game I hate to tell you this but there is no shortcut to ranking up.
I’m sure you’ve seen me say this a few times already… but I made the trip from 1337 to 2600 37 times. Every time I got up to platinum I got thrown ALL THE WAY BACK TO BRONZE. Starting with season 7, I got 1000+ consecutive matches of throwing RoadHogs (he can’t be carried, he feeds four ults by himself… the opposing team doesn’t even need to have their monitors turned on to beat you if you have a throwing RoadHog on your team) and that finally ended in season 11 when I was back to 1337 SR again.
No matter how good or bad I am, there’s no way you can describe 37 trips from bronze to platinum as being just bad luck or me being tilted. I don’t belong in bronze. When I’m in bronze, I solo matches like everyone else who doesn’t belong there. When I’m in silver, I solo matches like everyone else who doesn’t belong there. When I’m in gold, I solo matches like everyone else who doesn’t belong there. When I’m in platinum… I get THROWN BACK DOWN ALL THE WAY TO BRONZE.
Clearly that is not how the MMR system is intended to work.
It’s very clear that there is inconsistency in your play given that information as for the reason for that inconsistency I don’t know.
I’d venture a guess of tilt or being in the wrong mindset as your getting higher as being major issues you likely have. Furthermore, as you go up the ladder it becomes more and more team focased it may be you are mechanically at a plat level but your understanding of the game and your ability to work with a team is poor. But personally, I have a difficult time imagining someone falling and climbing over such a wide spread back and forth that much as the levels of play are totally different in those ranges.
You also should also consider everyone is trying to get better and everyone is playing all the time the ranks are not stagant players grow and evolve every day so if when your getting higher your motivation is getting more lax you will be punished from it.
Blah blah blah… THIRTY SEVEN TIMES.
I averaged 4 trips like that per season before they shortened the seasons. In season six I think it was a dozen trips just for that season… I remember one week where I bounced across that entire range three times in a single week.
It’s ridiculous, and it’s impossible to describe it as being something I did.
It shouldn’t happen at all, to anyone, even if they’re trying to make it happen. It happened to me 37 times and I was not trying to make it happen.
Thing is there is a reason for your experience in your game play because in order to believe there isn’t your believing your somehow being singled out and that is certainly not the case
Are you honestly trying to tell me that my “skill level” is platinum one day, and bronze the next day? Is that seriously what you’re saying? Do YOU even believe that’s possible?
Do you honestly think that anyone else who had this kind of experience would bother sticking around as long as I did to science it out and try to understand it? Most of these people can’t be bothered to finish a single match if a hero they’ve been told is awful is picked at the beginning.
If I am being singled out, it’s literally only because I never give up. Sticking to it and trying to go through the tens of thousands of matches it takes to get where you belong according to the MMR system… is exactly what I did. And it got WORSE the more matches I added to the pile.
That’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of how it’s described as working… therefore it does NOT work.
Look… what I’m trying to explain in the simplest possible terms is… the MMR system is based on false premises, and therefore generates false results. What’s more, the vast majority of the player base are screwing with it because almost everyone that doesn’t spend their entire life trying to do exactly that… stopped playing, or was already banned by trolls due to a complete lack of oversight on the reporting functions.
The game’s dead because trolls murdered it.
Ok let me get something out of the way quickly to poke at a logical fallacy you have even if by some magic you where being singled out and your experience was exactly as you described.
Your account is 1 out of 40 million accounts so your experience isn’t enough information to make overhanging assumptions about the matchmaker.
As for if I believe that’s possible or not your right about one thing I genuinely don’t A plat should abuse anyone below like 1800. I do know one case of a friend of mine who fluctuated between 1600 or so and 2600 or so normally settling around high gold but playing with him the reasons he fluctuated where very apparent. He needed people to play a very particular way in order for him to climb and generally climbed in groups. If they didn’t play exactly how he was comfortable he fell.
Furthermore if i duo queued with him his adduide would be fairly negative if we where below 2300 or so he would always boast about being platinum (this was before the badge would go away if you dropped) and basically attack his teammates if they didn’t trust in or Belive in him enough to play the way he asked them too so he often dropped alot whenever he lacked a group.
Kirino fanboy you are wrong settle down. What Mnemomeme point out is facts and it seems YOU have the logical fallacy. He is the not first to recount his experiences of forced losses. It’s how the game is designed , which is why they also created a hide profile feature so people cant see what you are main this is to simply mask scenarios where there are 5 healer mains on 1 team. This game is a joke and so is the company